How exciting! Lacoste was apparently so pleased with my dj set in Paris in July that they've hired me to recreate their 75th anniversary soirees in 3 places I thought I might never visit: Bangkok, Seoul and Beijing! I'll have my trusty camera and will definitely be on the lookout for some nonsensical lost in translation signs and labels like these from where there plenty more like these to view.
Apparently a regular in South Beach, this gal hit Time Square to beat the heat, dancing up a storm in evvery style fro stripper pole to SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER. I'll have what she's having! And I love the commentary of the videographer!
(HARPER VALLEY P.T.A. WAS HER FIRST.) The lyrics they cut off at the end are:
"Just because a house needs a coat of paint/That don't mean a girl's something that she ain't."
And "to wind up in a uh uh jam" refers to getting knocked up. (Just a little white trash translation for you.) Jeanie was a somewhat prim schoolteacher before HARPER VALLEY catapulted her to international stardom. She never really cottoned to her sassy, mini skirt-wearing image.
I had to take a valium I was crying so hard over the DNC speeches. Just the simple things like Bill Richardson calling for a president who vows to uphold the Constitution and actually upholds it. Or the man who claimed that he's donated $50, the first political donation he's ever made. I know that times are tough economically, but it's going to take a little extra work on our part if we are going to be able to pull together as a nation and reverse the disastrous road Bush has led us down. Obama is a winner, but he can't do it alone! Don't just curse the government--we are the government if we care enough to get involved and exercise our rights. You know, the very fact that a black man was nominated is a huge victory for every group whose rights have been trampled: women, gays, racial minorities, veterans, you name it. It's so easy to pooh-pooh this success, or you can latch onto that hope and pull together and push for something better. Boy, do we need it!
Did you see Obama's speech? Simply incredible.
If you're like me, you're asking, "What will it take to make Barack Obama president?"
Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again: The single most effective thing we can do right now is bring new people into the political process.
This morning, we launched our big plan to register half a million young voters in swing states.
Can you chip in to make it happen? Click here to see our short video about this campaign, and to donate:
I'm not even going to make a tacky joke about whether or not the extremely handsome black candidate is well-hung.
So sings First Choice lead vocalist Rochelle Fleming in her classic disco smash DR. LOVE. She's making a rare appearance, so disco fans, check this out!
Saturday, October 18th 2008
Featuring Two Amazing Performances
Emanuel Rahiem (GQ) Disco Nights (Rock Freak)/I Do Love You/Sittin In The Park/ Standing Ovation
Rochelle Fleming (First Choice) Doctor Love/?Let No Man Put Asunder/Love Thang/Double Cross/Arm & Extremely Dangerous
THE GRAND BALLROOM (MANHATTAN CENTER) 311 W.34TH STREET, NYC Tickets Only $30 - $40 at The Door Doors Open 9:00PM, Showtime 11PM
The Spanish town of Castrillo de Murcia doesn't need running bulls or even booze to have fun. Just give them some mattresses, a bunch of babies and a handful of fun-loving guys -- dressed up like devils -- and you've got yourself a fiesta.
Lisa is (relative to me, anyway) a newcomer to the downtown scene. A talented singer and songwriter, she's a transgendered rocker who I know through punk royalty Jayne County, and to the best of my knowledge, she's straight--ie she enjoys sex with women. So tis should be an interesting little flick with a dick.
And since I was away during my b'day on 8/14, we're gonna bust outon the 31st with a birthday bash. So many people have lamented the loss of Disco Tea, but we've re-vamped it as Free Tea cuz it's....drum roll...FREE! I have been on the road all summer and am so glad to have my little dj residency back. I'll be there for the next 5 Sundays from 6:00-10:00. With cheap drinks, it's a perfect way to get your groove on before heading to Hiro or wherever else you hang on Sunday nights. And a friend in Italy has sent me the craziest, rarest disco tunes, so I'm fully stocked to rock the house on Splash's amazing sound system! Hope to see you there!
But the Jackie 60 crew will be doing their LOW LIFE thang again this year as part of the Howl Festival on 9/7 from 5-7 in Tompkins Square park. I just received their newsletter and here's more info about their kooky event witha a calvacade of downtown fav's. Lordy, did I have fun last year hanging out in the audience at someone else's festival for a change! But damn, that dress code is kinda rough--corsets in August?
On September 7, JACKIE FACTORY producers CHI CHI VALENTI and JOHNNY DYNELL will present their second annual HOWLUCINATION to crown this year's HOWL! FESTIVAL. HOWLUCINATION is a new spectacle created by the JACKIE FACTORY each year as an evening event for HOWL!. The new LOW LIFE CITY follows on the heels of their first HOWLUCINATION at HOWL! - last year's scandalous LOW LIFE. LOW LIFE CITY is a two hour theatrical showcasing the East Village - and especially, The Bowery, in a lavishly costumed production starring dozens of downtown's finest. A time-travelling, bawdy and witty cavalcade of talent, this show is not recommended for children!
This year's superb cast is now complete - MCs PAUL ALEXANDER (of "The Ones") and HATTIE HATHAWAY, icon JOEY ARIAS with master puppeteer BASIL TWIST, burlesque supernovas DIRTY MARTINI, MISS DELIRIUM TREMENS and JONNY PORKPIE and NASTY CANASTA of PINCHBOTTOM BURLESQUE, drag divinity SWEETIE, butoh ensemble VANGELINE THEATER, WORLD FAMOUS *BOB*, LOGO song star ADAM JOSEPH as The Irish Tenor, slapstick duo DUELLING BANKHEADS, sister act ACID BETTY and EPIPHANY, sensationalist AMBER RAY, Bay Area artiste FAUXNIQUE, BLACKLIPS eminence POISON EVE, members of THE PIXIE HARLOTS, and New Bowery treasures TRINA ROSE, HEATHER LITTEER aka JESSICA RABBIT DOMINATION and TIGGER!
Dress up and join us in the park! Wear NYC demimonde evening glamour (1860-2010), Gangs of New York, Victorian/Edwardian rags, newsboy caps, B'hoy for Butch Women, corsets and vintage lingerie, Bowery Belle ringlets, Opium Den loungewear, Vampyre of Gotham, black parasols, Bowery Twink, velvet, 19th century Clownwear, Top Hats or Bowery Punk.
I've heard of Xmas in July, but is it ever the wrong month to celebrate Jesus's birthday? This little version of OH CHRISTMAS TREE will definitely put you in the holiday spirit!
The above pic is from the last Trannyshack at the Stud, with Peaches Christ, Heklina and Putanesca. Tonight, at the Regency in San Francisco, there will be a special Kiss-Off to the long-running drag night with all the Trannyshack regulars as well as special guests Lady Miss Kier, Ana Matronic, Justin Bond and myself. It is waaaaay sold out.
If you're in New York, you might wanna check out the annual House of Latex Ball. Sponsored by GMHC to spread HIV prevention, this event has grown ver the years into perhaps the largest voguing ball in the country. This year's theme is PASSAGE THROUGH TIME, which I guess is essential since the website lists the balls' hours tonight as from 8PM-4PM. Hungh? Click HER for more info. There definitely will be some of the most beautiful people in NYC in attendance. And also some of the shadiest!
Thankfully, corrective surgeries have been developed to correct facial tumors. But does this one remind anyone else of THE JEFFERSONS' Mother Jefferson?
Before Justin Timberlake taped his Xmas comedy song a couple of years ago for SNL (or was it MAD TV?) an even more wholesome pop star did his own take on his dick n a box--religious nut PAT BOONE! The photo was found in a trash can! Click HERE to view and read the story of the photo.
Getting tired of paying $8.00+ dollars for a beverage at your favorite event? Why not bring 80oz of your favorite sipper in with you as a spare tire? That's right, a beer belly cooler that you fill with beverage and sneak into movies, concerts, sporting events, church......just kidding, and anywhere with outrageous drink prices.
Order your Beer Belly Cooler today! The Beerbelly Deluxe Kit Usually Ships in 24 Hours Our Price: $49.95
The fool has admitted that he knows little about the economy, never even pumps gas or flies on anything but a private jet, so HOW could anyone think that a man who can't count his houses belong in the White House? Our rotten economy is the issue which concerns Americans most, so how on earth can someone so divorced from the daily struggles of ordinary folk (and divorced from his own memory) possibly govern in our best interests?
John McCain said in an interview with Politico on Wednesday "that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own."
"I think -- I'll have my staff get to you," McCain said. "It's condominiums where -- I'll have them get to you."
The answer, according to the group Progressive Accountability, is an even 10 homes, ranches, condos, and lofts, together worth a combined estimated $13,823,269.
John and Cindy McCain own a plethora of houses spread throughout the United States, including: two beachfront condos in Coronado, California, condo in La Jolla, California, a two-unit condominium complex in Phoenix, Arizona, three ranch houses located outside of Sedona, Arizona, a high-rise condo in Arlington, Virginia, a rental loft, and, according to GQ, a loft they bought for their daughter, Meghan.
Yesterday, [John McCain] was asked again what do you think about the economy, he said I think the economy is fundamentally strong," said Obama. "Now this puzzled me. I was confused what he meant. But then there was another interview where somebody asked John McCain how many houses do you have and he said 'I'm not sure. I'll have to check with my staff.' True quote. 'I'm not sure ill have to check with my staff.' So they asked his staff and they said, 'at least four.' At least four. Now think about that. I guess if you think that being rich means you make $5 million and if you don't know how many houses you have then it is not surprising that you think the economy is fundamentally strong. But if you are like me and you've got one house, or if you are like the millions of people struggling now to keep up with your mortgage payments, you might have a different perspective. By the way the answer is John McCain has seven homes."
RuPaul, my drag mother in Atlanta, GA, once put me in Boy George drag--the braided extensions with bows look--when Boy was rocking the charts like crazy. I even won $50 circa 1985 at a costume contest dressed as the singer.
Fast forward a couple decades, and I find myself sitting in Boy's Hampstead mansion for an interview during a recent trip to London. Here's one of the pics. Click HERE to read the interview, called Bunny Boiler. Also keep an ear out for Boy's new song, YES WE CAN, an homage to Obama. I'm very sorry that George's recent tour was cancelled since we need to hear this. I can't believe that McCain has just edged above Obama in the polls.
Maybe she'll even wear mascara!
Smart and funny and a lefty out lesbo, she'll reach a national audience daily just when they need a dose of the truth the most--BEFORE THE ELECTIONS! I can't even watch the ridiculous CNN anymore, so this is a welcome change!
Tomorrow night, there's a drag queen challenge. This is the last season before Project Runway moves to another station so they wanted to add something different. Varla Jean Merman, Miss Understood and Sweetie are among the models, and RuPaul will be on the judges panel as a special guest drag expert.
Now they asked me to do the show, but I was out of town for the taping, dammit However, Andrew Cohen, that sexy hunk who interviews the Housewives of New York will be interviewing me on a web-i-sode called AFTER THE SEW, immediately after the show on BravoTv. com. Just click go to BravoTv. com and click on Project Runway and then click on the top left side's LIVE AFTER-SHOW. It will be my first time watching the show in it's entirety so lord knows what will come out of my fool mouth! --B
This Labor Day I'll be back at Splash for FREE TEA, which will be an occasional event unlike the weekly Disco Tea. I'll also be celebrating my birthday, so if you have not yet been to Splash for Tea, this would be the night to come. My actual b'day was yesterday, the 14th, but I'll be away until then so the celebration will have to be postponed.
I may be coming to a town near you. Here's my schedule:
Sunday 17th: Performing at the A House in P'town for my annual pilgrimage during Carnival Week.
Wednesday 20th: I'l be interviewed to promote ANOTHER GAY SEQUEL: GAYS GONE WILD on Frank Decaro's Sirius Radio show at 12:15. And I'll be playing a couple tracks I've written and co-written from Another Gay Movie!
Later that night, I'll be interviewed by Bravo's Andrew Cohen on immediately after Project Runway on a webisode called After The Sew. Hint: the fashion challenge involves drag so you might wanna tune in!
Friday 22nd: I'll be performing at The Russian River Resort outside San Fran.
Saturday 23rd: The Trannyshack Kiss-Off bash with Heklina hosting and performances by Lady Kier, Ana Matronic, Justin Bond, and moi!
Sunday 24th: Back to the Russia River Resort for a dj set.
Friday 29th: SOUTHERN DECADANCE--performing at the Bourbon Pub with Chi Chi LaRue.
Sunday: FREE TEA for ma birfday at Splash from 6-10.
Towleroad has discovered that Manhunt owners gave the maximum contribution to a republican candidate? I don't know what's worse: Manhunt giving it or McCain accepting it. I guess it's mutually beneficial, though. Keep the fags trolling sex sites and gay marriage is less like to happen. Maybe I should start a site for mature transvestite showgirls called Tranhunt!
That's what this Focus On The Family is asking for, to put a damper on Obama's upcoming speech. I guess the right-wing religious nuts are really anxious since Obama's DNC speech in Denver sold out the arena's 75,000 seats immediately, an unprecedented response for any convention address.
Here's a video mash-up set to the tune of an annoying dance remix ofI Isaac's Academy Award-winning SHAFT with (I'm just warning you) a hideous synth line "perking up" the chorus. It's hard to believe that some remixer actually heard all of those fantastic horn and string arrangements and vainly thought "I can do better with this vile synth line", but it's still a tribute to a major 70's musician with a unique sound which lasted for a good decade, staring with STAX Records.
Isaac often dabbled in cover tunes. Here's his live version of Isaac's disco hit DON'T LET GO:
One morning a blind bunny was hopping down the bunny trail and tripped over a large snake and fell, kerplop right on his twitchy little nose.
'Oh please excuse me,' said the bunny. 'I didn't mean to trip over you, but I'm blind and can't see.'
'That's perfectly all right,' replied the snake. 'To be sure, it was my fault. I didn't mean to trip you, but I'm blind too, and I didn't see you coming. By the way, what kind of animal are you?'
'Well, I really don't know,' said the bunny. 'I'm blind, and I've never seen myself. Maybe you could examine me and find out.'
So the snake felt the bunny all over, and he said, 'Well, you're soft, and cuddly, and you have long silky ears, and a little fluffy tail and a dear twitchy little nose. You must be a bunny rabbit!'
The bunny said, 'I can't thank you enough. But by the way, what kind of animal are you?'
The snake replied that he didn't know either, and the bunny agreed to examine him, and when the bunny was finished, the snake asked, 'Well, what kind of an animal am I?'
The bunny had felt the snake all over, and he replied, 'You're cold, you're slippery, and you haven't got any balls...You must be a POLITICIAN'!
A 1975 Medley! She starts off singing while lying down--gotta incorporate that into my act--but then explodes into some super fancy footwork to a mambo #! WOW! Never seen her dance like that!
Little Miss Showbiz was appearing at Coney Island a few days ago and blogster Reavis attended and snapped some pix--she looks great!--and took some video. Liza's horn arrangements are completely sensational! I also enjoyed the video of the Con Ed (New York's power company) getting booed. Check it out HERE.
Another of his entries is a video of a woman's footage of the rainbow effect caused by sprinklers in sunlight--she's convinced that it's caused by some sort of pollution. Ridiculous, but however misguided, at least she cares about something! Personally, I don't trust unicorns.
This isn't exactly a laugh riot, but I actually found it informative. I never, knew, for example, that you should not wear your wig in near a barbecue grill.
And speaking of barbeque grills, how about this summer fun?
ALEXANDRIA, La. - A man and a woman found a new use for a barbecue pit — one that landed them in jail. An argument over whether a third guest should stay in the house got so heated that the woman picked up the barbecue pit and hit the man over the head with it, police said.
The man picked up the barbecue pit and returned the favor and hit the woman in the head with it, police reported. The woman then told police that she picked up the barbecue pit and hit the back window of the man's car with it.
I stupidly joined another of those networking websites, this one called I've avoided Facebook but am pretty heavily addicted to Myspace. For some reason, tagged has a large # of arab men looking for american sluts. One sent me these adorable pix of him in his youth, with (I assume) his sister dolled up a la a muslim Jon Bent Ramsey look with heavy make-up. Sensational photo, right?
With clips from the movie starring Barbara Eden as Momma! It's hard to believe that Jeannie C. RIley's 1968 mini-skirt anthem is still kicking in Norway. Especially since the singer was a prim Southern schoolteacher before her smash hit and never liked the trampy way her record company wanted to portray her.
At first I thought it was a joke since the mom has a man's name, Jaymes. Are his fans gonna approve of the birth of a bastard baby? I guess that's better than being a gay. And now there's proof!
Well, a few years ago. The grande dame of English drag died a few years ago. Seems an impertinent reporter asked her why she was working during a strike. Miss La Rue let her have it in the grandest of ways.
CAZWELL'S NEW VIDEO. I this one might be his first smash! Mainly because it's about Beyonce and not graphic gay sex. I dj'ed at Cornell University and first saw the song performed for the gay student group and even though none of them had ever heard it, the song's instantly quirky and catchy.
On August 23rd, San Francisco's long-running dragstravaganza at the stud will cease to exist as a weekly do, with the night's creator, Heklina, focusing more on special events like the Miss Trannyshack pageant. The party has spawned knock-offs nights in both London and New York, and it will be sorely missed in 'Frisco. But not before going out with a BANG, with a marathon farewell starring all the Trannyshack regulars and special guests Ana Matronic, Lady Miss Kier and moi. Here's a little interview I done did for An excerpt:
JOSHUA ROTTER OF GAY.COM: What are your thoughts on Trannyshack closing its doors as a weekly event?
ME: With all of those hags out of work I am terribly concerned for the safety and sanitation of San Francisco’s streets!
SINGING DIAMONDS ARE A GIRL'S BEST FRIEND! Carol is more of a puppet than her porcine counterpart! And can I please get an AMEN to Carol's silver opera length gloves? Not those hideous elbow length ones which must always be avoided by drags!
"Back in the 80s it was quite normal for gay singers to hang around the London Apprentice on Old Street, and they rarely got any bother from the other gayers in the bar. On one occasion I was cruising round the sleazy part of the bar when I came upon a bare-chested Marc Almond, looking very sexy. I followed him to a dark corner. I noticed that he had a yellow hanky hanging out of his right hand jeans pocket, so I took it that he was into watersports.
"Marc turned round to face me. I took out my dick and started to piss on him. Somewhat outraged, he asked what the fuck I thought I was doing. I told him I thought he was into watersports because of the yellow hanky in his right pocket. 'It's a t-shirt,' he answered.