May 31, 2007
I need to know. I need to know. Tell me baby girl cuz I need to know. --Marc Antony (He looks so sexy now! Rubbing his face in J-Lo's cunt must have miraculous powers!)
There's some high-level fag in this anti-gay administration who this hustler was tricking with. I really can't imagine it's Bush, although the supposed Bush/Condi affair which caused Laura to move into a hotel for a minute strikes me as odd. Was this story a plant to hide a Bush tryst that would really shake him down. Despite the suggestive pic below, I just can't see Bush as a fag. He's the classic good ol' boy.

Doughy-faced Rove looks slightly femme and there were those allegations (I have no idea how solid they were) a couple years ago about his wild S & M party in a DC hotel room during a gay leather weekend. But now that Cheney is hiding (at his lawyer's advice) all of his residence's visitor records, I wonder what he was trying to cover up? Was military prostitute/reporter for a ficticious new agency Jeff Gannon wooing Cheney (puke!) those 196 times he gained access to the White House on unofficial business. That would be too rich! Cheney, with a dyke daughter and a wife who penned a lesbo-erotic novel SISTERS, is a big ol' mary? We can only hope. Hardly a credit to our community, but he sure would fall hard in the eyes of his (few) supporters.
WASHINGTON — A lawyer for Vice President Dick Cheney told the Secret Service in September to eliminate data on who visited Cheney at his official residence, a newly disclosed letter states. The Sept. 13, 2006, letter from Cheney's lawyer says logs for Cheney's residence on the grounds of the Naval Observatory are subject to the Presidential Records Act.
Such a designation prevents the public from learning who visited the vice president.
The Justice Department filed the letter Friday in a lawsuit by a private group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, seeking the identities of conservative religious leaders who visited Cheney at his official residence.
The newly disclosed letter about visitors to Cheney's residence is accompanied by an 18-page Secret Service document revealing the agency's long-standing practice has been to destroy printed daily access lists of visitors to the residence.
Separately, the agency says it has given Cheney's office handwritten logs of who visits him at his personal residence.
Because of pending lawsuits, the Secret Service says it is now keeping copies of all material on visitors to Cheney's residence. According to the Secret Service document, Cheney's office has approved the agency's retention of the records, while maintaining they are presidential records subject to Cheney's control.
There's some high-level fag in this anti-gay administration who this hustler was tricking with. I really can't imagine it's Bush, although the supposed Bush/Condi affair which caused Laura to move into a hotel for a minute strikes me as odd. Was this story a plant to hide a Bush tryst that would really shake him down. Despite the suggestive pic below, I just can't see Bush as a fag. He's the classic good ol' boy.

Doughy-faced Rove looks slightly femme and there were those allegations (I have no idea how solid they were) a couple years ago about his wild S & M party in a DC hotel room during a gay leather weekend. But now that Cheney is hiding (at his lawyer's advice) all of his residence's visitor records, I wonder what he was trying to cover up? Was military prostitute/reporter for a ficticious new agency Jeff Gannon wooing Cheney (puke!) those 196 times he gained access to the White House on unofficial business. That would be too rich! Cheney, with a dyke daughter and a wife who penned a lesbo-erotic novel SISTERS, is a big ol' mary? We can only hope. Hardly a credit to our community, but he sure would fall hard in the eyes of his (few) supporters.
WASHINGTON — A lawyer for Vice President Dick Cheney told the Secret Service in September to eliminate data on who visited Cheney at his official residence, a newly disclosed letter states. The Sept. 13, 2006, letter from Cheney's lawyer says logs for Cheney's residence on the grounds of the Naval Observatory are subject to the Presidential Records Act.
Such a designation prevents the public from learning who visited the vice president.
The Justice Department filed the letter Friday in a lawsuit by a private group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, seeking the identities of conservative religious leaders who visited Cheney at his official residence.
The newly disclosed letter about visitors to Cheney's residence is accompanied by an 18-page Secret Service document revealing the agency's long-standing practice has been to destroy printed daily access lists of visitors to the residence.
Separately, the agency says it has given Cheney's office handwritten logs of who visits him at his personal residence.
Because of pending lawsuits, the Secret Service says it is now keeping copies of all material on visitors to Cheney's residence. According to the Secret Service document, Cheney's office has approved the agency's retention of the records, while maintaining they are presidential records subject to Cheney's control.

Associated Press Writer
SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) - Steve Stanton was fired as city manager in Largo two months ago after announcing his plans to become Susan Stanton. On Wednesday, Stanton, wearing a white skirt, pumps and makeup, applied for the top job in this cosmopolitan tourist town, and was turned down.
The Sarasota city commissioners instead picked another one of the five candidates. Stanton was their third choice.
"It's just too soon. It's too soon for a transgendered city manager. ... I just don't think the world is ready just yet,'' the 48-year-old Stanton said as she made a hasty exit from City Hall.
Commissioner Ken Shelin disagreed. Shelin said the determining factor was the winning candidate's ``quiet leadership.''
Stanton ``made it into the top three,'' Shelin said. ``She got serious consideration. She made, clearly, a very strong impression on all of us. There were favorable comments from all the commissioners.''

Associated Press Writer
SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) - Steve Stanton was fired as city manager in Largo two months ago after announcing his plans to become Susan Stanton. On Wednesday, Stanton, wearing a white skirt, pumps and makeup, applied for the top job in this cosmopolitan tourist town, and was turned down.
The Sarasota city commissioners instead picked another one of the five candidates. Stanton was their third choice.
"It's just too soon. It's too soon for a transgendered city manager. ... I just don't think the world is ready just yet,'' the 48-year-old Stanton said as she made a hasty exit from City Hall.
Commissioner Ken Shelin disagreed. Shelin said the determining factor was the winning candidate's ``quiet leadership.''
Stanton ``made it into the top three,'' Shelin said. ``She got serious consideration. She made, clearly, a very strong impression on all of us. There were favorable comments from all the commissioners.''
The army has already been found to enlist 49 year olds, help enlistees cheat on drug and GED tests, enlist criminals and the mentally slow, and send troops out without proper body armor or tents, making them buy their own. But this is a new low.
SAN ANTONIO — In the blur of smoke and blood after a bomb blew up under his Humvee in Iraq, Sgt. Tawan Williamson looked down at his shredded leg and knew it couldn't be saved. His military career, though, pulled through. Less than a year after the attack, Williamson is running again with a high-tech prosthetic leg and plans to take up a new assignment, probably by the fall, as an Army job counselor and affirmative action officer in Okinawa, Japan.

In an about-face by the Pentagon, the military is putting many more amputees back on active duty _ even back into combat, in some cases.
Williamson, a 30-year-old Chicago native who is missing his left leg below the knee and three toes on the other foot, acknowledged that some will be skeptical of a maimed soldier back in uniform.
"But I let my job show for itself," he said. "At this point, I'm done proving. I just get out there and do it."
Previously, a soldier who lost a limb almost automatically received a quick discharge, a disability check and an appointment with the Veterans Administration.
But since the start of the Iraq war, the military has begun holding on to amputees, treating them in rehab programs like the one here at Fort Sam Houston and promising to help them return to active duty if that is what they want.
"The mindset of our Army has changed, to the extent that we realize the importance of all our soldiers and what they can contribute to our Army. Someone who loses a limb is still a very valuable asset," said Lt. Col. Kevin Arata, a spokesman for the Army's Human Resources Command at the Pentagon.
Also, just as advances in battlefield medicine have boosted survival rates among the wounded, better prosthetics and treatment regimens have improved amputees' ability to regain mobility.
So far, the Army has treated nearly 600 service members who have come back from Iraq or Afghanistan without an arm, leg, hand or foot. Thirty-one have gone back to active duty, and no one who asked to remain in the service has been discharged, Arata said.
Most of those who return to active duty are assigned to instructor or desk jobs away from combat. Only a few _ the Army doesn't keep track of exactly how many _ have returned to the war zone, and only at their insistence, Arata said.
To go back into the war zone, they have to prove they can do the job without putting themselves or others at risk.
One amputee who returned to combat in Iraq, Maj. David Rozelle, is now helping design the amputee program at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington. He has counted seven other amputees who have lost at least part of a hand or foot and have gone back to combat in Iraq.
The 34-year-old from Austin, Texas, said he felt duty-bound to return after losing his right foot to a land mine in Iraq.
"It sounds ridiculous, but you feel guilty that you're back home safe," he said. "Our country is engaged in a war. I felt it was my responsibility as a leader in the Army to continue."
Rozelle commanded a cavalry troop and conducted reconnaissance operations when he returned to Iraq, just as he had before the mine blast. Other amputees who have returned to combat, ranging from infantry grunts to special forces soldiers, have conducted door-to-door searches, convoy operations and other missions in the field.
"Guys won't go back if it means riding a desk," Rozelle said.
He said his emotions at the start of his second tour in Iraq, which lasted four months, were a lot like those during his first stint: "I was going back to war, so it was as heart-pounding as the first time."
Mark Heniser, who worked as a Navy therapist for 23 years before joining the amputee program at Fort Sam Houston in 2005, said both the military and the wounded benefit when amputees can be kept on active duty: The military retains the skills of experienced personnel, while the soldiers can continue with their careers.
Staff Sgt. Nathan Reed, who lost his right leg a year ago in a car bombing, is 2 1/2 years from retirement and has orders to head in July to Fort Knox, where he expects to be an instructor.
"My whole plan was to do 20 years," said the 37-year-old soldier from Shreveport, La. "I had no doubt that I would be able to go back on active duty."
Not everyone comes through treatment as rapidly or as well as Williamson, Reed and Rozelle. Some have more severe injuries or struggle harder with the losses, physically or emotionally. Soldiers who lose a limb early in their careers are more likely to want out. Those with long service are more motivated to stay, Heniser said.
Williamson did not want to return to combat, and it is not clear he could have met the physical qualifications anyway.
The military planned to discharge him on disability, but he appealed, hoping to become a drill instructor. The Army ruled that would be too physically demanding for Williamson, a human resources officer before being sent to lead convoys in Iraq, but it agreed to let him return to active duty in some other capacity.
He is regaining his strength and balance at the new $50 million Center for the Intrepid, built to rehabilitate military amputees. A hurdler in high school, he ran the Army minimum of two miles for the first time in mid-May, managing a 10-minute-per-mile pace on his C-shaped prosthetic running leg decorated with blue flames.
He is working out five days a week _ running, lifting weights and doing pool exercises _ and just got his first ride on a wave machine used to improve balance.
"I could leave here today if they told me I had to," Williamson said.
SAN ANTONIO — In the blur of smoke and blood after a bomb blew up under his Humvee in Iraq, Sgt. Tawan Williamson looked down at his shredded leg and knew it couldn't be saved. His military career, though, pulled through. Less than a year after the attack, Williamson is running again with a high-tech prosthetic leg and plans to take up a new assignment, probably by the fall, as an Army job counselor and affirmative action officer in Okinawa, Japan.

In an about-face by the Pentagon, the military is putting many more amputees back on active duty _ even back into combat, in some cases.
Williamson, a 30-year-old Chicago native who is missing his left leg below the knee and three toes on the other foot, acknowledged that some will be skeptical of a maimed soldier back in uniform.
"But I let my job show for itself," he said. "At this point, I'm done proving. I just get out there and do it."
Previously, a soldier who lost a limb almost automatically received a quick discharge, a disability check and an appointment with the Veterans Administration.
But since the start of the Iraq war, the military has begun holding on to amputees, treating them in rehab programs like the one here at Fort Sam Houston and promising to help them return to active duty if that is what they want.
"The mindset of our Army has changed, to the extent that we realize the importance of all our soldiers and what they can contribute to our Army. Someone who loses a limb is still a very valuable asset," said Lt. Col. Kevin Arata, a spokesman for the Army's Human Resources Command at the Pentagon.
Also, just as advances in battlefield medicine have boosted survival rates among the wounded, better prosthetics and treatment regimens have improved amputees' ability to regain mobility.
So far, the Army has treated nearly 600 service members who have come back from Iraq or Afghanistan without an arm, leg, hand or foot. Thirty-one have gone back to active duty, and no one who asked to remain in the service has been discharged, Arata said.
Most of those who return to active duty are assigned to instructor or desk jobs away from combat. Only a few _ the Army doesn't keep track of exactly how many _ have returned to the war zone, and only at their insistence, Arata said.
To go back into the war zone, they have to prove they can do the job without putting themselves or others at risk.
One amputee who returned to combat in Iraq, Maj. David Rozelle, is now helping design the amputee program at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington. He has counted seven other amputees who have lost at least part of a hand or foot and have gone back to combat in Iraq.
The 34-year-old from Austin, Texas, said he felt duty-bound to return after losing his right foot to a land mine in Iraq.
"It sounds ridiculous, but you feel guilty that you're back home safe," he said. "Our country is engaged in a war. I felt it was my responsibility as a leader in the Army to continue."
Rozelle commanded a cavalry troop and conducted reconnaissance operations when he returned to Iraq, just as he had before the mine blast. Other amputees who have returned to combat, ranging from infantry grunts to special forces soldiers, have conducted door-to-door searches, convoy operations and other missions in the field.
"Guys won't go back if it means riding a desk," Rozelle said.
He said his emotions at the start of his second tour in Iraq, which lasted four months, were a lot like those during his first stint: "I was going back to war, so it was as heart-pounding as the first time."
Mark Heniser, who worked as a Navy therapist for 23 years before joining the amputee program at Fort Sam Houston in 2005, said both the military and the wounded benefit when amputees can be kept on active duty: The military retains the skills of experienced personnel, while the soldiers can continue with their careers.
Staff Sgt. Nathan Reed, who lost his right leg a year ago in a car bombing, is 2 1/2 years from retirement and has orders to head in July to Fort Knox, where he expects to be an instructor.
"My whole plan was to do 20 years," said the 37-year-old soldier from Shreveport, La. "I had no doubt that I would be able to go back on active duty."
Not everyone comes through treatment as rapidly or as well as Williamson, Reed and Rozelle. Some have more severe injuries or struggle harder with the losses, physically or emotionally. Soldiers who lose a limb early in their careers are more likely to want out. Those with long service are more motivated to stay, Heniser said.
Williamson did not want to return to combat, and it is not clear he could have met the physical qualifications anyway.
The military planned to discharge him on disability, but he appealed, hoping to become a drill instructor. The Army ruled that would be too physically demanding for Williamson, a human resources officer before being sent to lead convoys in Iraq, but it agreed to let him return to active duty in some other capacity.
He is regaining his strength and balance at the new $50 million Center for the Intrepid, built to rehabilitate military amputees. A hurdler in high school, he ran the Army minimum of two miles for the first time in mid-May, managing a 10-minute-per-mile pace on his C-shaped prosthetic running leg decorated with blue flames.
He is working out five days a week _ running, lifting weights and doing pool exercises _ and just got his first ride on a wave machine used to improve balance.
"I could leave here today if they told me I had to," Williamson said.
Those wrists are swinging! I vaguely remember seeing this as a kid. Sesame Street, 1972. A LOAF OF BREAD, A CONTAINER OF MILK, AND A STICK OF BUTTER.
May 30, 2007

Then check out BALLROOMHQ and join the Shade Circle, find out which houses are currently recruiting, buy ball videos, or mingle on the forum with the likes of Prince Escada and Wylliam Mizrahi. It's all moderated by Atlanta cutee Angel X, pictured below.


I'm certainly not rich, but I don't have a lot of time to volunteer, especially since my work is on the road. Except for Katrina and the tsunami I normally haven't donated money because I'm just not in the habit of doing so, but when you hear shit like Mitt Romney, the republican candidate being so rich that he won't even need the president's salary--Jesus! Won't he be effectively representing the struggling people of this country half of whom can't afford health insurance? Are the spinelss democrats even representing a strong anti-war message and why the fuck aren't they? So I decided to give when I got this email from, who truly represent the backbone of the democratic party.
We've got some work to do this summer.
For Republicans, we've got to show that they face political extermination if they keep siding with President Bush on the war. And for Democrats, we've got to make sure every last one of 'em is pushing to end this war—not standing on the sidelines acting helpless.
We've got a plan to do that—to put some of our best organizers and trained volunteers in the country in key districts nationwide to light a fire under Congress on the war. We'll build on our cutting-edge volunteer organizing network, Operation Democracy. We'll stage events to get our message out in the local media, organize meetings directly with the members of Congress, and generally raise hell.
These young organizers are ready to give it everything they've got, but they can't execute this plan for free.
Can you chip in $250 to put one Operation Democracy organizer on the ground for one day in a key district on Iraq? You can choose whether you want your support to go toward firming up the backbone of a Democrat or raising hell against a pro-Bush Republican. Click here to chip in now:
I only chipped in $100, but their thank you email made me feel like a million bucks:
Thank you so much for your contribution of $100.00 to Political Action.
Your contribution will help us make a big difference in this campaign. Political Action is entirely funded by hundreds of thousands of our
members - we don't take big checks from corporations. The average contribution
is around $50 and we don't take any contributions larger than $5000. That is why
your contribution is even more special. Thank you so much.
--Eli Pariser
Executive Director Political Action

Thursday, June 7 Door 7p / Show 8p Luna Lounge
361 Metropolitan Ave Williamsburg, Brooklyn
(L Train to Bedford or Lorimer)
Tickets: $15 advance, $18 door
Murray Hill presents and hosts THE legendary 7th Annual Miss LEZ Pageant at the new Brooklyn location of the Luna Lounge. The Miss LEZ Pageant is a wildly provocative, insane, jaw-dropping alternative beauty pageant for queer womyn in NYC that blows the lid off of "gender representation".

Seven contestants representing the different "scenes" in the community, such as MISS GO NYC, MISS SNAPSHOT, MISS I HEART BROOKLYN GIRLS, MISS CATTYSHACK, MISS METROPOLITAN, MISS STARLETTE, MISS WILDCARD, reinterpret the categories PLATFORM, SWIMSUIT, EVENING GOWN, INTERVIEW, and TALENT for "the title", $100 cash (in singles), drink tickets, a plastic yet priceless tiara, and a bedazzled sash made moments before the show. For the second year, MISS CONGENIALITY will be awarded to the contestant who gave their all, was nice, but didn't quite grab the gold ring.
CELEBRITY JUDGES: Kathleen Hanna, The Wau-Wau Sisters, World Famous *BOB*, Michael Musto, Linda Simpson, Rebecca Drysdale and Rose Trouche.
Or if you are looking for something in Manhattan, this looks interesting for Kiki and Herb fans:

Wednesday, May 30, 9p
The Zipper
336 West 37th St
Admission $25
phone: 212-352-3101
Tony-nominee Justin Bond debuts (They Long to Be) Close to You - a Cycle of the Carpenter's "Close To You" Album in its entirety - with his new band, The Lost References for one night only at The Zipper.
This collaboration, inaugurated during Justin Bond's Talk/Show, became so powerful that it had to be visited again . . . and again. With Lance Horne on piano and vocals, Randy Redd on keys and vocals, Teal Wicks on vocals and tambourine, Michael Croiter on drums and guitar and Mike Jackson on bass and guitar."
Wednesday, May 30, 10p-4a
The Cock
2nd Ave. + 2nd St.
$5 Cover

Who'd have thought a jerk off joint in the East Village could become a Wednesday night destination for a mixed crowd of hipsters, home boys and art stars? Visionary (and temperamental) drag queen Linda Simpson built it, and they (ahem) came. Join Linda as she celebrates the 1-Year Anniversary of SLURP! at the Cock. I year in clubland is like 20 in human years, so come out and celebrate with Svedka cocktails and a special performance by the Dazzle Dancers!
I couldn't lift the image for this Gender Offenders' production of BRIDES GONE WILD at the Duplex on May 26th and June 2 at 9:30 for $10 and 2 drinks, but you can view it here. I don't know these girls but they look awfully fun.
And last but not least:

Those puerto ricans regularly "fill me" with their "pride and joy"!

Thursday, June 7 Door 7p / Show 8p Luna Lounge
361 Metropolitan Ave Williamsburg, Brooklyn
(L Train to Bedford or Lorimer)
Tickets: $15 advance, $18 door
Murray Hill presents and hosts THE legendary 7th Annual Miss LEZ Pageant at the new Brooklyn location of the Luna Lounge. The Miss LEZ Pageant is a wildly provocative, insane, jaw-dropping alternative beauty pageant for queer womyn in NYC that blows the lid off of "gender representation".

Seven contestants representing the different "scenes" in the community, such as MISS GO NYC, MISS SNAPSHOT, MISS I HEART BROOKLYN GIRLS, MISS CATTYSHACK, MISS METROPOLITAN, MISS STARLETTE, MISS WILDCARD, reinterpret the categories PLATFORM, SWIMSUIT, EVENING GOWN, INTERVIEW, and TALENT for "the title", $100 cash (in singles), drink tickets, a plastic yet priceless tiara, and a bedazzled sash made moments before the show. For the second year, MISS CONGENIALITY will be awarded to the contestant who gave their all, was nice, but didn't quite grab the gold ring.
CELEBRITY JUDGES: Kathleen Hanna, The Wau-Wau Sisters, World Famous *BOB*, Michael Musto, Linda Simpson, Rebecca Drysdale and Rose Trouche.
Or if you are looking for something in Manhattan, this looks interesting for Kiki and Herb fans:

Wednesday, May 30, 9p
The Zipper
336 West 37th St
Admission $25
phone: 212-352-3101
Tony-nominee Justin Bond debuts (They Long to Be) Close to You - a Cycle of the Carpenter's "Close To You" Album in its entirety - with his new band, The Lost References for one night only at The Zipper.
This collaboration, inaugurated during Justin Bond's Talk/Show, became so powerful that it had to be visited again . . . and again. With Lance Horne on piano and vocals, Randy Redd on keys and vocals, Teal Wicks on vocals and tambourine, Michael Croiter on drums and guitar and Mike Jackson on bass and guitar."
Wednesday, May 30, 10p-4a
The Cock
2nd Ave. + 2nd St.
$5 Cover

Who'd have thought a jerk off joint in the East Village could become a Wednesday night destination for a mixed crowd of hipsters, home boys and art stars? Visionary (and temperamental) drag queen Linda Simpson built it, and they (ahem) came. Join Linda as she celebrates the 1-Year Anniversary of SLURP! at the Cock. I year in clubland is like 20 in human years, so come out and celebrate with Svedka cocktails and a special performance by the Dazzle Dancers!
I couldn't lift the image for this Gender Offenders' production of BRIDES GONE WILD at the Duplex on May 26th and June 2 at 9:30 for $10 and 2 drinks, but you can view it here. I don't know these girls but they look awfully fun.
And last but not least:

Those puerto ricans regularly "fill me" with their "pride and joy"!

We Didn't Know (What was going on)
The country was in turmoil
With new crises by the hour
When one in three were out of work
The Party swept to power;
As life returned to normal
Law and order won the day
While all our rights and liberties
Were voted clean away...

They were cynical and ruthless
They'd manipulate the news
And smear or persecute the few
Who dared to leak the truth
Opponents had their phone tapped
And campaigners felt the heat
With terror suspects accidently
Gunned down in the street
But the radio and papers said
The same thing every day
The government is wonderful
The country's doing great
And if someone else was suffering
They'd got themselves to blame
Don't say if you were in our shoes
You wouldn't do the same
And say
We didn't know what was going on...
We didn't know what was going on...
From Tel Aviv to Capetown
From Shanghai to East Berlin
From Washington to Panama...
The years have come and been
From Delhi to Sri Lanka
From Whitehall to Coleraine
The times may be a-changing
But the story's still the same
Cos the radio and papers say
The same thing every day
The government is wonderful
The country's doing great;
And if someone else is suffering
They've got themselves to blame
Don't say now you are in our shoes
That you won't do the same
And say
We didn't know what was going on...
We didn't know what was going on...
From TRB's final album "The Winter of 89" released 1992
We Didn't Know (What was going on)
The country was in turmoil
With new crises by the hour
When one in three were out of work
The Party swept to power;
As life returned to normal
Law and order won the day
While all our rights and liberties
Were voted clean away...

They were cynical and ruthless
They'd manipulate the news
And smear or persecute the few
Who dared to leak the truth
Opponents had their phone tapped
And campaigners felt the heat
With terror suspects accidently
Gunned down in the street
But the radio and papers said
The same thing every day
The government is wonderful
The country's doing great
And if someone else was suffering
They'd got themselves to blame
Don't say if you were in our shoes
You wouldn't do the same
And say
We didn't know what was going on...
We didn't know what was going on...
From Tel Aviv to Capetown
From Shanghai to East Berlin
From Washington to Panama...
The years have come and been
From Delhi to Sri Lanka
From Whitehall to Coleraine
The times may be a-changing
But the story's still the same
Cos the radio and papers say
The same thing every day
The government is wonderful
The country's doing great;
And if someone else is suffering
They've got themselves to blame
Don't say now you are in our shoes
That you won't do the same
And say
We didn't know what was going on...
We didn't know what was going on...
From TRB's final album "The Winter of 89" released 1992
May 29, 2007
Please don't let him become America's president! The fool who put the disaster response system in the WTC even after the WTC had been attacked before--a proven target. is hero act makes me wanna puke!

Giuliani's Unwelcome Birthday Guests by Azi PaybarahPublished: May 29, 2007
Here’s an unwelcome birthday gift for Rudy Giuliani, as he travels around the city raising money: protests from fire fighters and family members of September 11th victims.
They've shown up in the past at Giuliani's presidential events. Today, they’re gathering in Bay Ridge, and they have plans to follow him nationwide starting sometime around January, according to Jim Riches, a deputy chief with the fire department whose son was killed in the World Trade Center attacks.
“We have all the UFA, the UFOA, and the fire members are all behind us -- the International Association of Fire Fighters,” said Riches. “And we’re going to be out there today to let everybody know that he’s not the hero that he says he is.”
The group’s complaints center on the faulty radios used by the fire department that day and what they say was a lack of coordination at Ground Zero.
And Riches disputes the notion that Giuliani provided any form of leadership on September 11 or in the days following.
“If somebody can tell me what he did on 9/11 that was so good, I’d love to hear it. All he did was give information on the TV”
“He did nothing,” Riches continued. “He stood there with a TV reporter and told everyone what was going on. And he got it from everybody else down at the site.”

Giuliani's Unwelcome Birthday Guests by Azi PaybarahPublished: May 29, 2007
Here’s an unwelcome birthday gift for Rudy Giuliani, as he travels around the city raising money: protests from fire fighters and family members of September 11th victims.
They've shown up in the past at Giuliani's presidential events. Today, they’re gathering in Bay Ridge, and they have plans to follow him nationwide starting sometime around January, according to Jim Riches, a deputy chief with the fire department whose son was killed in the World Trade Center attacks.
“We have all the UFA, the UFOA, and the fire members are all behind us -- the International Association of Fire Fighters,” said Riches. “And we’re going to be out there today to let everybody know that he’s not the hero that he says he is.”
The group’s complaints center on the faulty radios used by the fire department that day and what they say was a lack of coordination at Ground Zero.
And Riches disputes the notion that Giuliani provided any form of leadership on September 11 or in the days following.
“If somebody can tell me what he did on 9/11 that was so good, I’d love to hear it. All he did was give information on the TV”
“He did nothing,” Riches continued. “He stood there with a TV reporter and told everyone what was going on. And he got it from everybody else down at the site.”
The following is an interview with singer and actress Melba Moore kindly conducted and provided by member, Dayna Newman. This is a phone intreview and will not be VERBATIM
but almost...

(Dayna) Hi Melba, Thank you so much for allowing me to do this interview. I hate stuffy interviews so I’m going to make it fun and informal. I have some of my own questions and some great members of have submitted some as well.
(Melba Moore) Thank you Dayna, That’s fine with me.
(Dayna) Ok here we go, were you afraid that doing disco would compromise your Broadway career especially after winning a Tony award?
(Melba Moore) Not At all. If anything it helped it even Ethel Merman did a Disco album.
Broadway always tried to be hip. Basically it was a white bread kind of avenue but they brought in people like Stephanie Mills etc to hip it up to make it enjoyable for a more diverse audience. Basically hard core disco fans were theater fans as well so There was no threat at all.
The following is an interview with singer and actress Melba Moore kindly conducted and provided by member, Dayna Newman. This is a phone intreview and will not be VERBATIM
but almost...

(Dayna) Hi Melba, Thank you so much for allowing me to do this interview. I hate stuffy interviews so I’m going to make it fun and informal. I have some of my own questions and some great members of have submitted some as well.
(Melba Moore) Thank you Dayna, That’s fine with me.
(Dayna) Ok here we go, were you afraid that doing disco would compromise your Broadway career especially after winning a Tony award?
(Melba Moore) Not At all. If anything it helped it even Ethel Merman did a Disco album.
Broadway always tried to be hip. Basically it was a white bread kind of avenue but they brought in people like Stephanie Mills etc to hip it up to make it enjoyable for a more diverse audience. Basically hard core disco fans were theater fans as well so There was no threat at all.
The federal government is on the verge of turning over a huge portion of our public airwaves to companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast—who will use them for private gain instead of the public good.
These newly available airwaves are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revolutionize Internet access—beaming high-speed Internet signals to every park bench, coffee shop, workplace, and home in America at more affordable prices than current Internet service. Phone and cable companies don't want this competition to their Internet service—they'd rather purchase the airwaves at auction and sit on them.1
In June, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will make a major decision: Use the public airwaves for the public good, or turn them over to big companies who will stifle competition, innovation, and the wireless Internet revolution.
The FCC is only accepting public comments for a few more days. Can you sign this petition to them today, and send it to your friends?
"The public airwaves should be used for the public good. The government must protect our airwaves from corporate gatekeepers who would stifle innovation and competition in the wireless Internet market."
Click here to sign:
We'll deliver your petition signature and any accompanying note directly to the FCC's public comment record, which FCC Commissioners use to guide their decisions.
There are many innovative companies jumping at the opportunity to forge ahead with the wireless Internet revolution—bringing us high-speed wireless networks from coast to coast and all sorts of innovative wireless devices. But the old phone and cable companies are aggressively trying to block this progress. They've spent billions laying wires, and they enjoy having their customers locked in with few alternatives.
Without access to the public airwaves, wireless innovators can't enter the marketplace. So the strategy of companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast is to buy the administrative rights of our airwaves at auction—and then use those rights to block competition. They also stifle the development of new wireless devices by only letting their own endorsed products work on their networks.
We're urging the FCC to protect the public good by setting auction rules that prohibit this anti-competitive behavior. If the government auctioned off the right to maintain a public highway to Ford, we would certainly not let Ford block Toyotas from the roads. Likewise, big phone and cable should not be able to keep innovative companies off our airwaves.
They also shouldn't be able to tell their wireless Internet customers which websites they can access—as they do now. And just as phone companies can't tell customers what phones can be plugged into a wall jack, cell and wireless companies should not be able to dictate which phones or wireless devices people use on their networks.
The opportunity to revolutionize the Internet and wireless world is at our fingertips. The only question is whether our government will embrace it, and whether regular people will fight for it.
These newly available airwaves are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revolutionize Internet access—beaming high-speed Internet signals to every park bench, coffee shop, workplace, and home in America at more affordable prices than current Internet service. Phone and cable companies don't want this competition to their Internet service—they'd rather purchase the airwaves at auction and sit on them.1
In June, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will make a major decision: Use the public airwaves for the public good, or turn them over to big companies who will stifle competition, innovation, and the wireless Internet revolution.
The FCC is only accepting public comments for a few more days. Can you sign this petition to them today, and send it to your friends?
"The public airwaves should be used for the public good. The government must protect our airwaves from corporate gatekeepers who would stifle innovation and competition in the wireless Internet market."
Click here to sign:
We'll deliver your petition signature and any accompanying note directly to the FCC's public comment record, which FCC Commissioners use to guide their decisions.
There are many innovative companies jumping at the opportunity to forge ahead with the wireless Internet revolution—bringing us high-speed wireless networks from coast to coast and all sorts of innovative wireless devices. But the old phone and cable companies are aggressively trying to block this progress. They've spent billions laying wires, and they enjoy having their customers locked in with few alternatives.
Without access to the public airwaves, wireless innovators can't enter the marketplace. So the strategy of companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast is to buy the administrative rights of our airwaves at auction—and then use those rights to block competition. They also stifle the development of new wireless devices by only letting their own endorsed products work on their networks.
We're urging the FCC to protect the public good by setting auction rules that prohibit this anti-competitive behavior. If the government auctioned off the right to maintain a public highway to Ford, we would certainly not let Ford block Toyotas from the roads. Likewise, big phone and cable should not be able to keep innovative companies off our airwaves.
They also shouldn't be able to tell their wireless Internet customers which websites they can access—as they do now. And just as phone companies can't tell customers what phones can be plugged into a wall jack, cell and wireless companies should not be able to dictate which phones or wireless devices people use on their networks.
The opportunity to revolutionize the Internet and wireless world is at our fingertips. The only question is whether our government will embrace it, and whether regular people will fight for it.

Chronicles the career of Mel Cheren, the force behind West End Records (HOT SHOT, HEARTBEAT, IS IT ALL OVER MY FACE) and Paradise Garage. Features interviews with a who's who of the dance music community including Louie Vega, Jellybean Benitez, Barbara Tucker, Junior Vasquez, Tony Humphries and Vince Montana.

USA, 2006, 47 min, Video
NYC Premiere
Directed By: Michelle Johnson
This clip compilation reclaims 1960s and 70s made-for-straight-men lesbian movies for the ladies! Come watch lusty inmates, sacrilegious nuns, lesbian vampires, and Swedish wildcats seduce and tease their way through these hot and hilarious sexploitation films.

USA, 2007, 83 min, Video
World Premiere
Directed By: Mike Ruiz
Who needs Superman or Spiderman to save the world when you can call on Starrbooty – RuPaul herself? The greatest supermodel in the universe splits her time between looking fabulous and fighting crime as a gun-toting blaxploitation vixen. When her niece Cornisha is kidnapped by Starrbooty’s arch-nemesis, Annaka Manners (Candis Cayne), as part of a nefarious body parts brokering plot, Starrbooty must go undercover as a hooker named Cupcake to gather evidence against Annaka. Featuring wild musical interludes and cameos by Michael Lucas, The Lady Bunny, Ari Gold, Gus Maddox, and Owen Hawk, Starrbooty is campy fun at its most outrageous.

India , USA, 2006, 53 min, Video
In Hindi & Tamil with subtitles with English subtitles
Directed By: Alessandra Zeka
Explore the secretive world of India’s hijras, eunuchs who are considered to be a third gender, neither male nor female - many willingly choosing castration. The three subjects, followed for three years, support themselves by performing religious rituals, dispensing blessings to the superstitious, and engaging in prostitution. In a changing society, the hijras challenge Western perceptions of gender identity.

(USA, 2007, 120 mins)
Special Events
Tuesday, June 12th 7:00pm
Zipper Theater
In 2004, NewFest hosted a popular staged screenplay reading of Todd Stephens’ Another Gay Movie. The completed film screened as a Centerpiece last year. We’re thrilled to offer NewFest audiences Another Gay Reading! That’s right, Todd Stephens is making a sequel to his popular film, and since it worked out so well last time, we’re presenting a special staged screenplay reading in collaboration with Way Out Productions! Another Gay Movie was about getting laid for the first time. In true gay fashion, the sequel is about who can get laid the most. Another Gay Movie 2: Gays Gone Wild! finds our heroes Andy, Nico, Jarod, and Griff reuniting at a gay resort in Florida for Spring Break. They participate in a contest called “Gays Gone Wild” to determine who can attain the most action over the course of the vacation. Wet package contests, evil gay fratboys, and genital crabs the size of kittens stand in the way of victory. But this time around love proves to be the biggest obstacle of all as our boys struggle to rectify just how casual sex fits into their lives. Spoofing everything from Beach Blanket Bingo to Showgirls to The Price is Right, Gay2 promises to be even funnier than the first film. Join many of the original actors & special guest stars for a sneak preview of all the fun at this one-night only staged screenplay reading the week after the festival!
Confirmed participants include, from the original film, Michael Carbonaro (Andy), Jonah Blechman (Nico), Mitch Morris (Griff), Ashlie Atkinson (Muffler), Lipsynka (Andy's Mom), and new special guests RuPaul and The Lady Bunny!


Chronicles the career of Mel Cheren, the force behind West End Records (HOT SHOT, HEARTBEAT, IS IT ALL OVER MY FACE) and Paradise Garage. Features interviews with a who's who of the dance music community including Louie Vega, Jellybean Benitez, Barbara Tucker, Junior Vasquez, Tony Humphries and Vince Montana.

USA, 2006, 47 min, Video
NYC Premiere
Directed By: Michelle Johnson
This clip compilation reclaims 1960s and 70s made-for-straight-men lesbian movies for the ladies! Come watch lusty inmates, sacrilegious nuns, lesbian vampires, and Swedish wildcats seduce and tease their way through these hot and hilarious sexploitation films.

USA, 2007, 83 min, Video
World Premiere
Directed By: Mike Ruiz
Who needs Superman or Spiderman to save the world when you can call on Starrbooty – RuPaul herself? The greatest supermodel in the universe splits her time between looking fabulous and fighting crime as a gun-toting blaxploitation vixen. When her niece Cornisha is kidnapped by Starrbooty’s arch-nemesis, Annaka Manners (Candis Cayne), as part of a nefarious body parts brokering plot, Starrbooty must go undercover as a hooker named Cupcake to gather evidence against Annaka. Featuring wild musical interludes and cameos by Michael Lucas, The Lady Bunny, Ari Gold, Gus Maddox, and Owen Hawk, Starrbooty is campy fun at its most outrageous.

India , USA, 2006, 53 min, Video
In Hindi & Tamil with subtitles with English subtitles
Directed By: Alessandra Zeka
Explore the secretive world of India’s hijras, eunuchs who are considered to be a third gender, neither male nor female - many willingly choosing castration. The three subjects, followed for three years, support themselves by performing religious rituals, dispensing blessings to the superstitious, and engaging in prostitution. In a changing society, the hijras challenge Western perceptions of gender identity.

(USA, 2007, 120 mins)
Special Events
Tuesday, June 12th 7:00pm
Zipper Theater
In 2004, NewFest hosted a popular staged screenplay reading of Todd Stephens’ Another Gay Movie. The completed film screened as a Centerpiece last year. We’re thrilled to offer NewFest audiences Another Gay Reading! That’s right, Todd Stephens is making a sequel to his popular film, and since it worked out so well last time, we’re presenting a special staged screenplay reading in collaboration with Way Out Productions! Another Gay Movie was about getting laid for the first time. In true gay fashion, the sequel is about who can get laid the most. Another Gay Movie 2: Gays Gone Wild! finds our heroes Andy, Nico, Jarod, and Griff reuniting at a gay resort in Florida for Spring Break. They participate in a contest called “Gays Gone Wild” to determine who can attain the most action over the course of the vacation. Wet package contests, evil gay fratboys, and genital crabs the size of kittens stand in the way of victory. But this time around love proves to be the biggest obstacle of all as our boys struggle to rectify just how casual sex fits into their lives. Spoofing everything from Beach Blanket Bingo to Showgirls to The Price is Right, Gay2 promises to be even funnier than the first film. Join many of the original actors & special guest stars for a sneak preview of all the fun at this one-night only staged screenplay reading the week after the festival!
Confirmed participants include, from the original film, Michael Carbonaro (Andy), Jonah Blechman (Nico), Mitch Morris (Griff), Ashlie Atkinson (Muffler), Lipsynka (Andy's Mom), and new special guests RuPaul and The Lady Bunny!


I wrote this as a myspace bulletin which will be read by all kinds of people, including new "friends" who may not have heard me harp on some of my common themes, which my blog readers may be all too familiar with. But here goes...
I am soooo sick of idiots bleating like sheep SUPPORT THE TROOPS, SUPPORT THE TROOPS! Support them how? By continuing to keep them in an unwinnable war against, Iraq, a country which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks? 76% of Americans no longer support the war. You can support the honor of the troops and their sacrifices WITHOUT SUPPORTING THIS RIDICULOUS WAR! In fact, if you are sitting on your stupid ass bleating SUPPORT THE TROOPS and doing nothing to stop the war which 76% of the country now disagrees with, you are actively KILLING OUR TROOPS, NOT SUPPORTING THEM.
History books will ridicule George Bush's lethal foreign policy. Remember how people always ask "How could the German people sit back while Hitler massacred 11 million jews?" They're going to ask the same thing about you! They'll wonder how you sat on your ass and went along with the worst president in US history while he invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East region while the whole world grew to hate and distrust us?12 Middle East countries met in Saudi Arabia last Friday to determine how to develop nuclear weapons. Does that make it sound like Bush's idiotic plan to spread democracy in the Middle East is working if 12 nations are building an arsenal which can decimate half the planet? Bush is considered so moronic and unpopular at this point that in the last congressional elections, Republican candidates tried to distance themselves from the fool in hopes to enhance their chances of winning. Anyone who backs Bush at this point needs to be over there fighting beside the troops they pretend to support so much.
But Lindsay Lohan's on coke and Paris is going to jail. Britney was goofed when her cd kept skipping at her recent comeback performance. I bet you know about all that meaningless shit. But do you know how many soldiers died in Iraq over the weekend? Of course you don't. Did you hear the recent reports about the gambling facilities which exist on Iraq army bases which total $130,000,000 per year in revenue? (That doesn't include equally large figures for other non-army military bases.) How cool! Trap the soldiers in the desert on a death mission, pay them a pittance, and then win it back from them in slot machines! The army claims that their on-base casinos give the soldiers better odds than off-base ones, and that the $130 million revenue is used for concerts for the troops and providing financial incentives to lure businesses like Starbucks to the bases so that the soldiers will feel more at home.
BRINGING THEM HOME WILL MAKE THEM FEEL MORE AT HOME! Don't give them a fucking frappucino! Unless, as many suspect, Bush doesn't want to win the war which was sparked by Osama Been Forgotten's 9/11 bombings. Bush and the neocons want a permanent military base in the Middle East, especially in an oil-rich nation like Iraq. War is making a lot of money for the contractors who are building permanent military bases in Iraq--one of the bases is the size of the Vatican! We ain't leaving, people! Bush declared Mission Accomplished in May 2003! What a strange victory, when you lose thousands of troops after you've won!
Let's be kooky for a minute and imagine that I'm wrong and that the Bush's troop surge works and we "win". The troops come home to the good ol' USA. Let's hope that they aren't seriously injured and have to recuperate in the scandalously dilapidated Walter Reade Hospital. On Sunday, a veteran's rights advocate sat in a wheelchair on CNN and said that according to the Pentagon's own statistics, 49% of the reserves would experience mental disorders. 33% of the army would experience breakdowns. Andd that by the Pentagon's own estimates, in no way was the military equipped to counsel the needy. Let me break it down for you: HALF OF THE RESERVES AND ONE THIRD OF THE ARMY WILL GO NUTS. Maybe that bum panhandling on the corner with a"Help a Vietnam vet" cardboard sign isn't fronting after all. Maybe his mind is actually too sick for him to hold down a job after his time in the service twisted his poor mind. Since the Iraq war has gone on longer than WORLD WAR I or II, and since the the soldiers' tours of duty are much longer and their at-home breaks are much shorter than ever before, something tells me that those street corners are going to be pretty fucking crowded in a few years' time! I hope you will then "support the troops" then with a handful of change and remember how your laziness and ignorance put them on that street corner.
Go ahead and call me ridiculous. "I didn't put them on that street corner!" Well if they are dying for nothing and you are doing nothing to stop it, and you are even paying, with your tax dollars, for them to be killed and to kill innocent Iraqis, you ARE responsible for their deaths. A "christian" nation of murderers who so easily forget their own commandment THOU SHALT NOT KILL. The most ridiculous thing is the notion of spreading democracy in the Middle East. If democracy is government by the people, we'd better jump in and start governing. A war funding bill recently passed the Senate which did not provide a deadline for troop withdrawal. Only 14 Senators--thankfully Hillary and Obama were among them--voted against the bill. The 14 lost, and the bill was perceived as a victory for Bush. How could this stupid, unpopular, violent president possibly score a victory at tis point in his flop career? Possibly, because our crazy way of legislating ties in so many extras which confuse the issue that if legislators voted for this bill, it would look as if they were voting against funding the troops, which would look awful on their record in future elections. Somehow, Democrats managed to insert an increase of the minimum wage to $7.50 and sweeten some veterans benefits. But why is the minimum wage even an issue in something called the war funding bill?
The fact that 14 Senators who voted against the bill and the 76% of the nation who is against the war strikes me as off. Shouldn't 76% of the senators be voting against this war if they are reflecting the will of 76% of the people? We elected these people and we pay their salaries. And guess what? We can fire them, too! We can write them, call them, and tell them if they aren't going to represent our the majority of the nation's desire to end this war now, they'll never get our vote again. Trust me, they'll listen to you when you are saying that you'll end their lucrative careers if they don't represent your wishes. Or you can donate to anti-war organizations, join protest marches, sign online petitions and forward them to everyone on your email lists.

The problem is, you don't give a flying fuck about the troops you pretend to support. Anna Nicole is what the mindless people of this country consider news. War funding bills are too boring for you to hold your interest. And the news is a business. If more people are writing in about Anna Nicole than the US government ripping off the troops with casinos, then they'll cover the dead bimbo. They'll give you the stories you want so that you'll tune into their channel again. And if you aren't informed about anything but celebrity gossip, you aren't doing your part as an American. These politicians watch to see if you are paying enough attention to call them on their bullshit, and they know that most aren't. Gossip rags sales are way up and the newsier mags like Time and Newsweek slump in sales. Keeping score of American Idol contestants is discussed around the water cooler, not the number of soldier's lives lost. So if you aren't using your voice to say bring the troops home, you certainly aren't supporting the troops. If we barbeque on a holiday when we're supposed to be honoring fallen soldiers instead of speaking out to prevent more from falling in a war which we all know is based on a lie, we are a truly pitiful, shallow and ignorant nation.

But if you're a pitiful, shallow and ignorant person, you probably won't care. If you aren't, maybe you'll use that powerful voice of yours which is supposed to make democracy something worth shipping young men and women out to defend. Otherwise, they ARE dying for nothing. And you helped! Congratulations on your terrific support and I hope you had a great barbeque over the weekend! Eight soldiers were barbequed to death in a roadside bombing over the weekend, bringing the total of fatalities in May to 112, the highest monthly level since 2004. I guess there's little point in mentioning the 40 Iraqis who died in 2 car bombings over the holiday. If you don't care about your own, how could you possibly care about the loss of life in a faraway country. Oh, unless Branjolina visits that country and adopts a child.

I wrote this as a myspace bulletin which will be read by all kinds of people, including new "friends" who may not have heard me harp on some of my common themes, which my blog readers may be all too familiar with. But here goes...
I am soooo sick of idiots bleating like sheep SUPPORT THE TROOPS, SUPPORT THE TROOPS! Support them how? By continuing to keep them in an unwinnable war against, Iraq, a country which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks? 76% of Americans no longer support the war. You can support the honor of the troops and their sacrifices WITHOUT SUPPORTING THIS RIDICULOUS WAR! In fact, if you are sitting on your stupid ass bleating SUPPORT THE TROOPS and doing nothing to stop the war which 76% of the country now disagrees with, you are actively KILLING OUR TROOPS, NOT SUPPORTING THEM.
History books will ridicule George Bush's lethal foreign policy. Remember how people always ask "How could the German people sit back while Hitler massacred 11 million jews?" They're going to ask the same thing about you! They'll wonder how you sat on your ass and went along with the worst president in US history while he invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East region while the whole world grew to hate and distrust us?12 Middle East countries met in Saudi Arabia last Friday to determine how to develop nuclear weapons. Does that make it sound like Bush's idiotic plan to spread democracy in the Middle East is working if 12 nations are building an arsenal which can decimate half the planet? Bush is considered so moronic and unpopular at this point that in the last congressional elections, Republican candidates tried to distance themselves from the fool in hopes to enhance their chances of winning. Anyone who backs Bush at this point needs to be over there fighting beside the troops they pretend to support so much.
But Lindsay Lohan's on coke and Paris is going to jail. Britney was goofed when her cd kept skipping at her recent comeback performance. I bet you know about all that meaningless shit. But do you know how many soldiers died in Iraq over the weekend? Of course you don't. Did you hear the recent reports about the gambling facilities which exist on Iraq army bases which total $130,000,000 per year in revenue? (That doesn't include equally large figures for other non-army military bases.) How cool! Trap the soldiers in the desert on a death mission, pay them a pittance, and then win it back from them in slot machines! The army claims that their on-base casinos give the soldiers better odds than off-base ones, and that the $130 million revenue is used for concerts for the troops and providing financial incentives to lure businesses like Starbucks to the bases so that the soldiers will feel more at home.
BRINGING THEM HOME WILL MAKE THEM FEEL MORE AT HOME! Don't give them a fucking frappucino! Unless, as many suspect, Bush doesn't want to win the war which was sparked by Osama Been Forgotten's 9/11 bombings. Bush and the neocons want a permanent military base in the Middle East, especially in an oil-rich nation like Iraq. War is making a lot of money for the contractors who are building permanent military bases in Iraq--one of the bases is the size of the Vatican! We ain't leaving, people! Bush declared Mission Accomplished in May 2003! What a strange victory, when you lose thousands of troops after you've won!
Let's be kooky for a minute and imagine that I'm wrong and that the Bush's troop surge works and we "win". The troops come home to the good ol' USA. Let's hope that they aren't seriously injured and have to recuperate in the scandalously dilapidated Walter Reade Hospital. On Sunday, a veteran's rights advocate sat in a wheelchair on CNN and said that according to the Pentagon's own statistics, 49% of the reserves would experience mental disorders. 33% of the army would experience breakdowns. Andd that by the Pentagon's own estimates, in no way was the military equipped to counsel the needy. Let me break it down for you: HALF OF THE RESERVES AND ONE THIRD OF THE ARMY WILL GO NUTS. Maybe that bum panhandling on the corner with a"Help a Vietnam vet" cardboard sign isn't fronting after all. Maybe his mind is actually too sick for him to hold down a job after his time in the service twisted his poor mind. Since the Iraq war has gone on longer than WORLD WAR I or II, and since the the soldiers' tours of duty are much longer and their at-home breaks are much shorter than ever before, something tells me that those street corners are going to be pretty fucking crowded in a few years' time! I hope you will then "support the troops" then with a handful of change and remember how your laziness and ignorance put them on that street corner.
Go ahead and call me ridiculous. "I didn't put them on that street corner!" Well if they are dying for nothing and you are doing nothing to stop it, and you are even paying, with your tax dollars, for them to be killed and to kill innocent Iraqis, you ARE responsible for their deaths. A "christian" nation of murderers who so easily forget their own commandment THOU SHALT NOT KILL. The most ridiculous thing is the notion of spreading democracy in the Middle East. If democracy is government by the people, we'd better jump in and start governing. A war funding bill recently passed the Senate which did not provide a deadline for troop withdrawal. Only 14 Senators--thankfully Hillary and Obama were among them--voted against the bill. The 14 lost, and the bill was perceived as a victory for Bush. How could this stupid, unpopular, violent president possibly score a victory at tis point in his flop career? Possibly, because our crazy way of legislating ties in so many extras which confuse the issue that if legislators voted for this bill, it would look as if they were voting against funding the troops, which would look awful on their record in future elections. Somehow, Democrats managed to insert an increase of the minimum wage to $7.50 and sweeten some veterans benefits. But why is the minimum wage even an issue in something called the war funding bill?
The fact that 14 Senators who voted against the bill and the 76% of the nation who is against the war strikes me as off. Shouldn't 76% of the senators be voting against this war if they are reflecting the will of 76% of the people? We elected these people and we pay their salaries. And guess what? We can fire them, too! We can write them, call them, and tell them if they aren't going to represent our the majority of the nation's desire to end this war now, they'll never get our vote again. Trust me, they'll listen to you when you are saying that you'll end their lucrative careers if they don't represent your wishes. Or you can donate to anti-war organizations, join protest marches, sign online petitions and forward them to everyone on your email lists.

The problem is, you don't give a flying fuck about the troops you pretend to support. Anna Nicole is what the mindless people of this country consider news. War funding bills are too boring for you to hold your interest. And the news is a business. If more people are writing in about Anna Nicole than the US government ripping off the troops with casinos, then they'll cover the dead bimbo. They'll give you the stories you want so that you'll tune into their channel again. And if you aren't informed about anything but celebrity gossip, you aren't doing your part as an American. These politicians watch to see if you are paying enough attention to call them on their bullshit, and they know that most aren't. Gossip rags sales are way up and the newsier mags like Time and Newsweek slump in sales. Keeping score of American Idol contestants is discussed around the water cooler, not the number of soldier's lives lost. So if you aren't using your voice to say bring the troops home, you certainly aren't supporting the troops. If we barbeque on a holiday when we're supposed to be honoring fallen soldiers instead of speaking out to prevent more from falling in a war which we all know is based on a lie, we are a truly pitiful, shallow and ignorant nation.

But if you're a pitiful, shallow and ignorant person, you probably won't care. If you aren't, maybe you'll use that powerful voice of yours which is supposed to make democracy something worth shipping young men and women out to defend. Otherwise, they ARE dying for nothing. And you helped! Congratulations on your terrific support and I hope you had a great barbeque over the weekend! Eight soldiers were barbequed to death in a roadside bombing over the weekend, bringing the total of fatalities in May to 112, the highest monthly level since 2004. I guess there's little point in mentioning the 40 Iraqis who died in 2 car bombings over the holiday. If you don't care about your own, how could you possibly care about the loss of life in a faraway country. Oh, unless Branjolina visits that country and adopts a child.

I saw a bit of Eddie Murphy's NORBIT--I was in the theater to see another film but was early so I snuck in for a the first 45 minutes. It was mildly amusing, but what kills me is how all of these ET-type shows are constantly amazed by Eddie's uncanny ability to play female characters. Duh, he's a tranny chaser! I have a tranny-hooker friend who claims that Eddie picked her up and wanted "her" to jump rope nude on the bed while he fucked a gentic female! In the last issue of MY COMRADE, Linda Simpson's 'zine, singer Xavier reminisces about the tranny hooker Eddie was busted with, which no one seems to remember. Linda actually knew the tranny, and there were some very odd circumstances which caused her to jump off of her own roof not long after she spilled the beans on Mr. Murphy.
By Xavier (pictured)

In the wee hours of the morning on May 2, 1997, superstar Eddie Murphy awoke feeling restless. Instead of switching on CNN (or more likely, watching Paris is Burning for the 90th time and dousing the TV with his own white foam), he got dressed and hopped in his Land Cruiser. He then drove to West Hollywood, under the cloak of darkness, to an area notorious for transsexual prostitution, in search of what he would later claim to be “reading material.” Coincidentally, his biologically female wife Nicole happened to be out of town. You guessed it! It was time for Tran-nese takeout!
Murphy eventually stumbled upon a hot 20-year-old Samoan hooker who called herself Shalimar. She was exactly his type: blond hair and tig biddies procured by female hormones, all served on a high-heeled platter. After a brief exchange, she got in his car and they drove off, unaware that they were under police surveillance. Soon afterward, they were pulled over by the cops, who brought it to the comedian’s attention that his passenger was a known prostitute. This is the point where Murphy’s method-acting skills kicked into action. “I was being a good Samaritan,” he claimed. “I just wanted to give her a ride home.” Riiiight. He wanted to give her a ride to his home is more like it. And with Mrs. Murphy away, he was also free to give rides inside the house. Instead, Shalimar was booked on an outstanding warrant for ho-in’ and Murphy left without any “reading material.” (Tragically, Shalimar died in a freak accident a year later.)
The incident sparked a media flurry, with tabloid headlines like “Eddie Murphy’s Sick Obsession With Drag Queens!” inevitably reinforcing the public’s aversion to tranny chasing. Many people were also amused by the irony of one of the biggest crackers of fag jokes possibly being a fag himself. Soon, more trannies, including Summer St. Cerely and the late Karen Dior, came forward, blabbing about their trysts with Murphy and his kinky foot fetish, proving once and for all that shrimps are best with cocktail sauce, not Cunt’s ketchup. “It was just a good deed gone bad,” Murphy told Star magazine. Sure it was! Now we all know why it’s better to have Tran-nese delivered.

Poor Eddie. Movie stars like Tom Cruise and John Travolta have organizations like the Church of Scientology to clandestinely organize homo orgies away from spying eyes. But what if you're different? (We’re not talking about Eddie being black—shockingly enough, there are African-Americans foolish enough to be Scientologists.) When you’ve got a preference for men in panties, wigs and heels, you’re pretty much on your own. “I love my wife and I am not gay,” Murphy professed. But the question still remains: If a tranny falls to her knees in the forest and your wife’s not around to hear it, does she make a sound? Yes, a loud slurping sound.
Covers all the expenses of having a gay kid including Madonna fan club membership. They'll even fix a finger if it's broken by snapping!

For the group GIRL IN A COMA's new song ROAD TO HOME She looks great--even in those unforgiving close-ups!
A gay pub in the city of Melbourne has won the right to ban heterosexuals - the first time such legislation has been passed in Australia.
The Victorian state civil and administrative tribunal ruled the Peel Hotel could ban patrons based on their sexual orientation.
The pub's management said the move would stop groups of heterosexual men and women abusing gay people.
Civil liberties groups have supported the decision.
'Safe balance'
The tribunal's president said groups of straight women found homosexual men entertaining but that such attention was dehumanising, the BBC's Phil Mercer in Sydney says.
Managers complained raucous hen nights and stag parties created a poisonous atmosphere for its gay clientele, our correspondent says.
"If I can limit the number of heterosexuals entering the Peel, then that helps me keep the safe balance," the hotel's manager, Tom McFeely, told Australian radio, according to the Reuters news agency.
He said while Melbourne had 2,000 venues catering for heterosexuals, his was the only bar aimed exclusively at gay men.
Civil liberties groups said homosexuals should be allowed to relax in places without fear of bullying or intimidation.
Australia's equal opportunity laws prevent discrimination based on race, religion or sexuality.
A gay pub in the city of Melbourne has won the right to ban heterosexuals - the first time such legislation has been passed in Australia.
The Victorian state civil and administrative tribunal ruled the Peel Hotel could ban patrons based on their sexual orientation.
The pub's management said the move would stop groups of heterosexual men and women abusing gay people.
Civil liberties groups have supported the decision.
'Safe balance'
The tribunal's president said groups of straight women found homosexual men entertaining but that such attention was dehumanising, the BBC's Phil Mercer in Sydney says.
Managers complained raucous hen nights and stag parties created a poisonous atmosphere for its gay clientele, our correspondent says.
"If I can limit the number of heterosexuals entering the Peel, then that helps me keep the safe balance," the hotel's manager, Tom McFeely, told Australian radio, according to the Reuters news agency.
He said while Melbourne had 2,000 venues catering for heterosexuals, his was the only bar aimed exclusively at gay men.
Civil liberties groups said homosexuals should be allowed to relax in places without fear of bullying or intimidation.
Australia's equal opportunity laws prevent discrimination based on race, religion or sexuality.
AP: CALCUTTA, India -- A chicken has gone through a rare, spontaneous sex change in eastern India, a veterinarian said Thursday.

The bird laid eggs six months ago -- and some hatched -- but it later began to grow a rooster's comb, said Partha Sarathi Ghose, a veterinarian at West Bengal state's Animal Husbandry Department, quoting the bird's owner.
Earlier this week Ghose and a team of experts visited the village of Kamat-Chengrabanda where the incident occurred.
Ghose said the bird had undergone a process of natural sex change.
"Sure, it's rare,'' the veterinarian said, adding that owner Haziruddin Mohammad has called the incident a miracle and refused to hand over the bird to the Animal Husbandry Department.
"Every once in a while you hear a story about a hen that changed into a cock. Such stories are often met with skepticism, but sex reversals do, in fact, occur, although not very frequently,'' says a 2000 report published by the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
The study said spontaneous sex reversals can result from damage to one ovary.
It said that there are reports of some such birds fathering offspring, but that most never do.

The bird laid eggs six months ago -- and some hatched -- but it later began to grow a rooster's comb, said Partha Sarathi Ghose, a veterinarian at West Bengal state's Animal Husbandry Department, quoting the bird's owner.
Earlier this week Ghose and a team of experts visited the village of Kamat-Chengrabanda where the incident occurred.
Ghose said the bird had undergone a process of natural sex change.
"Sure, it's rare,'' the veterinarian said, adding that owner Haziruddin Mohammad has called the incident a miracle and refused to hand over the bird to the Animal Husbandry Department.
"Every once in a while you hear a story about a hen that changed into a cock. Such stories are often met with skepticism, but sex reversals do, in fact, occur, although not very frequently,'' says a 2000 report published by the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
The study said spontaneous sex reversals can result from damage to one ovary.
It said that there are reports of some such birds fathering offspring, but that most never do.
Jack Lemmon and Steve McQueen were New York acting school contemporaries of the acclaimed stage star and director named...blank.
The Match Game answer is: Charles Nelson Reilly.

Reilly, whose award-winning theater career was overshadowed by his knack for filling in the blanks with punchlines on Match Game and other TV game shows, has died of pneumonia, his partner told Monday's New York Times.
The actor-director passed away last Friday in his Beverly Hills home, Patrick Hughes told the paper. Reilly was said to have been in failing health for more than a year. He was 76.
For the uninitiated, the Game Show Network offers everyday proof of why Reilly was as much a part of the 1970s as the pet rock. The Internet Broadway Database offers evidence of a career that was much broader than his banter with Brett Somers suggested.
The Match Game answer is: Charles Nelson Reilly.
Reilly, whose award-winning theater career was overshadowed by his knack for filling in the blanks with punchlines on Match Game and other TV game shows, has died of pneumonia, his partner told Monday's New York Times.
The actor-director passed away last Friday in his Beverly Hills home, Patrick Hughes told the paper. Reilly was said to have been in failing health for more than a year. He was 76.
For the uninitiated, the Game Show Network offers everyday proof of why Reilly was as much a part of the 1970s as the pet rock. The Internet Broadway Database offers evidence of a career that was much broader than his banter with Brett Somers suggested.
May 27, 2007
Thinking of having a little nip and tuck? In our little Q&A, Jocelyne Wildenstein provides some things to think about before surrendering to the surgeon's scalpel.
Jocelyne, why do so many women decide to have plastic surgery?

There are so many reasons, it is up to the individual I suppose. Some women have surgery to slow the march of time, some decide to go under the knife to correct a perceived flaw and some decide to do it when their husband is threatening to not only leave them for a 21 year old Russian model, but cut them off their financial support and the only way they can think to save the marriage is to turn themselves into a replica of his favourite jungle animal.
All very valid reasons, all very personal reasons.
What if a woman can't afford plastic surgery - are there any alternatives you can suggest?
Yes I recommend she develop a personality and learn to bake.
No, what I mean is, are there any non-surgical procedures you can recommend?
How does one go about choosing the right surgeon?
It depends on your needs of course but there are a few things I've learned during my journey that I would like to share.
It is impossible to hold a medical degree from the University of Papaya as Papaya is not a country, you should never have to walk through a transmission shop to get to the clinic and avoid places that require a secret knock.
Clean well appointed premises are a good sign and you can tell a lot about the surgeon by his clients. If the surgeon has a photograph of Mary Tyler Moore or Carol Burnett in the lobby consider that a good sign.
SORRY, JOCELYN! But Mary Tyler Moore looks like Skeletor and Carol Burnett's face as looked positively broken since the 80's! But read on, Jocelyn is very amusing and dare I say catty?
Thinking of having a little nip and tuck? In our little Q&A, Jocelyne Wildenstein provides some things to think about before surrendering to the surgeon's scalpel.
Jocelyne, why do so many women decide to have plastic surgery?

There are so many reasons, it is up to the individual I suppose. Some women have surgery to slow the march of time, some decide to go under the knife to correct a perceived flaw and some decide to do it when their husband is threatening to not only leave them for a 21 year old Russian model, but cut them off their financial support and the only way they can think to save the marriage is to turn themselves into a replica of his favourite jungle animal.
All very valid reasons, all very personal reasons.
What if a woman can't afford plastic surgery - are there any alternatives you can suggest?
Yes I recommend she develop a personality and learn to bake.
No, what I mean is, are there any non-surgical procedures you can recommend?
How does one go about choosing the right surgeon?
It depends on your needs of course but there are a few things I've learned during my journey that I would like to share.
It is impossible to hold a medical degree from the University of Papaya as Papaya is not a country, you should never have to walk through a transmission shop to get to the clinic and avoid places that require a secret knock.
Clean well appointed premises are a good sign and you can tell a lot about the surgeon by his clients. If the surgeon has a photograph of Mary Tyler Moore or Carol Burnett in the lobby consider that a good sign.
SORRY, JOCELYN! But Mary Tyler Moore looks like Skeletor and Carol Burnett's face as looked positively broken since the 80's! But read on, Jocelyn is very amusing and dare I say catty?

Possibly the best thing ever! Billie Hayes as Witchiepoo gives a ridiculously energetic performance from H. R PUFNSTUFF's SHOW BIZ WITCH episode. This song changed my life! ORANGES PORANGES was co-written by Charles Fox, the genius known for his ballistic horn arrangements in TV themes like the WONDER WOMAN theme, LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE, 4 songs from BARBARELLA, THE LOVE BOAT theme, and the top 40 hit from LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY, MAKING OUR DREAMS COME TRUE! I occasionally listen to the music on kids' shows when I'm visiting my niece and nephew and am shocked at the poverty of the music. These kids are being cheated! BARNEY is the absolute worst. It actually plays a cheap-sounding keyboard on top of the melody--no harmony, no grooves, no nothing! I'm so glad I grew up with memorable kiddie fare like SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK!. Their THREE IS A MAGIC NUMBER actually appeared on a serious jazz/rare groove cd a few years ago. And who can forget I'M JUST A BILL or UNPACK YOUR ADJECTIVES, which Afro-ditee used to bring down the house lip-synching to?

A government investigation has found a top Bush administration official broke the law by encouraging subordinates to use their power to support Republican candidates for office, sources tell ABC News.

In a draft report, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) determined Lurita Doan, head of the $56 billion General Services Administration, violated the Hatch Act, which bars certain partisan political activity by government officials and employees, according to sources familiar with the document.
OSC confirmed Doan asked other GSA employees to think how their agency could help "our candidates," following a 2006 PowerPoint presentation by the White House political office on Republicans in tight congressional races, sources told ABC News.
The agency contracts for services, supplies and real estate on behalf of the entire federal government.
Special Counsel Scott Bloch sent a copy of the draft report to Doan's office for comment last week, confirmed OSC spokesman Jim Mitchell, who declined to discuss the report's findings. She has two weeks to respond, after which Bloch will forward the final report to President Bush along with his recommendations for action. Bloch could advise the president to suspend or fire Doan for the infraction.
The report may place the White House in the awkward position of disciplining a senior official for taking political action in response to a White House political presentation. Despite Bloch's advice, experts say President Bush is not likely to fire Doan.
A government investigation has found a top Bush administration official broke the law by encouraging subordinates to use their power to support Republican candidates for office, sources tell ABC News.

In a draft report, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) determined Lurita Doan, head of the $56 billion General Services Administration, violated the Hatch Act, which bars certain partisan political activity by government officials and employees, according to sources familiar with the document.
OSC confirmed Doan asked other GSA employees to think how their agency could help "our candidates," following a 2006 PowerPoint presentation by the White House political office on Republicans in tight congressional races, sources told ABC News.
The agency contracts for services, supplies and real estate on behalf of the entire federal government.
Special Counsel Scott Bloch sent a copy of the draft report to Doan's office for comment last week, confirmed OSC spokesman Jim Mitchell, who declined to discuss the report's findings. She has two weeks to respond, after which Bloch will forward the final report to President Bush along with his recommendations for action. Bloch could advise the president to suspend or fire Doan for the infraction.
The report may place the White House in the awkward position of disciplining a senior official for taking political action in response to a White House political presentation. Despite Bloch's advice, experts say President Bush is not likely to fire Doan.
Of course, any peace plan that starts of with attacking and occupying the region is doomed. Here's the latest peaceful development. You might wanna hurry up and visit Israel before it's blown to smithereens.
Twelve Middle East Countries Aim For Nuclear Programs
LA Times | Bob Drogin, Borzou Daragahi | May 26, 2007 11:19 AM
As Iran races ahead with an illicit uranium enrichment effort, nearly a dozen other Middle East nations are moving forward on their own civilian nuclear programs. In the latest development, a team of eight U.N. experts on Friday ended a weeklong trip to Saudi Arabia to provide nuclear guidance to officials from six Persian Gulf countries.
Diplomats and analysts view the Saudi trip as the latest sign that Iran's suspected weapons program has helped spark a chain reaction of nuclear interest among its Arab rivals, which some fear will lead to a scramble for atomic weapons in the world's most volatile region.
Twelve Middle East Countries Aim For Nuclear Programs
LA Times | Bob Drogin, Borzou Daragahi | May 26, 2007 11:19 AM
As Iran races ahead with an illicit uranium enrichment effort, nearly a dozen other Middle East nations are moving forward on their own civilian nuclear programs. In the latest development, a team of eight U.N. experts on Friday ended a weeklong trip to Saudi Arabia to provide nuclear guidance to officials from six Persian Gulf countries.
Diplomats and analysts view the Saudi trip as the latest sign that Iran's suspected weapons program has helped spark a chain reaction of nuclear interest among its Arab rivals, which some fear will lead to a scramble for atomic weapons in the world's most volatile region.
GAY MEN'S HEATH CRISIS, better known as GMHC, raised a record 6.8 MILLION DOLLARS at their recent AIDS WALK! This is the first year I've donated so I'm even patting my own pimply back!
New York, NY — The 22nd Annual AIDS Walk New York, on Sunday May 20, was the largest and most successful AIDS Walk ever held, setting records for both participation and fundraising. Organizers announced that 45,000 walkers helped to raise a grand total of $6,857,527.

"New York showed its strong support for Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC)," said AIDS Walk Founder and Producer Craig R. Miller. "We all took to the streets to raise a record-setting $6.8 million to support people living with HIV/AIDS in New York City and to fund the critical HIV prevention programs needed to stop new infections."
"The phenomenal success of AIDS Walk represents teamwork at its essence. None of us walks alone, and the success of AIDS Walk is a testament to our ability to work, walk, and succeed together," said Marjorie J. Hill, Chief Executive Officer of GMHC. "AIDS Walk is proof that New Yorkers care very deeply about AIDS here in New York City, the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S."
AIDS Walk opening ceremonies featured the participation of Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg, Grammy winner Cyndi Lauper, T.R. Knight (Grey's Anatomy), Lance Bass ('N Sync), Alan Cumming (X2, Cabaret), B.D. Wong (Law & Order: SVU), Jason Steed (Noah's Arc), and Emmy-winning writer/actor Bruce Vilanch, with special musical performances by the cast of A Chorus Line, and Stephanie J. Block (The Pirate Queen), who sang "You'll Never Walk Alone," the AIDS Walk theme song.
AIDS Walk New York benefits GMHC and more than 50 other local AIDS organizations.
"These dollars permit us to provide innovative direct service programs, outreach and education to hundreds of thousands, and fierce public policy leadership at all levels of government," said Robert E. Bank, Esq., Chief Operating Officer at GMHC. "We are grateful to our corporate and individual donors, media sponsors, and especially to the tens of thousands of New Yorkers who make this event the largest gathering of AIDS activists in the world."
* * *
About GMHC: GMHC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to national leadership in the fight against AIDS. Its mission is to reduce the spread of HIV disease, help people with HIV maintain and improve their health and independence, and keep the prevention, treatment and cure of HIV an urgent national and local priority. GMHC provides services and programs to over 15,000 men, women and families that are living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in New York City, and outreach and education to hundreds of thousands throughout the world. For more information about GMHC programs and services, please visit
New York, NY — The 22nd Annual AIDS Walk New York, on Sunday May 20, was the largest and most successful AIDS Walk ever held, setting records for both participation and fundraising. Organizers announced that 45,000 walkers helped to raise a grand total of $6,857,527.

"New York showed its strong support for Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC)," said AIDS Walk Founder and Producer Craig R. Miller. "We all took to the streets to raise a record-setting $6.8 million to support people living with HIV/AIDS in New York City and to fund the critical HIV prevention programs needed to stop new infections."
"The phenomenal success of AIDS Walk represents teamwork at its essence. None of us walks alone, and the success of AIDS Walk is a testament to our ability to work, walk, and succeed together," said Marjorie J. Hill, Chief Executive Officer of GMHC. "AIDS Walk is proof that New Yorkers care very deeply about AIDS here in New York City, the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S."
AIDS Walk opening ceremonies featured the participation of Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg, Grammy winner Cyndi Lauper, T.R. Knight (Grey's Anatomy), Lance Bass ('N Sync), Alan Cumming (X2, Cabaret), B.D. Wong (Law & Order: SVU), Jason Steed (Noah's Arc), and Emmy-winning writer/actor Bruce Vilanch, with special musical performances by the cast of A Chorus Line, and Stephanie J. Block (The Pirate Queen), who sang "You'll Never Walk Alone," the AIDS Walk theme song.
AIDS Walk New York benefits GMHC and more than 50 other local AIDS organizations.
"These dollars permit us to provide innovative direct service programs, outreach and education to hundreds of thousands, and fierce public policy leadership at all levels of government," said Robert E. Bank, Esq., Chief Operating Officer at GMHC. "We are grateful to our corporate and individual donors, media sponsors, and especially to the tens of thousands of New Yorkers who make this event the largest gathering of AIDS activists in the world."
* * *
About GMHC: GMHC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to national leadership in the fight against AIDS. Its mission is to reduce the spread of HIV disease, help people with HIV maintain and improve their health and independence, and keep the prevention, treatment and cure of HIV an urgent national and local priority. GMHC provides services and programs to over 15,000 men, women and families that are living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in New York City, and outreach and education to hundreds of thousands throughout the world. For more information about GMHC programs and services, please visit
Charles Randolph-Wright will direct a film adaptation of the musical Mama, I Want to Sing! that is set to star Ciara, Patti LaBelle and Lynn Whitfield, according to Variety.
May 26, 2007
Edwards "Not Comfortable" with Gays According to New Book
by Kilian Melloy
EDGE Boston Contributor
Friday May 25, 2007
Senator John Edwards "not comfortable" with gays?
Presidential hopeful Senator John Edwards has been quoted in a new book as saying of gays that he’s "not comfortable around those people."
Edwards, currently in the running for the Democratic nomination for the 2008 Presidential election, was quoted in a new book by Bob Shrum, a Democratic strategist, according to an article in today’s Washington Post. Reporting on the Post story, Washington Blade Online blogger and Managing Editor Kevin Naff quotes Shrum as asking Edwards, "What is your position, Mr. Edwards, on gay rights?"
According to Shrum’s book, Edwards, who at the time of the question was running for a seat in the U. S. Senate in 1998’s midterm elections, answered, "I’m not comfortable around those people."
by Kilian Melloy
EDGE Boston Contributor
Friday May 25, 2007
Senator John Edwards "not comfortable" with gays?
Presidential hopeful Senator John Edwards has been quoted in a new book as saying of gays that he’s "not comfortable around those people."
Edwards, currently in the running for the Democratic nomination for the 2008 Presidential election, was quoted in a new book by Bob Shrum, a Democratic strategist, according to an article in today’s Washington Post. Reporting on the Post story, Washington Blade Online blogger and Managing Editor Kevin Naff quotes Shrum as asking Edwards, "What is your position, Mr. Edwards, on gay rights?"
According to Shrum’s book, Edwards, who at the time of the question was running for a seat in the U. S. Senate in 1998’s midterm elections, answered, "I’m not comfortable around those people."

On MNN cable TV! It's the adorable Margarita Pracatan, who fills her half hour show with her crazed arrangements of songs as varied as a disco-casio-funk version of HELLO DOLLY to OOPS, I DID IT AGAIN, which is far superior to the original. There's something about an older women in sequins and 5 boas singing "I'm not that innocent" with a thick cuban accent.
From her website:
My new favorite activity is going to the Times Square Church in Manhattan. It's elegant, a theater and with beautiful music but I don't think I want to sing in the choir. If you want to see me sing go to Channel 56, Manhattan Public Access, every Saturday at 9:30 am.
If you don't live in NYC, here's Margarita on the CLIVE JAMES SHOW. She's much better known in the UK.
FORWARDED TO ME--I guess Oklahoma doesn't have many functioning tourist attractions.
In an effort to increase the flow of visitors to Oklahoma over the
Memorial Day weekend, the Governor has announced a plan to offer visitors
a free BBQ Grill! This is very exciting for those of us in the state. We
are thinking of all the additional tax revenue from the hotel and food
purchases you will make on your trek here. So come to Oklahoma....get
your free BBQ grill this weekend.
You can pick up your free BBQ grill at several stores in Oklahoma,
Home Depot
Big Lots
Sam's Club
I especially like the higher rack - which can be used for keeping things
Just make sure to get a metal one...the Plastic one's don't do so well.
In an effort to increase the flow of visitors to Oklahoma over the
Memorial Day weekend, the Governor has announced a plan to offer visitors
a free BBQ Grill! This is very exciting for those of us in the state. We
are thinking of all the additional tax revenue from the hotel and food
purchases you will make on your trek here. So come to Oklahoma....get
your free BBQ grill this weekend.
You can pick up your free BBQ grill at several stores in Oklahoma,
Home Depot
Big Lots
Sam's Club
I especially like the higher rack - which can be used for keeping things
Just make sure to get a metal one...the Plastic one's don't do so well.

The residents of an historic university city (Cambridge) awoke on Thursday to discover that not only had their new lady mayor been born a man, but that their lady mayoress had been, too.

Bill Maher lets Falwell have it on his HBO show. So if you're too cheap to pay for HBO like I am, here ya go! Includes Falwell quotes like "All a feminist needs is a man around the house."