June 30, 2007

Actually, it's a donkey in "drag" in Columbia, where a traditonal rite of male passage involves getting a real piece of ass. That's right, DONKEY-FUCKING! This is a little long (in 3 parts) but I really love their style of reporting--with cuss words! Plus, those Columbian guys are hot and have the cheapest drugs on the planet. Makes a girl wanna head down there and make a real ass of herself on vacation. Kind of like a reverse ZOO effect.
Check it out at WORLDOFWONDER.NET, but bear in mind that PART 1 is not too graphic if you wanna cut to the action, you perverts!
Chills! J-HU and J-HO team up for a duet of AND I AM TELLING YOU on the recent BET Awards. They are both great, but Miss Holiday is wrenching her guts out with some of those notes. It's so guttural that it's almost beyond singing--at the end she almost eats the mic!
The same evening, Miss Erykah Badu covered LOVE HANGOVER in a tribute to Miss Ross (present) and turns it in a huge wig and gorgeous make-up.
The same evening, Miss Erykah Badu covered LOVE HANGOVER in a tribute to Miss Ross (present) and turns it in a huge wig and gorgeous make-up.

Well, a fan site anyway. But there are some great pix of the San Francisco drag troupe which spawned Sylvester. Here's a couple vintage drags to tease you.





Prisoner Wants Tax-Payers To Pay For His Sex-Change
I didn't know that Flotilla Debarge was 58!

Tomasz Filipczak - AHN
Boston, MA (AHN) - Convicted killer Robert Kosilek, who legally has changed his name to Michelle, is fighting in federal courts to have a sex-change operation.
The trial, which opened a year ago, has become mired in Boston federal courts and has cost taxpayers more than $52,000, according to the Associated Press.
Hundreds of hours of testimony have been offered up in court, including that of 10 medical specialists who have been paid tens of thousands of dollars. Even the judge had to hire an expert to help him make sense of the complicated case.
The cost of the trial overshadows the cost of the surgery (about $20,000) but allowing the surgery to go forward would set precedent for possible hundreds of other cases similar to this one.
"They are prisoners. They are there because they've broken the law," said Republican state Sen. Scott Brown, who unsuccessfully introduced a bill to ban sex-change surgery for inmates. "Other folks, people who want to get these types of surgeries, they have to go through their insurance carrier or save up for it and do it independently. Yet if you are in prison, you can do it for nothing? That doesn't make a lot of sense."
Kosilek, 58, was convicted of strangling his wife in 1990. He claimed he killed her in self-defense after she spilled boiling tea on his genitals.
In some cases sex-change surgery can be necessary, experts said. In the case of Kosilek, who has twice attempted suicide, advocates say it is necessary. "I would not want to continue existing like this," Kosilek testified.
Former Commissioner Kathleen Dennehy said prison officials cannot be influenced by Kosilek's talk of suicide. "The department does not negotiate or respond to threats of harm or suicide in an effort to barter," she said. "You couldn't run a prison with that kind of leveraging going on."
Prisoner Wants Tax-Payers To Pay For His Sex-Change
I didn't know that Flotilla Debarge was 58!

Tomasz Filipczak - AHN
Boston, MA (AHN) - Convicted killer Robert Kosilek, who legally has changed his name to Michelle, is fighting in federal courts to have a sex-change operation.
The trial, which opened a year ago, has become mired in Boston federal courts and has cost taxpayers more than $52,000, according to the Associated Press.
Hundreds of hours of testimony have been offered up in court, including that of 10 medical specialists who have been paid tens of thousands of dollars. Even the judge had to hire an expert to help him make sense of the complicated case.
The cost of the trial overshadows the cost of the surgery (about $20,000) but allowing the surgery to go forward would set precedent for possible hundreds of other cases similar to this one.
"They are prisoners. They are there because they've broken the law," said Republican state Sen. Scott Brown, who unsuccessfully introduced a bill to ban sex-change surgery for inmates. "Other folks, people who want to get these types of surgeries, they have to go through their insurance carrier or save up for it and do it independently. Yet if you are in prison, you can do it for nothing? That doesn't make a lot of sense."
Kosilek, 58, was convicted of strangling his wife in 1990. He claimed he killed her in self-defense after she spilled boiling tea on his genitals.
In some cases sex-change surgery can be necessary, experts said. In the case of Kosilek, who has twice attempted suicide, advocates say it is necessary. "I would not want to continue existing like this," Kosilek testified.
Former Commissioner Kathleen Dennehy said prison officials cannot be influenced by Kosilek's talk of suicide. "The department does not negotiate or respond to threats of harm or suicide in an effort to barter," she said. "You couldn't run a prison with that kind of leveraging going on."
June 29, 2007
Forget Paris
The editor of Us Weekly explains the irresistibility of Paris Hilton—and why she banned the heiress from the magazine.
By Janice Min
A prominent and rich family. A drunk-driving arrest. Serious doubts about intelligence. A misspent youth. Sudden inspiration through the Bible. It's interesting how two of the most unpopular and divisive figures in America today—George W. Bush and Paris Hilton—have so much in common. And on Wednesday, June 27, they found themselves in an unusual competition: Whose legal crisis would dominate the news cycle?
The editor of Us Weekly explains the irresistibility of Paris Hilton—and why she banned the heiress from the magazine.
By Janice Min
A prominent and rich family. A drunk-driving arrest. Serious doubts about intelligence. A misspent youth. Sudden inspiration through the Bible. It's interesting how two of the most unpopular and divisive figures in America today—George W. Bush and Paris Hilton—have so much in common. And on Wednesday, June 27, they found themselves in an unusual competition: Whose legal crisis would dominate the news cycle?
Someone commented that they enjoyed my earlier TANDI IMAN DUPREE post, which featured a black queen lipsynch-ing to a high energy dance number, and that they were a little tired of the performance art drag which is popular these days. Well, I'm from Chattanooga, Tennessee and cut my drag fangs on fantastic lip-synch performances by the likes of Chattanooga's Own Bubbling Brown Sugar, Miss Tasha Khan and The Look and Feel of Real, Miss Adrian Sanchez. I love a good old-fashioned lip-synch #, especially when the queens are such dynamic performers that they aren't locked into impersonating popular divas. (Especially when you consider today's dull divas.) But, NYC might be the nayional capitol of artsy drag, and as such it's launched such internationally-known talents as Hedwig (aka John Cameron Mitchell) and Justin Bond of Kiki and Herb fame. Not to mention gender-bender singer-songwriter Antony and The Johnsons, who I first met at the Pyramid club with his head shaved bald and a ballerina-ish tulle dress worn with army boots!
I like both styles of drag, but Our Lady J, definitely falls into the artsier, singer-songwriter category. If that's your cup of tea, you may wanna check out her upcoming show at The Zipper. As a performer who doesn't even always remember to bring her show cd to a gig, I am in awe of a gal who can get together the string quartet and other instrumentalists who make up her backing band, The Pink Champagne Orchestra.

You can check her out on youtube HERE.
I like both styles of drag, but Our Lady J, definitely falls into the artsier, singer-songwriter category. If that's your cup of tea, you may wanna check out her upcoming show at The Zipper. As a performer who doesn't even always remember to bring her show cd to a gig, I am in awe of a gal who can get together the string quartet and other instrumentalists who make up her backing band, The Pink Champagne Orchestra.

You can check her out on youtube HERE.
A step by step guide to creating your very own fuckable bean bag chair!


As re-edited by World of Wonder. I woner if she's still gonna be toting tha bible around with her now that she's sprung?
This is Larry-the current reigning Mr. Esco. Catch the new pageant this Tuesday at Escuelita. A guaranteed parade of prime meat (and cheese!). For more info, visit ESCUELITA.COM. I will be on hand as a guest entertainer. And hopefully on knees as a guest fluffer!


From japanese TV. Involves young dancing girls with mustaches! What could Johnny have been thinking during this insanity. He seems like such a cool guy, so I suppose he was charmed at the cultural difference and cuteness of it, but it is fucking freaky.
June 27, 2007
From the Miss Black America pageant 2001. Tandi, who I understand is deceased, actually drops from the ceiling into a split to jumpstart her performance of Bonnie Tyler's HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO. The sound is weak so pump it up.
June 26, 2007
A married couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning.
The wife (undoubtedly blonde), picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, "How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!" and hung up.
The husband said, "Who was that?"
The wife said, "I don't know! It was some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear."
Two blondes were walking down the street. One noticed a compact on the sidewalk and leaned down to pick it up. She opened it, looked in the mirror and said, "Hmm, this person looks familiar."
The second blonde said, "Here, let me see!" So the first blonde handed her the compact. The second one looked in the mirror and said, "You dummy, it's me!"
A blonde suspected her boyfriend of cheating on her, so she went out and bought a gun. She went to his apartment unexpectedly and when she opened the door she found him in the arms of a redhead.
Well, the blonde is really angry. She opened her purse to take out the gun, and as she does so, she is overcome with grief. She took the gun and put it to her head.
The boyfriend yelled, "No, honey, don't do it!!!"
The blonde replied, "Shut up .. you're next!"
A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly said, "Go ahead, and ask me, I know all of them."
A friend said, "OK, what's the capital of Wisconsin?"
The blonde replied, "Oh, that's easy: W."
What did the blonde ask her doctor when he told her she was pregnant?
"Is it mine?"
Bambi, a blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA freshman, sat in her US government class. The professor asked Bambi if she knew what Roe vs. Wade was about.
Bambi pondered the question then finally said, "That was the decision George Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware"
Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime.
The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the radio, and a K-9 unit, patrolling nearby was the first to respond. As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps.
Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman."
A married couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning.
The wife (undoubtedly blonde), picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, "How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!" and hung up.
The husband said, "Who was that?"
The wife said, "I don't know! It was some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear."
Two blondes were walking down the street. One noticed a compact on the sidewalk and leaned down to pick it up. She opened it, looked in the mirror and said, "Hmm, this person looks familiar."
The second blonde said, "Here, let me see!" So the first blonde handed her the compact. The second one looked in the mirror and said, "You dummy, it's me!"
A blonde suspected her boyfriend of cheating on her, so she went out and bought a gun. She went to his apartment unexpectedly and when she opened the door she found him in the arms of a redhead.
Well, the blonde is really angry. She opened her purse to take out the gun, and as she does so, she is overcome with grief. She took the gun and put it to her head.
The boyfriend yelled, "No, honey, don't do it!!!"
The blonde replied, "Shut up .. you're next!"
A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly said, "Go ahead, and ask me, I know all of them."
A friend said, "OK, what's the capital of Wisconsin?"
The blonde replied, "Oh, that's easy: W."
What did the blonde ask her doctor when he told her she was pregnant?
"Is it mine?"
Bambi, a blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA freshman, sat in her US government class. The professor asked Bambi if she knew what Roe vs. Wade was about.
Bambi pondered the question then finally said, "That was the decision George Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware"
Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime.
The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the radio, and a K-9 unit, patrolling nearby was the first to respond. As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps.
Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman."

The Portland's portly pastor preaches here about the meth-using, escort-hiring born-again Ted Swaggart. The video>'s a little long, but definitely worth a gander!

THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS star Brenda Dickson's cheesy 80's video gets a hilarious, filthy voiceover treatment and it's a scream!
June 17, 2007

The vintage musical star hip-hops to WALK IT OUT, through the miracle of modern day editing, by Judi Cutrone of Diamond Creative. LOVE IT!

Documentary "RED INTO BLUE" chronicles a tale of two titties being implanted. She looks cute!

I mean Triumph, the comic insult dog. From Conan. Hilarious, as usual! It even cracks itself up at one point!

They put your ass in the Public Library! But at least I can say that I'm "appearing" at Lincoln Center, at last! On Thursday June 21st, The Bruno Walter Auditorium will screen rare drag videos digging waaaay back in the creaky crates for footage of my sisters including:
Kevin Aviance, Lady Bunny, Jim Bailey, Charles Busch, International Chrysis, Jane County, Jackie Curtis, Candy Darling, Ethyl Eichelberger, Rudy Giuliani, Kiki and Herb, Jimmy James, Marsha P. Johnson, Lypsinka, Shelly Mars, Rollerena, RuPaul, Sweetie, and Holly Woodlawn, plus many more. Films selected by Joe E. Jeffreys. And it's free, bitches!
I'll be out of town, but it sounds unmissable!

They put your ass in the Public Library! But at least I can say that I'm "appearing" at Lincoln Center, at last! On Thursday June 21st, The Bruno Walter Auditorium will screen rare drag videos digging waaaay back in the creaky crates for footage of my sisters including:
Kevin Aviance, Lady Bunny, Jim Bailey, Charles Busch, International Chrysis, Jane County, Jackie Curtis, Candy Darling, Ethyl Eichelberger, Rudy Giuliani, Kiki and Herb, Jimmy James, Marsha P. Johnson, Lypsinka, Shelly Mars, Rollerena, RuPaul, Sweetie, and Holly Woodlawn, plus many more. Films selected by Joe E. Jeffreys. And it's free, bitches!
I'll be out of town, but it sounds unmissable!
June 16, 2007
June 12, 2007
NOT SAFE FOR WORK--AS IF ANY OF MY READERS HAVE JOBS! Make sure you hit the button 3 times to hit pay dirt!
Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A 'Gay Bomb'
Hank Plante Reporting
(CBS 5) BERKELEY A Berkeley watchdog organization that tracks military spending said it uncovered a strange U.S. military proposal to create a hormone bomb that could purportedly turn enemy soldiers into homosexuals and make them more interested in sex than fighting.
Pentagon officials on Friday confirmed to CBS 5 that military leaders had considered, and then subsquently rejected, building the so-called "Gay Bomb."
The bomb was to contain a performance by drag diva Lypsinka--KIDDING!
Hank Plante Reporting
(CBS 5) BERKELEY A Berkeley watchdog organization that tracks military spending said it uncovered a strange U.S. military proposal to create a hormone bomb that could purportedly turn enemy soldiers into homosexuals and make them more interested in sex than fighting.
Pentagon officials on Friday confirmed to CBS 5 that military leaders had considered, and then subsquently rejected, building the so-called "Gay Bomb."
The bomb was to contain a performance by drag diva Lypsinka--KIDDING!
June 06, 2007

My crazy sister Daisy D. from Fort Lauderdale has done a cute parody (as Paris Hilton) of Gwen Stefani's SWEET ESCAPE. Check it out!

Enrique Iglesias sure is handsome, bjut take a listen to how tone-deaf he is without his backing tracks. It's quite shocking!
Perhaps you are not aware that I've been giving singing lessons. Here is footage of one of my most promising pupils.
An insane site which picks on unnatractive men with hot dates. The following is from the entry The Dutch Bag. The comments below are even more hateful! Are these written by hot guys who can't find a hot chick? Or just jealous, less successful douche bags?

And then there's Dutch-Bag, the Eurodouche, the Scroatian. Plastic skin oozing of Germanic butter creames and Tuscan hair gels. Shirts smelling vaguely of toblerone and riccola. With forehead gleaming in the light like the ancient Norwegian fjords, and hair spiked like southern Spanish forests of early spring, the Eurodouche dances like only he can dance. His nasal accent sings with indeterminate boutique hotel lobby resonance.
A fully lathered up work of renaissance art, the Eurodouche inspires post-colonialist douche-rage across much of the subcontinent.
Leopard Princess, however, makes me want to Arch my Duke while feudalizing the proletariat.
There's a sad aura of bygone glory hanging over Dutch. As if he were the drummer from Icehouse, showing up at fabulous parties to assert his relevance. He even BeDazzled™ his pants for the occasion. What a trouper.
Leopard Princess is not fooled. Note the strategic purse plaement, artfully blocking boob to puka contact. No Grieco on her. She's got her fin out of the water for octagenarian billionaires and will be gone before the flash clears from Dutch's eyes.
# posted by Baron Von Goolo : 1:42 PM
There's just something about this chick that says tranny. I can't put my finger on it but when I first looked that's what popped into my head. It's actually giving me the creeps. Maybe it's the fact that he/she is proportionally much larger than euro. Shoulders, hands, feet, all seemingly much bigger. I've got to stop, I'm getting nauseous.
# posted by rip van wanker : 1:44 PM
What!? How is that shirt even legal? And so now pants with swooshy sequined designs are the in thing in Europe now, eh? Apparently Ryan Seacrest has replaced Jerry Lewis as God over there. I'd hit douchebag in the face with a shovel, but it looks like someone already beat me to it.
Ye gods for hottie tho. She could fuck you just by looking at you.
Oh for cryin' out loud RVW, thanks for THAT thought. I was all set to not need whiskey until sundown. Now I might as well just go grab the bottle and a straw. Yeesh.
# posted by douche vader : 1:47 PM
isn't that the guy from saturday night live?
# posted by Anonymous : 1:55 PM
I was all set to say something when the astute van wanker noted the tranny characteristics on Meow Mix.
Now all I long for is to be locked in an office barefoot while I'm outnumbered by German thieves who shoot the glass to get back their C-4 detonators Die Hard style.
# posted by the last scroteurai : 1:59 PM
You could make a purse outta that motherfucker's face and sell it for a couple grand.
# posted by Mitch Meats : 2:04 PM
rip van wanker makes a good point. she does look like she's been under the knife. HOWEVER....... so does he. what if, and bear with me here, what if they were each the opposite sex months before this picture was taken? just a thought. just a horrifying, disturbing thought. i'm going home now to curl up with a warm bottle of scotch.

And then there's Dutch-Bag, the Eurodouche, the Scroatian. Plastic skin oozing of Germanic butter creames and Tuscan hair gels. Shirts smelling vaguely of toblerone and riccola. With forehead gleaming in the light like the ancient Norwegian fjords, and hair spiked like southern Spanish forests of early spring, the Eurodouche dances like only he can dance. His nasal accent sings with indeterminate boutique hotel lobby resonance.
A fully lathered up work of renaissance art, the Eurodouche inspires post-colonialist douche-rage across much of the subcontinent.
Leopard Princess, however, makes me want to Arch my Duke while feudalizing the proletariat.
There's a sad aura of bygone glory hanging over Dutch. As if he were the drummer from Icehouse, showing up at fabulous parties to assert his relevance. He even BeDazzled™ his pants for the occasion. What a trouper.
Leopard Princess is not fooled. Note the strategic purse plaement, artfully blocking boob to puka contact. No Grieco on her. She's got her fin out of the water for octagenarian billionaires and will be gone before the flash clears from Dutch's eyes.
# posted by Baron Von Goolo : 1:42 PM
There's just something about this chick that says tranny. I can't put my finger on it but when I first looked that's what popped into my head. It's actually giving me the creeps. Maybe it's the fact that he/she is proportionally much larger than euro. Shoulders, hands, feet, all seemingly much bigger. I've got to stop, I'm getting nauseous.
# posted by rip van wanker : 1:44 PM
What!? How is that shirt even legal? And so now pants with swooshy sequined designs are the in thing in Europe now, eh? Apparently Ryan Seacrest has replaced Jerry Lewis as God over there. I'd hit douchebag in the face with a shovel, but it looks like someone already beat me to it.
Ye gods for hottie tho. She could fuck you just by looking at you.
Oh for cryin' out loud RVW, thanks for THAT thought. I was all set to not need whiskey until sundown. Now I might as well just go grab the bottle and a straw. Yeesh.
# posted by douche vader : 1:47 PM
isn't that the guy from saturday night live?
# posted by Anonymous : 1:55 PM
I was all set to say something when the astute van wanker noted the tranny characteristics on Meow Mix.
Now all I long for is to be locked in an office barefoot while I'm outnumbered by German thieves who shoot the glass to get back their C-4 detonators Die Hard style.
# posted by the last scroteurai : 1:59 PM
You could make a purse outta that motherfucker's face and sell it for a couple grand.
# posted by Mitch Meats : 2:04 PM
rip van wanker makes a good point. she does look like she's been under the knife. HOWEVER....... so does he. what if, and bear with me here, what if they were each the opposite sex months before this picture was taken? just a thought. just a horrifying, disturbing thought. i'm going home now to curl up with a warm bottle of scotch.
June 05, 2007

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Supermodel Gisele Bundchen stepped into the debate over birth control and sexual behavior in Brazil on Tuesday, saying Church opposition to condom use was ridiculous and women should have the right to choose on abortion.
Gisele is idolized by many young women in Brazil, the world's largest Roman Catholic country, where debate over sexual issues has intensified around a visit by Pope Benedict last month.

He's cashing in on 9/11, working with Karl Rove's henchmen and in cahoots with a Swift Boat-style attack on Hillary. Will Rudy Giuliani be Bush III?
Early Wednesday, May 16th, Charleston, South Carolina. The scene is a town-hall meeting staged by GOP presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, only a day after he wowed a patriotic Republican crowd at a nationally televised debate with a righteous ass-kicking of the party's latest Hanoi Jane, terrorist sympathizer Ron Paul. A bump in the polls later, "America's Mayor" is back on the campaign trail -- in a room packed with standard-issue Adorable Schoolchildren, in this case beatific black kids in elementary school uniforms with wide eyes and big RUDY stickers pinned to their oblivious breasts.

Giuliani has good stage presence, but his physical appearance is problematic -- virtually neckless, all shoulders and forehead and overbite, with a hunched-over, Draculoid posture that recalls, oddly enough, George W. Bush, the vestigial stoop of a once-chubby kid who grew up hiding tittie pictures from nuns. Not handsome, not cuddly, if he wins this thing it's going to be by projecting toughness and man-aura. But all presidential candidates have to play the baby-kissing game, and here is an early chance for Rudy to show his softer side.

He's cashing in on 9/11, working with Karl Rove's henchmen and in cahoots with a Swift Boat-style attack on Hillary. Will Rudy Giuliani be Bush III?
Early Wednesday, May 16th, Charleston, South Carolina. The scene is a town-hall meeting staged by GOP presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, only a day after he wowed a patriotic Republican crowd at a nationally televised debate with a righteous ass-kicking of the party's latest Hanoi Jane, terrorist sympathizer Ron Paul. A bump in the polls later, "America's Mayor" is back on the campaign trail -- in a room packed with standard-issue Adorable Schoolchildren, in this case beatific black kids in elementary school uniforms with wide eyes and big RUDY stickers pinned to their oblivious breasts.

Giuliani has good stage presence, but his physical appearance is problematic -- virtually neckless, all shoulders and forehead and overbite, with a hunched-over, Draculoid posture that recalls, oddly enough, George W. Bush, the vestigial stoop of a once-chubby kid who grew up hiding tittie pictures from nuns. Not handsome, not cuddly, if he wins this thing it's going to be by projecting toughness and man-aura. But all presidential candidates have to play the baby-kissing game, and here is an early chance for Rudy to show his softer side.
But even a republicunt would wanna sign this one! Hell, I don't even drive and I signed it!

Here's the bad news: Gas prices hit a record high around Memorial Day and show no sign of declining anytime soon.
Here's the good news: Already, 500,000 people have signed last week's petition asking Congress to make gas price gouging illegal. The American people have had enough, and it's time for a change.
But Big Oil is fighting new legislation tooth and nail, and the Senate is voting on an anti-price gouging bill in just two weeks. If we can reach 750,000 names, we'll hand deliver the petition to Congress to remind them we're watching.
Can you sign our petition telling Congress to pass a strong price gouging bill—and then pass this email on to your friends?
"Gasoline price gouging should be made a federal crime before the summer price increases hurt more American families."
Big Oil will stop at nothing to protect their profits, and they've got lobbyists all over Capitol Hill.
When the House passed a price gouging bill last week, the oil companies got language added at the last minute that makes the bill difficult to enforce.
But the new Congress has Big Oil worried. They started running ads last week to scare people into thinking that federal legislation will actually raise prices. As the Houston Chronicle reported:
The radio ads are part of a media campaign the trade group is funding, hoping to swat down calls for a new windfall profits tax on the oil industry and at fending off legislation to make price gouging at the pump a federal crime.1
The oil companies are out of control, but we're on to them. A lot of folks are already stretched to the limit, and these high gas prices are just too much. We're tired of policies that give billions to Big Oil, instead of supporting alternatives that would be better for the planet and our pocketbooks.
Our elected representatives hear every day on Capitol Hill from the oil companies, so the Senate needs to hear even louder from us not to cave and weaken the bill. We're hoping to get 750,000 signatures to deliver to Congress before the next vote. We're at 500,000 now. Can you sign our petition asking Congress to stand on the side of the American people?
Donna G., a MoveOn member from Indiana, couldn't have said it better:
Stop the insanity! We need the government's help to curb the huge profits going into the pockets of the oil barons while the rest of the nation is struggling just to make ends meet.

Here's the bad news: Gas prices hit a record high around Memorial Day and show no sign of declining anytime soon.
Here's the good news: Already, 500,000 people have signed last week's petition asking Congress to make gas price gouging illegal. The American people have had enough, and it's time for a change.
But Big Oil is fighting new legislation tooth and nail, and the Senate is voting on an anti-price gouging bill in just two weeks. If we can reach 750,000 names, we'll hand deliver the petition to Congress to remind them we're watching.
Can you sign our petition telling Congress to pass a strong price gouging bill—and then pass this email on to your friends?
"Gasoline price gouging should be made a federal crime before the summer price increases hurt more American families."
Big Oil will stop at nothing to protect their profits, and they've got lobbyists all over Capitol Hill.
When the House passed a price gouging bill last week, the oil companies got language added at the last minute that makes the bill difficult to enforce.
But the new Congress has Big Oil worried. They started running ads last week to scare people into thinking that federal legislation will actually raise prices. As the Houston Chronicle reported:
The radio ads are part of a media campaign the trade group is funding, hoping to swat down calls for a new windfall profits tax on the oil industry and at fending off legislation to make price gouging at the pump a federal crime.1
The oil companies are out of control, but we're on to them. A lot of folks are already stretched to the limit, and these high gas prices are just too much. We're tired of policies that give billions to Big Oil, instead of supporting alternatives that would be better for the planet and our pocketbooks.
Our elected representatives hear every day on Capitol Hill from the oil companies, so the Senate needs to hear even louder from us not to cave and weaken the bill. We're hoping to get 750,000 signatures to deliver to Congress before the next vote. We're at 500,000 now. Can you sign our petition asking Congress to stand on the side of the American people?
Donna G., a MoveOn member from Indiana, couldn't have said it better:
Stop the insanity! We need the government's help to curb the huge profits going into the pockets of the oil barons while the rest of the nation is struggling just to make ends meet.
(London) A coroner's court has heard the final details of the suicide of a Welsh teen whose family says was driven to his death by homophobic taunting.
Fifteen year old Jonathan Reynolds sent his family a final text message minutes before he lay down on the tracks in front of train traveling at 85 miles an hour.
"Tell everyone that this is for anybody who eva said anything bad about me, see I do have feelings too. Blame the people who were horrible and injust 2 me. This is because of them, I am human just like them. I hope they rot in hell 4 what they made me do. They know who they are," said the message to his father and his 14 year old sister.
(London) A coroner's court has heard the final details of the suicide of a Welsh teen whose family says was driven to his death by homophobic taunting.
Fifteen year old Jonathan Reynolds sent his family a final text message minutes before he lay down on the tracks in front of train traveling at 85 miles an hour.
"Tell everyone that this is for anybody who eva said anything bad about me, see I do have feelings too. Blame the people who were horrible and injust 2 me. This is because of them, I am human just like them. I hope they rot in hell 4 what they made me do. They know who they are," said the message to his father and his 14 year old sister.
I never knew this song had such a fun video. These girls were Rick James protegees, so I'm sure Rick got a kick when that heavily made up mouth licks a stick of rock candy!
Sung by Carol Channing.
From Youtube:
This has to be one of the oddest videos in my collection. Carol Channing on the "Dean Martin" show sings "That's How Young I Feel" (from the musical "Mame"). What makes it so odd? How about Tommy Tune and the rest of the dancers from "Seesaw" dressed as if they were in "Hair"?Or seeing Carol in a mini shirt-skirt? With a matching wide tie? Or hearing Carol shouting "Here Come The Fuzz?" You decide.
From Youtube:
This has to be one of the oddest videos in my collection. Carol Channing on the "Dean Martin" show sings "That's How Young I Feel" (from the musical "Mame"). What makes it so odd? How about Tommy Tune and the rest of the dancers from "Seesaw" dressed as if they were in "Hair"?Or seeing Carol in a mini shirt-skirt? With a matching wide tie? Or hearing Carol shouting "Here Come The Fuzz?" You decide.
June 02, 2007

The bad guys can be equally confounded.
They see an officer wearing blue topaz earrings but shouting, “Get down on the ground!” in a deep, booming voice.
“When I get loud, I sound like a man,” Jessica conceded. “It throws the bad guys off. They can think whatever they want. I don’t care.”
Jessica understands the confusion because she lived 40 years mixed-up herself, not fitting in anywhere.
June 01, 2007
They're throwing a party with free beer, BBQ and ice cream to commemorate Loving vs Virginia, which legalizedd interracial marriage. Only in New York, kids!




It's out! And escort Mike Jones doesn't skimp on the details. Apparently, Ted got a kick out of trying on Mike's stars and stripes thong! Meth always makes me feel patriotic, too!

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Damien Hirst, former BritArt bad boy whose works infuriate and inspire in equal measure, did it again on Friday with a diamond-encrusted platinum cast of a human skull priced at a cool $98 million.
The skull, cast from a 35-year-old 18th-century European male, is coated with 8,601 diamonds, including a large pink diamond worth more than $8 million in the center of its forehead.
"It shows we are not going to live for ever. But it also has a feeling of victory over death," Hirst said as the sparkling skull was unveiled to the public for the first time amid tight security at central London's White Cube gallery.

Can the famously nonsensical disco-movie flop make it on Broadway? By Michael Martin
As a film, the 1980 Olivia Newton-John roller-disco fable Xanadu was the epic failure to end all epic failures—for a few years, anyway, until Ishtar. It flummoxed the Times reviewer, who complained, “Too many different things are going on here, and they don’t have much to do with one another,” before dismissing it as a “desperately stylish” movie “best watched with your eyes closed.” It was nominated for six Razzies that year—its director won one—and inspired reviews such as the one-word “Xana-don’t!”

Can the famously nonsensical disco-movie flop make it on Broadway? By Michael Martin
As a film, the 1980 Olivia Newton-John roller-disco fable Xanadu was the epic failure to end all epic failures—for a few years, anyway, until Ishtar. It flummoxed the Times reviewer, who complained, “Too many different things are going on here, and they don’t have much to do with one another,” before dismissing it as a “desperately stylish” movie “best watched with your eyes closed.” It was nominated for six Razzies that year—its director won one—and inspired reviews such as the one-word “Xana-don’t!”
Doris being the ugly stepsister cartoon voiced by CNN's Larry King. The Illinois Review accuses:

Right in the midst of a warm "traditional family" setting, the film writers place a man dressed as a woman in with Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White (the good gals). The crossdressing character simply doesn't make sense, except as a ploy to desensitize children and parents to transgenders.

Right in the midst of a warm "traditional family" setting, the film writers place a man dressed as a woman in with Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White (the good gals). The crossdressing character simply doesn't make sense, except as a ploy to desensitize children and parents to transgenders.