posted by Lady Bunny at Friday, August 08, 2008
oh why couldn't those pics be high-res...
WTF is an Escort License and why do the ones with teeth require it?! And does hookin' make one's ears grow?! JUST SAYIN'! Bitchez got EARS!
The photos *almost* look like mug shots from the Love Connection....
Very sad Photos. Why do they only post the photos of the hookers and not the johns? I guess in small town wichita the police are the big game hunters and the hookers are the trophys. It just seems wrong. Thank God I live in the Northeast.
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oh why couldn't those pics be high-res...
WTF is an Escort License and why do the ones with teeth require it?! And does hookin' make one's ears grow?! JUST SAYIN'! Bitchez got EARS!
The photos *almost* look like mug shots from the Love Connection....
Very sad Photos. Why do they only post the photos of the hookers and not the johns? I guess in small town wichita the police are the big game hunters and the hookers are the trophys. It just seems wrong. Thank God I live in the Northeast.
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