July 30, 2010
July 29, 2010
I don't care about the Oscars much less the Emmy's. Nor have I ever seen the Law And Order. But I am constantly fascinated by Ann-Marget.

Legendary singer/dancer/actress Ann-Margret wasn’t sure she heard a voice mail message correctly when the Emmy nominations were recently announced. During a recent chat with the press, she admitted, "I didn’t even know that the nominations were coming out that particular day. A friend of mine who lives in New York called, at 6:30 in the morning and I was bleary eyed."

Legendary singer/dancer/actress Ann-Margret wasn’t sure she heard a voice mail message correctly when the Emmy nominations were recently announced. During a recent chat with the press, she admitted, "I didn’t even know that the nominations were coming out that particular day. A friend of mine who lives in New York called, at 6:30 in the morning and I was bleary eyed."

Lady Bunny is the founder of Wigstock and an inspiration to many men who have donned a dress. Now she brings her knowledge to Drag U to school some new students.
Windy City Times: Hi, Bunion. I just discovered you're from Tennessee!
Lady Bunny: I am. I grew up in Chattanooga.
WCT: Wow. I grew up in Hendersonville.
LB: Well, at least we made it out!
WCT: I think when I first moved to Chicago, I saw you at a bar named Foxy's—which is now called Spin Nightclub—doing an Yma Sumac song.
Read more story below....
Click here to find out more!
LB: Yes, that was, uh, several, decades and waist sizes ago. Or shall I say girdle sizes…
WCT: So I just watched the first episode of Drag U. That looked like a blast to make. How was that?
LB: Oh, filming it was a hoot. The celebrity guests were people like Chaka Khan … and I loved all of the special guests, but Chaka Khan is special to me, so getting to work and hang out with her was magic. I have to say I'm not really the biggest reality TV fan, but I've changed. I think the one thing it was missing was me! And, Jerry, the other thing I've learned that it was slightly different from Drag Race because there's still an element of competition, but the drag queens, as you know, are making over real women. Some of them have lost touch with their inner diva because of personal tragedy.
Getting to know these women's stories, I have to say, I have a new respect for women. Because these women sacrifice everything … I mean, gay men and drag queens, we often live alone, we're not scrimping and saving and working two jobs to put our kids through school. These gals really go through a lot. It's easy to see how someone may not have the time or inclination to worry about their appearance.
WCT: And sometimes gay men have bad self-esteem, and we can relate to these women.
LB: Well, yeah, but I don't think most gay men are familiar with what an average woman's life is like. We're pretty self-centered. We're not nurturing like a mom who is constantly making sacrifices.
My friends crucify me when I say this, but I think Jayne was so much hotter than Marilyn.
I didn't see Obama on The View, but I doubt if he addressed the most important issue facing the nation: THAT THIS COUNTRY IS FULL OF IDIOTS LIKE CO-HOST SHERRI SHEPHERD WHO DOESN'T "BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION, PERIOD" AND THINKS THE WORLD MIGHT BE FLAT. Complete morons shouldn't be hosting anything.
July 28, 2010

FROM LIFEHACKER.COM: How to Rebuild Your Attention Span and Focus
Most people who click on this article won't finish reading it. So says Nick Carr. The New York Times will remind you that you'll probably forget it in a few minutes. This idea's so prevalent, even the Onion has started taking jabs.
There's some truth to it. Posts like this and search trends point to what we're after. Many people want the ability to focus more and feel like they're losing the ability to focus on a particular task for long periods of time. We feel like we're losing that ability. Getting Things Done and all the other books out there tend to give you some rituals to cope with the problem — but only if you could stick to them. Most of us, just a few weeks after reading that book, sit next to filing cabinets (virtual or otherwise) and go about our merry way.
That's because we're focused on the wrong thing. To get a longer attention span — even a span long enough to read this article — don't worry about managing the information. Worry about managing your attention. Paying attention, for long periods of time, is a form of endurance athleticism. Like running a marathon, it requires practice and training to get the most out of it. It is as much Twitter's fault that you have a short attention span as it is your closet's fault it doesn't have any running shoes in it. If you want the ability to focus on things for a long period of time, you need attention fitness.
July 27, 2010
July 26, 2010
July 25, 2010
CAN THIS POSSIBLY BE SERIOUS? I thought she was saying spinach--but it's penis. At any rate, "2+2 is vagina" might be the best lyric ever!
Did he actually call her sexy in the intro? And how dare she walk out with a handbag on a talk show. Did she not trust anyone with it backstage? She's fascinating in every way.
July 24, 2010
July 23, 2010
Straight teens are trying that sinful sodomy in increasing numbers. This christian site spills the beans that it's painful. DUH! That's why God invented poppers!
One of the growing tragedies we have in the United States is the new popularity of sodomy during intercourse. Ever since the homosexual lifestyle became so visible and popular, straight couples have been tempted to experiment with this incredibly painful fornication situation. Now, to avoid pregnancy more and more teen girls are giving in to peer pressure and trying this extreme hardcore sexual perversionary act. Sadly, many people today are unaware that sodomy is Biblically immoral and that it’s extremely unclean and unhealthy.
Sodomy can trace its origins to the homosexual world. Gays have always been keenly fascinated in violating themselves in perverse, anti-Christian ways. Whether it’s destroying marriage or turning good-natured boys into transvestites, they have no self-control when it comes to depravity.
One of the growing tragedies we have in the United States is the new popularity of sodomy during intercourse. Ever since the homosexual lifestyle became so visible and popular, straight couples have been tempted to experiment with this incredibly painful fornication situation. Now, to avoid pregnancy more and more teen girls are giving in to peer pressure and trying this extreme hardcore sexual perversionary act. Sadly, many people today are unaware that sodomy is Biblically immoral and that it’s extremely unclean and unhealthy.
Sodomy can trace its origins to the homosexual world. Gays have always been keenly fascinated in violating themselves in perverse, anti-Christian ways. Whether it’s destroying marriage or turning good-natured boys into transvestites, they have no self-control when it comes to depravity.
Peaches Christ's film ALL ABOUT EVIL will be screened in NYC on 7/30 and 7/31 so check out the work of this San Fran queen. Famous for her Midnight Mass screenings at The Castro, I became enamored of her work when she petitioned the city of 'Frisco to name something after then president George W. Bush--a sewage plant. ...How genius! And even better? The city rejected the joke dedication because they wanted NOTHING named after that turd!
Her proposal:
An Enduring Legacy
As we near the end of George W Bush’s presidency, we think it is important to select a fitting monument to this president’s work. On matters ranging from foreign relations to fiscal and environmental stewardship,
no other president in American history has accomplished so much in such
a short time. To honor George W Bush for his eight years of honorable
public service, the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco
is sponsoring a ballot initiative this November in San Francisco. It
“Should the City and County of San Francisco rename the Oceanside Wastewater
Treatment Facility the George W. Bush Sewage Plant?”
We believe this is an appropriate honor for a truly unique president. If you think
so too, join this grassroots movement to rename this important and
iconic landmark in his honor.
SHOWTIMES IN NYC FOR 7/30 and 7/31
Her proposal:
An Enduring Legacy
As we near the end of George W Bush’s presidency, we think it is important to select a fitting monument to this president’s work. On matters ranging from foreign relations to fiscal and environmental stewardship,
no other president in American history has accomplished so much in such
a short time. To honor George W Bush for his eight years of honorable
public service, the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco
is sponsoring a ballot initiative this November in San Francisco. It
“Should the City and County of San Francisco rename the Oceanside Wastewater
Treatment Facility the George W. Bush Sewage Plant?”
We believe this is an appropriate honor for a truly unique president. If you think
so too, join this grassroots movement to rename this important and
iconic landmark in his honor.
SHOWTIMES IN NYC FOR 7/30 and 7/31
The Village People singing San Francisco. While Felipe (the indian) is working it, everyone else totally phoned their performances in. The lead singer has a wonderful voice but is so bored he can barely look at the camera! I know there were different lead singers over the years, but I think this is the... original straight one who recently tried to sue over the fact that YMCA, which he co-wrote, was turned into a a gay anthem and as a straight that was not his intention. I guess that never occurred to him until recently.
July 22, 2010
I love that a child is crying in the background. I mean, that's always a nice effect anywhere.
THIS SPECIAL COMMENT IS AMAZING. I'm not exactly a history buff so the initial Devil's Island stuff lost me, but give him a second to get to this insane Shirley Sherrod case. It really sums up how pitiful both parties, our media and even the NAACP are. How could the NAACP call for her to resign? The NAACP? We are living in backward times and I beg you to watch a man who wants to sift through the junk which masquerades as news. Yesterday, the cover story of the NY Post was a large pic of Lindsay Lohan in her prison garb. And how she looked pretty in orange. If that's important news to you when this country is literally upside down, then YOU are the problem with this country.
And I agree with David Corn: Obama is "spineless" for allowing her to be fired because he was scared that proven liar Glenn Beck as going run a "scandal" piece on a non-scandal. No true leader could be afraid of an ass like Glenn Beck.
And I agree with David Corn: Obama is "spineless" for allowing her to be fired because he was scared that proven liar Glenn Beck as going run a "scandal" piece on a non-scandal. No true leader could be afraid of an ass like Glenn Beck.
A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born ? The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.
As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button , nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:

'You've got Male!'
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.
As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button , nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:

'You've got Male!'
July 21, 2010

July 20, 2010
I'm the "top" story? IMPOSSIBLE!
Class is in session tonight on Logo as the Drag Queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race take on making over real women on the new series RuPaul’s Drag U. This time around, the Drag Teachers include Jujubee, Ongina, Nina Flowers and Raven and their weekly task is to take women who need instruction on how to reclaim their lives and teach them to be more empowered... by becoming Drag Queens.
While the women work on their drag persona, they’ll not only get individual instruction from RuPaul but they’ll also have to walk the runway and face the judges. One of those judges is popular Drag Queen Lady Bunny who recently talked with EDGE’s Jim Halterman about not only her duties on RuPaul’s Drag U but also about her own past as one of the most popular Drag Queens on the stage.
Class is in session tonight on Logo as the Drag Queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race take on making over real women on the new series RuPaul’s Drag U. This time around, the Drag Teachers include Jujubee, Ongina, Nina Flowers and Raven and their weekly task is to take women who need instruction on how to reclaim their lives and teach them to be more empowered... by becoming Drag Queens.
While the women work on their drag persona, they’ll not only get individual instruction from RuPaul but they’ll also have to walk the runway and face the judges. One of those judges is popular Drag Queen Lady Bunny who recently talked with EDGE’s Jim Halterman about not only her duties on RuPaul’s Drag U but also about her own past as one of the most popular Drag Queens on the stage.
The dunce queen has done it again. Twice. In the article below she makes a geographical goof while campaigning for a New Hampshire republican candidate. Wait! If she loves politics so much, why did she quit her as governor of Alaska half-way through her first term? Oh, that's right. To make more $ with a book, public speaker, Fox "news" and a reality show. This woman truly does sum up the cheapness of our times.
And she's recently made up a word: refudiate. It's really not such a damnable mistake--refute and repudiate sound alike and have similar meanings. But after blogs snickered about her using the non-existent word, what does she do? Laugh off her mistake? Say I was always better at geography--uh, I mean any subject other than...any other subject? No, this fool actually compares her mistake to Shakespeare's use of made-up words! Darlin', you couldn't name one book or magazine you'd read when asked on a national news show during your campaign to lead the country. You're an idiot! Anyone who likes you is an idiot! But I am so glad that Shakespeare didn't have that god-awful gotcha media in his time. Your poor kindred spirit might never have been so hurt that he'd have never even written one play!
And she's recently made up a word: refudiate. It's really not such a damnable mistake--refute and repudiate sound alike and have similar meanings. But after blogs snickered about her using the non-existent word, what does she do? Laugh off her mistake? Say I was always better at geography--uh, I mean any subject other than...any other subject? No, this fool actually compares her mistake to Shakespeare's use of made-up words! Darlin', you couldn't name one book or magazine you'd read when asked on a national news show during your campaign to lead the country. You're an idiot! Anyone who likes you is an idiot! But I am so glad that Shakespeare didn't have that god-awful gotcha media in his time. Your poor kindred spirit might never have been so hurt that he'd have never even written one play!
July 19, 2010

This is a trailer for DZI CROQUETTES, a documentary about an early 1970's brazilian drag dance troupe which was modeled on San Fran's psychedelic drag troupe The Cockettes. Interviewees include LIZA! There is only one more NYC showing at MOMA next Monday at 4:30PM. MORE INFO ON THEIR GORGEOUS SITE: DZICROQUETTES.COM
Class is in session tonight on Logo as the Drag Queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race take on making over real women on the new series RuPaul’s Drag U. This time around, the Drag Teachers include Jujubee, Ongina, Nina Flowers and Raven and their weekly task is to take women who need instruction on how to reclaim their lives and teach them to be more empowered... by becoming Drag Queens.
While the women work on their drag persona, they’ll not only get individual instruction from RuPaul but they’ll also have to walk the runway and face the judges. One of those judges is popular Drag Queen Lady Bunny who recently talked with EDGE’s Jim Halterman about not only her duties on RuPaul’s Drag U but also about her own past as one of the most popular Drag Queens on the stage.

EDGE: Let’s talk about you before we get into RuPaul’s Drag U...
Lady Bunny: ...Well, that’s the name of it this season but there may be some changes down the line...
EDGE: ...are we plotting a takeover?
Lady Bunny: [laughs] I’m just teasing. Ru is my old roommate from Atlanta 25 years ago!
EDGE: Wow! How long have you actually been doing drag?
Lady Bunny: About two or three months...[laughs]. I really got my start in Atlanta. RuPaul and I were resident go-go dancers for a band called the Now Explosion and then we ended up moving up to New York together and being roommates there, as well. I consider him my Drag Mother because he’s one year old but he’ll always be that one year older!
While the women work on their drag persona, they’ll not only get individual instruction from RuPaul but they’ll also have to walk the runway and face the judges. One of those judges is popular Drag Queen Lady Bunny who recently talked with EDGE’s Jim Halterman about not only her duties on RuPaul’s Drag U but also about her own past as one of the most popular Drag Queens on the stage.

EDGE: Let’s talk about you before we get into RuPaul’s Drag U...
Lady Bunny: ...Well, that’s the name of it this season but there may be some changes down the line...
EDGE: ...are we plotting a takeover?
Lady Bunny: [laughs] I’m just teasing. Ru is my old roommate from Atlanta 25 years ago!
EDGE: Wow! How long have you actually been doing drag?
Lady Bunny: About two or three months...[laughs]. I really got my start in Atlanta. RuPaul and I were resident go-go dancers for a band called the Now Explosion and then we ended up moving up to New York together and being roommates there, as well. I consider him my Drag Mother because he’s one year old but he’ll always be that one year older!
Actually, it's a dog named Christie Brinkley.

An Aventura man has been accused of having sex with Christie Brinkley, his Great Dane dog who shares a name with the iconic blond swimsuit supermodel.
An employee at Armand Pacher's veterinarian's office turned him in to police after the 64-year-old former insurance executive aroused suspicion with comments on the phone about having sex with his dog, reports the Miami Herald.
Then a veterinarian examined Christie Brinkley some time later at the clinic and reported her body showed evidence of forced sexual activity that could not have come from another dog.
"She doesn't seem to enjoy it as much when we have sex," Pacher allegedly replied when the staffer asked about Christie Brinkley's overall health while rescheduling eye surgery, according to the arrest report. "Maybe it's because I haven't been as energetic lately and that's why she's not enjoying it."
Or maybe it's because she's a dog.

An Aventura man has been accused of having sex with Christie Brinkley, his Great Dane dog who shares a name with the iconic blond swimsuit supermodel.
An employee at Armand Pacher's veterinarian's office turned him in to police after the 64-year-old former insurance executive aroused suspicion with comments on the phone about having sex with his dog, reports the Miami Herald.
Then a veterinarian examined Christie Brinkley some time later at the clinic and reported her body showed evidence of forced sexual activity that could not have come from another dog.
"She doesn't seem to enjoy it as much when we have sex," Pacher allegedly replied when the staffer asked about Christie Brinkley's overall health while rescheduling eye surgery, according to the arrest report. "Maybe it's because I haven't been as energetic lately and that's why she's not enjoying it."
Or maybe it's because she's a dog.
AKA H&R BRICK! The funny thing is that trannies in India show up wherever there's a wedding or birthday and sing and dance UNTIL THEY ARE PAID TO GO AWAY! Or they curse the family. Many younger Indians don't believe in these nuts, but some fear their curses enough to pay them to stop singing. Sounds like one of Epiphany's shows!
July 18, 2010

I'm preparing to leave Warsaw after a 3-day visit. My travel companion on the return flight is none other than Amanda Lepore, a fascinating creature who I never get enough of. I just hope that she'll veer away from discussing politics once in awhile. What can I say? It's her passion!
Before arriving, I took it upon myself to prepare for my trip by memorizing several polish phrases like "Hello", "Thank you" and "How much?" But I was surprised to find how easy a language it was to pick up. Within a short time, I'd learned even more useful phrases like "The mental hospital is that way", "Don't eat out of that dog's bowl", "Please don't smear feces on yourself while I'm eating" and "Madame, you know good and well that your son's ass hasn't fetched a price above 5 euros since he was 3 years old." I'll miss this zany land!
For the few locals who spoke english their one burning question was: Do you know Murray Hill? Apparently, he has many kinfolk here.
July 17, 2010

I'm in Poland watching CNN International, where the irritating UK correspondent Richard Quest still has his own show and is featured prominently on other shows. I have to applaud CNN on their guts. I have no problem with kink myself, but many networks might frown on one of their employees getting caught by police in Central Park awhile ago with a harness connecting a collar to his testicles and a dildo in his boot! When approached by police, that thing was so off that it offered enthusiastically "I have meth!" and produced a baggie. And we thought Anderson Cooper was gay!
A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. Just at that moment, a bee flew in his window.
The bee said, 'What seems to be the problem?'
'I'm out of gas,' the man replied.
The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away. Minutes later, the man watched as an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out.
'Try it now,' said one bee.
The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up. 'Wow!' the man exclaimed, 'what did you put in my gas tank'?
The bee answered,
A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. Just at that moment, a bee flew in his window.
The bee said, 'What seems to be the problem?'
'I'm out of gas,' the man replied.
The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away. Minutes later, the man watched as an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out.
'Try it now,' said one bee.
The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up. 'Wow!' the man exclaimed, 'what did you put in my gas tank'?
The bee answered,

July 16, 2010
PLEASE JOIN ME IN SIGNING THIS PETITION URGING A STRONG ENRGY BILL. THE MORE WHO SIGN, THE LESS THE CROOOKED CONGRESS KNOW THEY CAN GET AAWY WITH BECAUSE THIS PROVES WE'RE PAYING ATTENTION. (This will also take you to another petition which I signed which urges the gov't to stop subsidizing these oil giants who are making record profits --and we're paying THEM?
America has never been closer to passing the comprehensive climate and energy legislation we need to help end our addiction to oil and curb global warming.
But even as we continue to see heartbreaking images of damage to the Gulf coast, powerful special interests are spending millions of dollars blocking this legislation and fighting to protect the status quo. Stalling climate and energy legislation would be a big win for oil companies like BP, but a huge loss for the rest of us.
Fortunately, there's one thing we have that big oil doesn't: the support of millions of people. A majority of Americans support clean energy legislation, and millions have been mobilized like never before by the tragedy in the Gulf coast. As we enter the crucial stage of the best chance we've ever had for real climate and energy legislation, we need to make our voices heard.
America has never been closer to passing the comprehensive climate and energy legislation we need to help end our addiction to oil and curb global warming.
But even as we continue to see heartbreaking images of damage to the Gulf coast, powerful special interests are spending millions of dollars blocking this legislation and fighting to protect the status quo. Stalling climate and energy legislation would be a big win for oil companies like BP, but a huge loss for the rest of us.
Fortunately, there's one thing we have that big oil doesn't: the support of millions of people. A majority of Americans support clean energy legislation, and millions have been mobilized like never before by the tragedy in the Gulf coast. As we enter the crucial stage of the best chance we've ever had for real climate and energy legislation, we need to make our voices heard.
July 15, 2010
July 13, 2010
July 09, 2010
Nevada's republican front runner for the Senate, Sharron Angle, has repeated her position on abortion: it's not advisable even if it's a case of a 13 year old girl who's been raped by dad. Maybe she should campaign with a Precious impersonator. Or maybe her opponent Harry Reid should feature Precious clips in his campaign ads since Angle condones Precious's situation. SICK!
Nevada's republican front runner for the Senate, Sharron Angle, has repeated her position on abortion: it's not advisable even if it's a case of a 13 year old girl who's been raped by dad. Maybe she should campaign with a Precious impersonator. Or maybe her opponent Harry Reid should feature Precious clips in his campaign ads since Angle condones Precious's situation. SICK!


July 08, 2010
Nevada's republican front runner for the Senate, Sharron Angle, has repeated her position on abortion: it's not advisable even if it's a case of a 13 year old girl who's been raped by dad. Maybe she should campaign with a Precious impersonator. Or maybe her opponent Harry Reid should feature Precious clips in his campa...ign ads since Angle condones Precious's situation. SICK!
A is for apple, and B is for boat,
That used to be right, but now it won't float!
Age before beauty is what we once said,
But let's be a bit more realistic instead.
A's for arthritis;
B's the bad back,
C's the chest pains, Perhaps car-d-iac?
D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight, can't read that top line!
F is for fissures and fluid retention,
G is for gas which I'd rather not mention.
H high blood pressure--I'd rather it low;
I for incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, out of socket, won't mend,
K is for knees that crack when they bend.
L 's for libido, what happened to sex?
M is for memory, I forget what comes next.
(The memory is the second thing to go; I forgot what the first was.)
N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low;
O is for osteo, bones that don't grow!
P for prescriptions, I have quite a few,
Just give me a pill and I'll be good as new!
Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
R is for reflux, one meal turns to two.
S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears,
T is for Tinnitus; bells in my ears!
U is for urinary; troubles with flow;
V for vertigo, that's 'dizzy,' you know.
W for worry, now what's going 'round?
X is for X ray, and what might be found.
Y for another year I'm left here behind,
Z is for zest I still have-- in my mind!
A is for apple, and B is for boat,
That used to be right, but now it won't float!
Age before beauty is what we once said,
But let's be a bit more realistic instead.
A's for arthritis;
B's the bad back,
C's the chest pains, Perhaps car-d-iac?
D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight, can't read that top line!
F is for fissures and fluid retention,
G is for gas which I'd rather not mention.
H high blood pressure--I'd rather it low;
I for incisions with scars you can show.
J is for joints, out of socket, won't mend,
K is for knees that crack when they bend.
L 's for libido, what happened to sex?
M is for memory, I forget what comes next.
(The memory is the second thing to go; I forgot what the first was.)
N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low;
O is for osteo, bones that don't grow!
P for prescriptions, I have quite a few,
Just give me a pill and I'll be good as new!
Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
R is for reflux, one meal turns to two.
S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears,
T is for Tinnitus; bells in my ears!
U is for urinary; troubles with flow;
V for vertigo, that's 'dizzy,' you know.
W for worry, now what's going 'round?
X is for X ray, and what might be found.
Y for another year I'm left here behind,
Z is for zest I still have-- in my mind!

Joan Collins was being served dinner in BA business class and one of the potatoes was
so hot it burnt her mouth. Ms Collins called over the steward and told that the potato had burnt her mouth. The camp flight attendant was a little over-excited to be serving the star so took the potato and proceeded to spank it and say "Bad potato! Bad potato!" much to the mirth of fellow passengers. Joan, however, was not amused and made a complaint.

"It's time for a bold plan to get America off of oil. Please learn from the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and take action to end the U.S. addiction to oil.

"It's time for a bold plan to get America off of oil. Please learn from the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and take action to end the U.S. addiction to oil.
July 06, 2010
I love how it's not even shocking that this article only deals with "America's deadliest sweetener"--omitting less deadly but still lethal other ones.
America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change by Dr. Joesph Mercola
Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history, and its approval for use in food was the most contested in FDA history. In the end, the artificial sweetener was approved, not on scientific grounds, but rather because of strong political and financial pressure. After all, aspartame was previously listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent!
It's hard to believe such a chemical would be allowed into the food supply, but it was, and it has been wreaking silent havoc with people's health for the past 30 years.
The truth is, it should never have been released onto the market, and allowing it to remain in the food chain is seriously hurting people -- no matter how many times you rebrand it under fancy new names.
Scientists are BEGGING for a chance to measure the oil spill. But the government and BP are refusing them the funding they need. Funny, didn't the Bush administration frown on science too?
Gulf Oil Spill: Scientists Beg For A Chance To Take Basic Measurements by Dan Froomkin
A group of independent scientists, frustrated and dumbfounded by the continued lack of the most basic data about the 77-day-old BP oil disaster, has put together a crash project intended to definitively measure how much oil has spilled and where and how it is spreading throughout the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
An all-star team of top oceanographers, chemists, engineers and other scientists could be ready to head out to the well site on two fully-equipped research vessels on about a week's notice. But they need to get the go-ahead -- and about $8.4 million -- from BP or the federal government or both. And that does not appear imminent.
America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change by Dr. Joesph Mercola
Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history, and its approval for use in food was the most contested in FDA history. In the end, the artificial sweetener was approved, not on scientific grounds, but rather because of strong political and financial pressure. After all, aspartame was previously listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent!
It's hard to believe such a chemical would be allowed into the food supply, but it was, and it has been wreaking silent havoc with people's health for the past 30 years.
The truth is, it should never have been released onto the market, and allowing it to remain in the food chain is seriously hurting people -- no matter how many times you rebrand it under fancy new names.
Scientists are BEGGING for a chance to measure the oil spill. But the government and BP are refusing them the funding they need. Funny, didn't the Bush administration frown on science too?
Gulf Oil Spill: Scientists Beg For A Chance To Take Basic Measurements by Dan Froomkin
A group of independent scientists, frustrated and dumbfounded by the continued lack of the most basic data about the 77-day-old BP oil disaster, has put together a crash project intended to definitively measure how much oil has spilled and where and how it is spreading throughout the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
An all-star team of top oceanographers, chemists, engineers and other scientists could be ready to head out to the well site on two fully-equipped research vessels on about a week's notice. But they need to get the go-ahead -- and about $8.4 million -- from BP or the federal government or both. And that does not appear imminent.
I can't stand this gothic emo stuff but I can identify with hating my dull suburban surroundings so much that anything devilish was appealing.
In his presidential campaign, President Obama criticized the Bush
administration for being too soft on the oil industry and vowed to
support greener energy forms.
But, once in office, President Obama
ended up backing offshore drilling, bowing to political and fiscal
realities, even as his administration's own scientists and Democratic
lawmakers warned about its risks.
In his presidential campaign, President Obama criticized the Bush
administration for being too soft on the oil industry and vowed to
support greener energy forms.
But, once in office, President Obama
ended up backing offshore drilling, bowing to political and fiscal
realities, even as his administration's own scientists and Democratic
lawmakers warned about its risks.
July 05, 2010
1 in 4 Americans Don't Know Who We Fought for Independence
Poll shows some Americans need to brush up on the Revolutionary War
As grills across America fire up this weekend some Americans may want to crack open a history book instead of a cold beer.
A Marist poll finds that 26 percent of Americans don’t know whom the United States declared its independence from.
1 in 4 Americans Don't Know Who We Fought for Independence
Poll shows some Americans need to brush up on the Revolutionary War
As grills across America fire up this weekend some Americans may want to crack open a history book instead of a cold beer.
A Marist poll finds that 26 percent of Americans don’t know whom the United States declared its independence from.
July 4th is the day we commemorate achieving independence from England. Ironically, our dependence on oil has caused our government to ignore safety regulations applied to BP, a British offshore drilling operation, and as a result we’re facing the worst environmental disaster in our history. BP refused to stop spraying the dispersants on the oil spill after our government told it to. The reason BP wanted to use the dispersant is that by definition, it disperses the oil and makes the amount spilled harder to measure, thereby reducing the corporation's future fines based upon the amount of crude spilled.
How can BP, a foreign corporation, can get away with telling our government to fuck off because they’re going to spray dispersants if they want to? And while Obama claims that he’s ultimately responsible for the disaster, he isn’t prosecuting this criminal corporation for destroying US territory. I don’t see any outrage from the government that clean up crews are getting ill from exposure to the oil. (Kinda like the 9/11 clean up workers who were lied to about their jobs’ safety?) Nor any outrage that an environmental group has donated respirators to minimize the effects of the oil’s toxicity on the crews, but BP fires workers for wearing these FREE respirators. (Presumably, the respirators will prove that the clean up is dangerous, making BP liable to future lawsuits.) I also don’t see Obama dedicating the manpower to make sure that the booms to contain the oil are even used properly.
But the president has plenty of manpower to deploy to Afghanistan. And Congress just appropriated $30 billion more to the war budget even though the number of Al Quaeda who we went there to fight is now down to “double digits, if any” according to General Petraeus. Let’s use 99 as the highest double digit figure and divide that into $30 billion—that’s $303 million per terrorist who may not even be there! We need to understand that we don’t want to win this war in Afghanistan. Trillions of dollars of precious minerals have been discovered there. We aren’t leaving. I want the soldiers who think that they’re fighting to keep our country safe to know that they’re actually committing suicide so that whoever gets these mineral contracts can get rich.
After voting for the Afghanistan funds, Congress then went on summer recess without extending unemployment benefits. Even though jobless rates are higher than any time since the 1930s! By the time lawmakers return, 2 million Americans’ benefits will simply stop. The president should declare this a national emergency and cancel Congress’s vacation! In the meantime, be on the lookout for a whole lot of new beggars.
I don’t have enough room here to go on about the horrors currently going on. But if you aren’t concerned about the current state of affairs in this country, you’re no patriot. And if your love for this nation is confined to waving a stupid flag one day a year and you aren’t ready to pitch in and help get us back on track, by the next 4th of July you’ll be lucky if you can afford a hot dog. Fortunately, you’ll still be able to enjoy the fireworks even if a foreclosure has rendered you homeless.
How can BP, a foreign corporation, can get away with telling our government to fuck off because they’re going to spray dispersants if they want to? And while Obama claims that he’s ultimately responsible for the disaster, he isn’t prosecuting this criminal corporation for destroying US territory. I don’t see any outrage from the government that clean up crews are getting ill from exposure to the oil. (Kinda like the 9/11 clean up workers who were lied to about their jobs’ safety?) Nor any outrage that an environmental group has donated respirators to minimize the effects of the oil’s toxicity on the crews, but BP fires workers for wearing these FREE respirators. (Presumably, the respirators will prove that the clean up is dangerous, making BP liable to future lawsuits.) I also don’t see Obama dedicating the manpower to make sure that the booms to contain the oil are even used properly.
But the president has plenty of manpower to deploy to Afghanistan. And Congress just appropriated $30 billion more to the war budget even though the number of Al Quaeda who we went there to fight is now down to “double digits, if any” according to General Petraeus. Let’s use 99 as the highest double digit figure and divide that into $30 billion—that’s $303 million per terrorist who may not even be there! We need to understand that we don’t want to win this war in Afghanistan. Trillions of dollars of precious minerals have been discovered there. We aren’t leaving. I want the soldiers who think that they’re fighting to keep our country safe to know that they’re actually committing suicide so that whoever gets these mineral contracts can get rich.
After voting for the Afghanistan funds, Congress then went on summer recess without extending unemployment benefits. Even though jobless rates are higher than any time since the 1930s! By the time lawmakers return, 2 million Americans’ benefits will simply stop. The president should declare this a national emergency and cancel Congress’s vacation! In the meantime, be on the lookout for a whole lot of new beggars.
I don’t have enough room here to go on about the horrors currently going on. But if you aren’t concerned about the current state of affairs in this country, you’re no patriot. And if your love for this nation is confined to waving a stupid flag one day a year and you aren’t ready to pitch in and help get us back on track, by the next 4th of July you’ll be lucky if you can afford a hot dog. Fortunately, you’ll still be able to enjoy the fireworks even if a foreclosure has rendered you homeless.
Step up your exercise regime.
Dressing in heavy layers will cool you by wicking off sweat.
If you're off work, today is perfect for catching up on ironing. After doing laundry. Mildew can be such a problem in the summer that running your dryers on high for an extra cycle will eliminate this risk.
A day off from work gives you the perfect opportunity to ensure that your heaters are working properly so that any kinks can be worked out well in advance. And chilly winter temperatures are right around the corner!
Check in on elderly relatives and monitor their heating closely, 90 degrees being the ideal temperature. Though it may seem hot to you, older folks' poor circulation can give them chills even in the warmest weather. Heavy blankets can also help guard against pneumonia.
Under no circumstances should you operate your air conditioners as they'll stress out the power grid.
Hydrate frequently. With plenty of hot beverages.
Eat refrigerated dishes like egg and potato salad which require a lot of
boiling. Of course, these go perfectly with whatever you like to grill.
Indoor grilling is all the rage this summer.
Have left over fireworks? Throw them directly onto the flames after cooking and gather the family around the grill to enjoy. Those silly safety regulations are lies perpetrated by the same liberal commies who want to take your guns away.

Now you have a happy 5th!
Dressing in heavy layers will cool you by wicking off sweat.
If you're off work, today is perfect for catching up on ironing. After doing laundry. Mildew can be such a problem in the summer that running your dryers on high for an extra cycle will eliminate this risk.
A day off from work gives you the perfect opportunity to ensure that your heaters are working properly so that any kinks can be worked out well in advance. And chilly winter temperatures are right around the corner!
Check in on elderly relatives and monitor their heating closely, 90 degrees being the ideal temperature. Though it may seem hot to you, older folks' poor circulation can give them chills even in the warmest weather. Heavy blankets can also help guard against pneumonia.
Under no circumstances should you operate your air conditioners as they'll stress out the power grid.
Hydrate frequently. With plenty of hot beverages.
Eat refrigerated dishes like egg and potato salad which require a lot of
boiling. Of course, these go perfectly with whatever you like to grill.
Indoor grilling is all the rage this summer.
Have left over fireworks? Throw them directly onto the flames after cooking and gather the family around the grill to enjoy. Those silly safety regulations are lies perpetrated by the same liberal commies who want to take your guns away.

Now you have a happy 5th!
July 02, 2010
The Al Quaeda that we are supposedly fighting in Afghanistan have left. According to General Petraeus the # of Al Quaeda in that country are in the double digits if any! We can't win this! What would a win even be--considering that we're fighting a phantom enemy who left?
We're building schools over there as state-fund...ed summer schools HERE don't have enough funding here to operate this year. Huge corporations are getting rich off of this war and taxpayers are paying $30 billion to allow them to do so. How does this not bother you? Do you like paying taxes to build schools in Afghanistan? How many more bad economic years will we endure before we revolt against this crap and realize that the government isn't serving us? They are robbing us!
We sit back and support $30 billion more for this sh(t? Money aside, do we not care anymore about the soldiers who will die for nothing? NOTHING EXCEPT KEEPING THE MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX ALIVE. They'll gladly sacrifice soldiers' lives to keep their profits coming in. I'd rather see the soldiers cleaning up oil in the gulf.
Congress can appropriate $30 billion for this hoax and then leave for summer vacation. By the time they return, 2 million people's unemployment benefits will have expired. I say we're in a crisis so force them to work throughout the summer. And sorry Obama, allotting $30 billion to and appointing a hawk like Petraeus to keep this hollow war going is not change I can believe in. Nor is allowing these unemployment benefits expire. What are these 2 million people supposed to do? Beg in the f#cking streets? America is becoming a very ugly place. Or maybe I'm just realizing how ugly it's always been.
The Al Quaeda that we are supposedly fighting in Afghanistan have left. According to General Petraeus the # of Al Quaeda in that country are in the double digits if any! We can't win this! What would a win even be--considering that we're fighting a phantom enemy who left?
We're building schools over there as state-fund...ed summer schools HERE don't have enough funding here to operate this year. Huge corporations are getting rich off of this war and taxpayers are paying $30 billion to allow them to do so. How does this not bother you? Do you like paying taxes to build schools in Afghanistan? How many more bad economic years will we endure before we revolt against this crap and realize that the government isn't serving us? They are robbing us!
We sit back and support $30 billion more for this sh(t? Money aside, do we not care anymore about the soldiers who will die for nothing? NOTHING EXCEPT KEEPING THE MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX ALIVE. They'll gladly sacrifice soldiers' lives to keep their profits coming in. I'd rather see the soldiers cleaning up oil in the gulf.
Congress can appropriate $30 billion for this hoax and then leave for summer vacation. By the time they return, 2 million people's unemployment benefits will have expired. I say we're in a crisis so force them to work throughout the summer. And sorry Obama, allotting $30 billion to and appointing a hawk like Petraeus to keep this hollow war going is not change I can believe in. Nor is allowing these unemployment benefits expire. What are these 2 million people supposed to do? Beg in the f#cking streets? America is becoming a very ugly place. Or maybe I'm just realizing how ugly it's always been.

At noon on Sunday, thousands of marchers filled Fifth Avenue for New York City’s annual gay pride parade. Nearly six miles away, on the sixth floor of a nursing home in Brooklyn, the frail, white-haired woman in beige pajamas and brown slippers in Room 609 sat motionless at the edge of her bed, staring out her window.
She touched the medallion on her necklace — an image of St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes — and fiddled with one of her rings.
“This one,” she said of the ring on a pinky finger, “I hit a guy so hard I knocked the stone out, and I hadn’t gotten around to put it back yet.”
She had forgotten that the gay pride march was Sunday. Her mind and her memory are not as sharp as her wit and her tongue. She said she had been living there, at the Oxford Nursing Home, for years (she arrived in April). She was not sure how old she was (she will be 90 in December).
The woman in Room 609, Storme DeLarverie, has dementia. She is but one anonymous elderly New Yorker in a city with thousands upon thousands of them. And many of those who marched down Fifth Avenue on Sunday would be hard pressed to realize that this little old lady — once the cross-dressing M.C. of a group of drag-queen performers, once a fiercely protective (and pistol-packing) bouncer in the city’s lesbian bars — was one of the reasons they were marching.
Ms. DeLarverie fought the police in 1969 at the historic riot at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village that kicked off the gay rights movement. The first gay pride parade in 1970 was not a parade at all but a protest marking the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.

At noon on Sunday, thousands of marchers filled Fifth Avenue for New York City’s annual gay pride parade. Nearly six miles away, on the sixth floor of a nursing home in Brooklyn, the frail, white-haired woman in beige pajamas and brown slippers in Room 609 sat motionless at the edge of her bed, staring out her window.
She touched the medallion on her necklace — an image of St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes — and fiddled with one of her rings.
“This one,” she said of the ring on a pinky finger, “I hit a guy so hard I knocked the stone out, and I hadn’t gotten around to put it back yet.”
She had forgotten that the gay pride march was Sunday. Her mind and her memory are not as sharp as her wit and her tongue. She said she had been living there, at the Oxford Nursing Home, for years (she arrived in April). She was not sure how old she was (she will be 90 in December).
The woman in Room 609, Storme DeLarverie, has dementia. She is but one anonymous elderly New Yorker in a city with thousands upon thousands of them. And many of those who marched down Fifth Avenue on Sunday would be hard pressed to realize that this little old lady — once the cross-dressing M.C. of a group of drag-queen performers, once a fiercely protective (and pistol-packing) bouncer in the city’s lesbian bars — was one of the reasons they were marching.
Ms. DeLarverie fought the police in 1969 at the historic riot at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village that kicked off the gay rights movement. The first gay pride parade in 1970 was not a parade at all but a protest marking the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.
July 01, 2010
I'd never heard of this queen until her birthday, which was yesterday. Meet Jean Malin!
After Sarah Palin made her well-received initial speech and was hailed as the savior of the GOP, she was interviewed by journalists who proved to the nation that Sarah was a complete moron by asking her "tough" questions like what newspapers and mags she read. To lessen the sting to Palin's rep and place the blame on t...he media, a new term was created: gotcha media. This refers to reporters who ask questions intending to trick you. In the case of Palin, that wasn't hard to do.
Since quitting political office halfway through her term, Palin has remained an influential political figure by avoiding gotcha media and weighing in directly to her followers via twitter and facebook.

Now a new dunce queen of the republican/tea party (what's the difference?) has emerged: Sharron Angle of Nevada. After initially granting interviews only to Fox and other conservative news outlets, she has finally allowed herself to be challenged by a real reporter. Even before this her views were alarming--she actually wants to bring back prohibition IN NEVADA, HOME OF LAS VEGAS? Dream on, honey.
But now the gotcha media has Sharron on record claiming that the jobless are spoiled, that the separation of church and state is not in the Constitution and that abortion should be legal under no circumstances. Even if a youngster is raped and impregnated by her father, this fool claims that since she's a christian, we should "have a little faith"! Have a little faith that what, you idiot? That god is going to intervene and abort the child himself? That the child forced to carry her dad's baby won't be, a la Precious, scarred for life? That the baby won't develop any of the symptoms associated with
inbreeding, which Sharron looks as if she might be a victim of?
I beg you to watch this clip and observe how truly freaky and dangerous the republican party can be. Of course, every party has it's wacky outer fringes with ideas that would seem cuckoo to mainstream America, but Sharron is a tea-partier republican. She's not that far off from the mainstream republican agenda--she's just too stupid to hide the fact that she, like many other republicans, want to abolish social security.
Perhaps the sickest thing of all is that while this reporter is reducing her arguments to mud, she maintains a twisted smile. Every time they cut to a clip in which she knows good and well she's said something which will seem bizarre to most people, she maintains that demented smile. Unless she is a complete simpleton, which I'm not ruling out, I imagine that she's been coached by her handlers to stay sunny no matter what. To her followers who are unable or don't even care to understand basic issues, her unfailing smile will make it seem like the gotcha media is crucifying this nice, christian woman in a pretty blue jacket. I guess it comforts them that she's not an elite capable of defending her outlandish positions. In the way that Bush's speech impediment comforted morons who couldn't pronounce nuclear themselves.
And for a little perspective, may I remind you that Sharron won the republican primary after the former republican front runner was universally reviled for her suggestion that we barter chickens for health care as in the olden days.
Since quitting political office halfway through her term, Palin has remained an influential political figure by avoiding gotcha media and weighing in directly to her followers via twitter and facebook.

Now a new dunce queen of the republican/tea party (what's the difference?) has emerged: Sharron Angle of Nevada. After initially granting interviews only to Fox and other conservative news outlets, she has finally allowed herself to be challenged by a real reporter. Even before this her views were alarming--she actually wants to bring back prohibition IN NEVADA, HOME OF LAS VEGAS? Dream on, honey.
But now the gotcha media has Sharron on record claiming that the jobless are spoiled, that the separation of church and state is not in the Constitution and that abortion should be legal under no circumstances. Even if a youngster is raped and impregnated by her father, this fool claims that since she's a christian, we should "have a little faith"! Have a little faith that what, you idiot? That god is going to intervene and abort the child himself? That the child forced to carry her dad's baby won't be, a la Precious, scarred for life? That the baby won't develop any of the symptoms associated with
inbreeding, which Sharron looks as if she might be a victim of?
I beg you to watch this clip and observe how truly freaky and dangerous the republican party can be. Of course, every party has it's wacky outer fringes with ideas that would seem cuckoo to mainstream America, but Sharron is a tea-partier republican. She's not that far off from the mainstream republican agenda--she's just too stupid to hide the fact that she, like many other republicans, want to abolish social security.
Perhaps the sickest thing of all is that while this reporter is reducing her arguments to mud, she maintains a twisted smile. Every time they cut to a clip in which she knows good and well she's said something which will seem bizarre to most people, she maintains that demented smile. Unless she is a complete simpleton, which I'm not ruling out, I imagine that she's been coached by her handlers to stay sunny no matter what. To her followers who are unable or don't even care to understand basic issues, her unfailing smile will make it seem like the gotcha media is crucifying this nice, christian woman in a pretty blue jacket. I guess it comforts them that she's not an elite capable of defending her outlandish positions. In the way that Bush's speech impediment comforted morons who couldn't pronounce nuclear themselves.
And for a little perspective, may I remind you that Sharron won the republican primary after the former republican front runner was universally reviled for her suggestion that we barter chickens for health care as in the olden days.