June 29, 2014
June 28, 2014
June 27, 2014
June 25, 2014
June 24, 2014
Republicans in the House are blocking the ENDA bill, which would end discrimination against GLBT in the workplace. WHERE IT STILL EXISTS IN 29 STATES. It's gay pride week for many of us--are you going to let them get away with this? Please take a moment to sign if you agree.
"We’ve seen real progress for our LGBT neighbors in recent years -- the end of DOMA, the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and the right to marry in state after state. Yet in 29 states, it is still legal to be fired on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
That’s unacceptable, and the Senate has passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, (ENDA) to ban employment discrimination. But the Republican-controlled House refuses to take up the Senate bill. With your help, we can change that.
We’re gathering signatures to demand that the House pass ENDA -- add your name to our petition.
LGBT people are our neighbors, our friends, our family, and our loved ones. In America, everyone should be treated equally under the law - that's the essence of our democracy. And no one should be afraid of being fired from their jobs because of who they are or whom they love.
I’ve been a longtime advocate for the LGBT community. I was one of only a handful of members of Congress to vote against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 and have supported an end to workplace discrimination since 1994. Now, the Senate has spoken, passing ENDA with 64 votes and bipartisan support.
The House must act to end workplace discrimination. Sign our petition and tell the House to stop standing in the way of progress."
"We’ve seen real progress for our LGBT neighbors in recent years -- the end of DOMA, the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and the right to marry in state after state. Yet in 29 states, it is still legal to be fired on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
That’s unacceptable, and the Senate has passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, (ENDA) to ban employment discrimination. But the Republican-controlled House refuses to take up the Senate bill. With your help, we can change that.
We’re gathering signatures to demand that the House pass ENDA -- add your name to our petition.
LGBT people are our neighbors, our friends, our family, and our loved ones. In America, everyone should be treated equally under the law - that's the essence of our democracy. And no one should be afraid of being fired from their jobs because of who they are or whom they love.
I’ve been a longtime advocate for the LGBT community. I was one of only a handful of members of Congress to vote against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 and have supported an end to workplace discrimination since 1994. Now, the Senate has spoken, passing ENDA with 64 votes and bipartisan support.
The House must act to end workplace discrimination. Sign our petition and tell the House to stop standing in the way of progress."
Performing at St. Louis's Pride Fest this Saturday! And then....
Spinning for Juanita More in San Francisco this Sunday from 12-2. With David Glamamore and Jake Shears of The Scissor Sisters, this is going to be a hoot and a half!
And this nutty status update from Juanita:
Glamamore & I were in a car accident last night on our way to Powerhouse - the car struck the passenger door throwing Granny at me. We are both fine. Thank goodness for my hip pads that saved me when I got slammed into the door and my huge wig for protecting my head when it hit the window and for my two huge titts that protected Granny's face when she came crashing into them. #dragsaveslives
Spinning for Juanita More in San Francisco this Sunday from 12-2. With David Glamamore and Jake Shears of The Scissor Sisters, this is going to be a hoot and a half!
And this nutty status update from Juanita:
Glamamore & I were in a car accident last night on our way to Powerhouse - the car struck the passenger door throwing Granny at me. We are both fine. Thank goodness for my hip pads that saved me when I got slammed into the door and my huge wig for protecting my head when it hit the window and for my two huge titts that protected Granny's face when she came crashing into them. #dragsaveslives
I'm glad that Linda was a) always around, b) had a camera and c) not so drunk that she could both focus and not lose the camera. This might be my new Craig's List pic!
June 23, 2014
June 21, 2014
June 20, 2014
I date a guy who is straight-identified. He's never met me in drag, seen my performance or been in a gay bar. One day he called and came over and showed me the image that came up when he dialed my #. It was my profile pic from facebook--an invite to Escualita. Even though we aren't friends on facebook. Isn't this a little scary? We all know we're giving up a lot of personal data just by being on facebook and I guess when I gave me # to facebook when setting it up, it linked somehow to whoever dialed it. Bizarre! I signed this, urging Facebook to calm down on the spying. Perhaps you will consider it.
"Zuckerberg, Stop being an Internet Creep!
Last week, Facebook announced it will be using every user's web browsing and app history to show ads to them. Everywhere we go and everything we do on the Internet will be watched by Facebook.
This isn't the first time Facebook has gotten creepy with our privacy. In 2011, the FTC ruled against Facebook for lying to its user's about what data it was sharing.
Facebook has taken online tracking way too far on its users. With the NSA and other government agencies looking at Facebook for your personal data, our privacy is at stake. Tell Facebook to get out of your data. It's personal.
Facebook: Putting us all in danger of surveillance
Because of the Snowden documents, we know that Facebook is working closely with government agencies to give far reaching access into our personal lives. Just this week, the European Court began a case against Facebook and NSA spying connections on European citizens. The evidence only continues to grow: Facebook's quest to take over the world is putting everyone in danger.
With Facebook tracking, selling, and sharing your personal information with companies and governments, it's time that the abuse of Internet users end. That's why we're demanding that Facebook stop tracking our personal data online.
If we can get more and more people to opt out of Facebook, we can put a stop to their reign of surveillance. Please share this page on your Facebook and Twitter to your friends, we need to stop the tracking now!"
"Zuckerberg, Stop being an Internet Creep!
Last week, Facebook announced it will be using every user's web browsing and app history to show ads to them. Everywhere we go and everything we do on the Internet will be watched by Facebook.
This isn't the first time Facebook has gotten creepy with our privacy. In 2011, the FTC ruled against Facebook for lying to its user's about what data it was sharing.
Facebook has taken online tracking way too far on its users. With the NSA and other government agencies looking at Facebook for your personal data, our privacy is at stake. Tell Facebook to get out of your data. It's personal.
Facebook: Putting us all in danger of surveillance
Because of the Snowden documents, we know that Facebook is working closely with government agencies to give far reaching access into our personal lives. Just this week, the European Court began a case against Facebook and NSA spying connections on European citizens. The evidence only continues to grow: Facebook's quest to take over the world is putting everyone in danger.
With Facebook tracking, selling, and sharing your personal information with companies and governments, it's time that the abuse of Internet users end. That's why we're demanding that Facebook stop tracking our personal data online.
If we can get more and more people to opt out of Facebook, we can put a stop to their reign of surveillance. Please share this page on your Facebook and Twitter to your friends, we need to stop the tracking now!"
Heritage Of Pride, which organizes the gay parade in NYC, has copyrighted "nyc pride", ny pride", "nyc gay pride" and every other configuration of words connecting to gay pride in NYC. They aren't concerned with some group forming a competing pride parade. But HOP is doing official nightlife events and suing promoters like my sometime boss Brandon L Voss for including NYC Pride on invites for events the same night. Not for including Heritage Of Pride--that isn't on Brandon's invites. Nor do the invites that promoters like Brandon are being sued for claim to be official pride events. Just NYC gay pride. I don't feel Heritage Of Pride has the right to do this. Many people don't attend the pride parade and prefer to go out to clubs instead--which traditionally has been a big weekend for the struggling club business. And gay pride should not be copyrightable. Doesn't that belong to all of GLBT? With straight body-builders hired to dance on floats for Red Bull and Sprint to entertain the straights watching the parade, could the parade get any more commercial and money-grubbing--especially for a "non-profit" like Heritage Of Pride? I sometimes work for Brandon, but not actually at the moment. But I'd defend anyone's right to use NYC Gay Pride on an invite. This is kind of like Monsanto copyrighting corn and suing the state of Vermont--as it currently is.
June 17, 2014
I am so thrilled that Obama has signed an executive order to prevent discrimination by employers against GLBT folks who are looking for work. This is big, especially for a president who is perceived to be slow on gay issues. It would be even bigger if there were actually any jobs to apply for. Sadly, Obama is actively pushing the Trans Pacific Partnership which would destroy US jobs for decades to come. But it would create many jobs in Vietnam and other countries with 25 cent an hour wages. So Obama isn't concerned with fairness in the work place. He is actively seeking to destroy the workplace with the TPP, as he's also his broken campaign promise to stand with unions which strengthen employee's rights.
You haven't heard much about the TPP lately, possibly because several countries in Asia, the US dairy industry and other agriculture associations want out of the rotten deal. So rotten that the Obama just went to Malaysia to offer US military support to that country if they'd support it. NEWSFLASH: He didn't go there because a malaysian airplane crashed. Or maybe you haven't heard about the TPP because the trade deal is secret, created by the Obama administration with corporations. Legislators can't even copy or discuss specifics of the deal to their constituents. So rotten that Obama has thrown his weight behind getting the TPP fast-tracked through Congress with as little debate as possible. You mean this reviled, do-nothing-except-shut-down-the-government Congress can fast-track something if Obama's pushing it? They have to ram it through. Because if we knew what was in it, we would never support it.
Obama WAS handed a mess by Bush, but he's making it worse and you can't blame Bush for the TPP. You can realize that neither major party represents US workers. Bill Clinton, also a democrat, signed NAFTA. That killed tons of US jobs. The TPP has been described as "NAFTA on steroids." The idea that Obama is risking some of his political clout going to bat for GLBT folks in the workplace is humorous when you consider how he's actively diminishing American jobs for gays and everyone else. Though unemployment figures are down, that's because low-paying jobs without benefits and part-time jobs have been added. And the drop in unemployment is a false impression because so many Americans have stopped looking for work--permanently. And you know that retirement is out of the question for many. You now work until you drop. How bad does it get before you open your eyes?
I don't ask you to believe me, but I do ask you to simply google the TPP and hit news. Here's one article from a paper in hard-hit Detroit where houses can be bought for $1. Or you can continue to dream that Obama is struggling to correct Bush's errors. He's more of the same if not worse. Both parties work for the corporations which have bought them. Are republicans worse? Sure, I think so. But that doesn't excuse democrats when they fail again and again to represent working Americans.
"The good news is that the Obama administration plans to create a lot of new jobs. The bad news is that those jobs will mostly be in Asia.
President Barack Obama's recent trip to Asia revived debate about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the cornerstone of this administration's so-called pivot to Asia. The controversial agreement -- not likely to be finalized anytime soon -- currently involves the U.S., Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea. Other countries expressing interest include China, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Laos, Colombia, Cambodia, Bangladesh and the Philippines.
Tell you what: Why don't we just effectively erase all the borders in Asia and turn it into one giant pool of exploitable labor, because that's exactly what this agreement would achieve. The White House won't say that, though. Instead, the Obama administration is promoting the idea that the TPP will result in higher labor standards.
"The president has always made clear that he will only support trade agreements that include fully enforceable labor standards, which we are pursuing in TPP," according to a February statement from the Office of the United States Trade Representative. "TPP will offer new tools to fight exploitative child labor and forced labor, deter employment discrimination, and will embed fundamental labor standards in our trade agreement with Mexico and Canada."
What utter nonsense. The U.S. government isn't even capable of following through on such guarantees at home. In fact, its policies promote the precise opposite."
You haven't heard much about the TPP lately, possibly because several countries in Asia, the US dairy industry and other agriculture associations want out of the rotten deal. So rotten that the Obama just went to Malaysia to offer US military support to that country if they'd support it. NEWSFLASH: He didn't go there because a malaysian airplane crashed. Or maybe you haven't heard about the TPP because the trade deal is secret, created by the Obama administration with corporations. Legislators can't even copy or discuss specifics of the deal to their constituents. So rotten that Obama has thrown his weight behind getting the TPP fast-tracked through Congress with as little debate as possible. You mean this reviled, do-nothing-except-shut-down-the-government Congress can fast-track something if Obama's pushing it? They have to ram it through. Because if we knew what was in it, we would never support it.
Obama WAS handed a mess by Bush, but he's making it worse and you can't blame Bush for the TPP. You can realize that neither major party represents US workers. Bill Clinton, also a democrat, signed NAFTA. That killed tons of US jobs. The TPP has been described as "NAFTA on steroids." The idea that Obama is risking some of his political clout going to bat for GLBT folks in the workplace is humorous when you consider how he's actively diminishing American jobs for gays and everyone else. Though unemployment figures are down, that's because low-paying jobs without benefits and part-time jobs have been added. And the drop in unemployment is a false impression because so many Americans have stopped looking for work--permanently. And you know that retirement is out of the question for many. You now work until you drop. How bad does it get before you open your eyes?
I don't ask you to believe me, but I do ask you to simply google the TPP and hit news. Here's one article from a paper in hard-hit Detroit where houses can be bought for $1. Or you can continue to dream that Obama is struggling to correct Bush's errors. He's more of the same if not worse. Both parties work for the corporations which have bought them. Are republicans worse? Sure, I think so. But that doesn't excuse democrats when they fail again and again to represent working Americans.
"The good news is that the Obama administration plans to create a lot of new jobs. The bad news is that those jobs will mostly be in Asia.
President Barack Obama's recent trip to Asia revived debate about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the cornerstone of this administration's so-called pivot to Asia. The controversial agreement -- not likely to be finalized anytime soon -- currently involves the U.S., Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea. Other countries expressing interest include China, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Laos, Colombia, Cambodia, Bangladesh and the Philippines.
Tell you what: Why don't we just effectively erase all the borders in Asia and turn it into one giant pool of exploitable labor, because that's exactly what this agreement would achieve. The White House won't say that, though. Instead, the Obama administration is promoting the idea that the TPP will result in higher labor standards.
"The president has always made clear that he will only support trade agreements that include fully enforceable labor standards, which we are pursuing in TPP," according to a February statement from the Office of the United States Trade Representative. "TPP will offer new tools to fight exploitative child labor and forced labor, deter employment discrimination, and will embed fundamental labor standards in our trade agreement with Mexico and Canada."
What utter nonsense. The U.S. government isn't even capable of following through on such guarantees at home. In fact, its policies promote the precise opposite."
I attended Warsaw's gay pride a few years ago with Daniel Nardicio. Nazi skinheads attacked the parade with fireworks and bottles. Then there's the situation in Russia. Now this. We tend to think of Europe as more enlightened, so I don't know where this new wave of hate is coming from? People unsettled by Conchita Wurst's Eurovision triumph? Is this a new trend or is the hate just always there waiting to lash out from sometimes dormant bigots who get emboldened by something? I hope this is their last gasp of hate as acceptance for LGBT people broadens. But don't ever get too comfortable with lunatic bigots. Or maybe the acid they threw in her face was just a cosmetologist friend surprising her with a special gay pride chemical peel. It's sunny, it's summer--just trying to look on the bright side, ya know.
June 15, 2014
Like many gay men, drag queens and transsexuals whose Father's Day posts I've been reading, my relationship with my dad can be strained. (SEE! We actually have shared experiences that bind us in between fights over banning words!) Let's just say that I get along with better and identify more with my mom. While I'm not sure my dad understands me or approves of me or even cares to, I did enjoy this cute moment. I was in a play in Atlanta for a month about 5 years ago. My parents still live in Chattanooga and came up to see me in it. He'd never seen me perform before and this play was the perfect opportunity for them to watch me because I wasn't doing my own vulgar act. I was actually playing a daffy, wealthy preacher's wife who was given to flights of fancy--like believing that she'd become pregnant at her advanced age. During the intermission, my dad overheard someone ask a friend if the preacher's wife was a drag queen. My dad piped up and said "Yes, she is and he's my son." She told him "Well, he's got nice legs" and daddy pulled up both his pants legs and said "It runs in the family." And then we all came.
Trans Activist Outraged By “Insensitive” Prison-Themed Pride Party For Gay Men
Another example of precious, overly sensitive trans activists who have lost their minds. Now they are criticizing parties which have an offensive prison themes. (Yet a donation to their group would soften the blow, they suggest.) These activists are showing how out there they are with their demands. And that RuPaul's Drag Race and Trannyshack SF (now called T-shack) should never have caved to them because you give them an angry inch, and they come back with increasingly absurd demands like policing theme parties. The trans community faces real threats like violence, murder and an inability to find housing and work due to discrimination. Yet they focus on a party theme for gays? How about just not going to the party instead of trying to silence it's creators? Who appointed them authorities? No one wants to be policed by these PC cry babies. Again, they are creating transphobia within the gay community and need to be ignored until they resume talking about the real challenges they face. It's like the boy who cried wolf--if you shriek over everything that offends you slightly, no one will come to the defense of your rights or your person are seriously in danger.
Very few people have tackled the tired, poor, huddled masses of New York City for as long or as lustily as Lady Bunny.
A downtown drag fixture for over two and a half decades, in her new show Clowns Syndrome the self professed “pig in a wig” has crafted the funniest, most engagingly thoughtful and by far the most entertaining drag show I have ever seen.
A downtown drag fixture for over two and a half decades, in her new show Clowns Syndrome the self professed “pig in a wig” has crafted the funniest, most engagingly thoughtful and by far the most entertaining drag show I have ever seen.
June 14, 2014
June 13, 2014
This fantastic performance just gives you so much joy--that's the power of music. People are grooving along and the singers are clearly enjoying expressing themselves, even though a humble subway car is their arena. The sad part is that these performers have so much more talent than at least half of the "hit"-makers you'll hear on the radio. What does that say about the crap tunes that we so readily accept? And unlike some recent headliners at awards shows and World Cup events I've seen lately, these guys don't need costumes, pyrotechnics or back-up dancers to thrill an audience. Just talent. I'd buy this and play it!
June 12, 2014
One of the most unusual guests we ever had at Wigstock was The Nanny's mom, Renee Taylor. She's a comic genius and was promoting a play at the time and agreed to pop by and say a few words. I can't recall exactly what she did on stage because Wigstock was often a blur. Another completely out there appearance was by Sukhreet Gabel. Remember her? She was vilified in the press for months after ratting out her mom who gave her a position working for Bess Myerson and then attempted to capitalize on it with a dance tune. She was too insane not to feature.
University of Chicago Students Disregard Context, Call for Ban on ‘Hate Speech’ After Dan Savage Lecture
Let's stifle free speech by celebrated gay activists like Dan Savage and create a generation of politically correct crybabies who can't even discuss a word. Let's keep information away from students. Let's kill discussion on the evolution of a word at our institutions of higher learning. That's a win, right?
From the fire.org:
"In the crusade to eradicate “harmful” speech from campus and ensure that students are never forced to endure the unspeakable horror of confronting an idea with which they disagree, context is often the first casualty.
The latest example comes from the University of Chicago (UC), where students have started a petition calling on the university’s Institute of Politics (IOP) to ban the use of the word “tranny” and other “transphobic slurs” in its events.
The petition was written in response to a recent seminar held by the IOP featuring noted columnist and gay rights activist Dan Savage and moderated by Guardian blogger Ana Marie Cox. During the seminar, Savage spoke about the reclamation of slurs and their empowering potential, using the word “tranny” as an example. Speaking of her personal experience with the word, Cox noted that she “used to make jokes about trannies.”
A student in the audience interrupted, apparently not comprehending the point Savage was making, and requested that Savage and Cox use the phrase “T-slur” rather than actually saying “tranny.” Savage balked at the request and debated the student, explaining his objective and inquiring as to whether he could use other particular “slurs” without objection. The student reportedly left the event in tears."
Let's stifle free speech by celebrated gay activists like Dan Savage and create a generation of politically correct crybabies who can't even discuss a word. Let's keep information away from students. Let's kill discussion on the evolution of a word at our institutions of higher learning. That's a win, right?
From the fire.org:
"In the crusade to eradicate “harmful” speech from campus and ensure that students are never forced to endure the unspeakable horror of confronting an idea with which they disagree, context is often the first casualty.
The latest example comes from the University of Chicago (UC), where students have started a petition calling on the university’s Institute of Politics (IOP) to ban the use of the word “tranny” and other “transphobic slurs” in its events.
The petition was written in response to a recent seminar held by the IOP featuring noted columnist and gay rights activist Dan Savage and moderated by Guardian blogger Ana Marie Cox. During the seminar, Savage spoke about the reclamation of slurs and their empowering potential, using the word “tranny” as an example. Speaking of her personal experience with the word, Cox noted that she “used to make jokes about trannies.”
A student in the audience interrupted, apparently not comprehending the point Savage was making, and requested that Savage and Cox use the phrase “T-slur” rather than actually saying “tranny.” Savage balked at the request and debated the student, explaining his objective and inquiring as to whether he could use other particular “slurs” without objection. The student reportedly left the event in tears."
June 11, 2014
Hayne Sutton, who gave birth to famed drag restaurant Lucky Cheng's, has passed away. Hayne hit the downtown scene (I think) in the late 80s. And she hit it hard. Here came this deep southern, money bags gal who proved that she was every bit as decadent as the rest of us--if not more. I'll never forget her jumping up onto a table at Cave Canem topless and looking like Ann-Margret while doing it. She created quite a sensation quite often. We lost touch over the years but I never knew her as anything but a fun person. And never boring, unlike the wealthy dullards who move to NYC nowadays! I may have had a different opinion if I'd worked for her, but she did keep many, many, MANY fab "girls" employed for many years. One last toast to you, Miss Hayne! I always jokingly called her "Your Hayne-ness--a combo of your highness and you're heinous!
Wow! These 3 divas on one stage? I don't love jazz but I worship their voices. I wish they'd do a trio show of their hits. A lot of people only remember Natalie Cole from her pretty but sappy Unforgettable duet with her dead dad. But back in the 70s, she slayed with hits like This Will Be, Sophisticated Lady and I've Got Love (On My Mind).
A sobering update from Michael Moore on Iraq. Yeah, the war that Hellary Clinton, viewed as the heir apparent to the White House, voted for--when she was "acting" as a concerned senator of New York State. Despite there being zero evidence to go to war for. To his credit, Obama voted against the Iraq war when he was a senator, but then went on to disappoint by not prosecuting George W. Bush for war crimes and even blocking an international investigation on Bush's possible crimes coming from Spain. Only a small handful of the people running this country are NOT greedy, amoral, spineless crooks.
Oh, and are you a little surprised by this news seeing that almost 70% of the country opposes US meddling abroad in favor of fixing our own broken country? We don't have the money to care for our own veterans but we can pay for an army of Iraqis. Not only are we still paying for an Iraqi army/war that we are technically supposed to be out of, but our idiotic news media is gnashing it's teeth over one imprisoned soldier returning from Afghanistan. When they should be reporting on how Obama promised to end the Afghanistan war in 2014 and he just extended what was already the longest war in US history, against the wishes of most Americans, to 2016. Who do you think Obama is representing? It ain't most of you!
See if your news channel is even discussing Mosul tonight. They're probably ranting about Speaker of the House Eric Cantor losing a primary and what that may mean. Because both parties want war. Both parties are paid off by war profiteers. Time to ditch parties both if you truly want peace.
This is copied from Michael Moore's Facebook page without permission. I hope that he won't mind in the interest of spreading the unpopular truth.
So today, Mosul fell. Mosul is the second largest city in Iraq. The Iraqi government we "installed", has now lost Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul and other large swaths of the country we invaded at the cost of thousands of American lives, tens of thousands of Iraqi lives and a couple trillion dollars. (What could your school district do with a trillion dollars?).
One more maddening day in this 11-year illegal, immoral, greedy and stupid war. Today in Mosul, that Iraqi Army YOU pay for, freaked out, threw down their guns, and literally RAN away. I have friends and acquaintances who lost sons in all three of those cities. I can only imagine what they're feeling tonight. FOR WHAT? FOR WHAT! I am so sorry we couldn't do anything to stop this when it started. A few million of us tried. Last week, Richard Clarke, Bush's former head of counter-terrorism, said he now believes that his fellow members of the Bush administration committed "war crimes."
I continue to await the perp walk.
Oh, and are you a little surprised by this news seeing that almost 70% of the country opposes US meddling abroad in favor of fixing our own broken country? We don't have the money to care for our own veterans but we can pay for an army of Iraqis. Not only are we still paying for an Iraqi army/war that we are technically supposed to be out of, but our idiotic news media is gnashing it's teeth over one imprisoned soldier returning from Afghanistan. When they should be reporting on how Obama promised to end the Afghanistan war in 2014 and he just extended what was already the longest war in US history, against the wishes of most Americans, to 2016. Who do you think Obama is representing? It ain't most of you!
See if your news channel is even discussing Mosul tonight. They're probably ranting about Speaker of the House Eric Cantor losing a primary and what that may mean. Because both parties want war. Both parties are paid off by war profiteers. Time to ditch parties both if you truly want peace.
This is copied from Michael Moore's Facebook page without permission. I hope that he won't mind in the interest of spreading the unpopular truth.
So today, Mosul fell. Mosul is the second largest city in Iraq. The Iraqi government we "installed", has now lost Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul and other large swaths of the country we invaded at the cost of thousands of American lives, tens of thousands of Iraqi lives and a couple trillion dollars. (What could your school district do with a trillion dollars?).
One more maddening day in this 11-year illegal, immoral, greedy and stupid war. Today in Mosul, that Iraqi Army YOU pay for, freaked out, threw down their guns, and literally RAN away. I have friends and acquaintances who lost sons in all three of those cities. I can only imagine what they're feeling tonight. FOR WHAT? FOR WHAT! I am so sorry we couldn't do anything to stop this when it started. A few million of us tried. Last week, Richard Clarke, Bush's former head of counter-terrorism, said he now believes that his fellow members of the Bush administration committed "war crimes."
I continue to await the perp walk.
In 1993, David Dalrymple hit the gay pride parade in this lavender lunacy that David created. Heritage Pride was charging higher-then-we-could-pay fees for floats, so we hit upon the idea of having a two-"man" suit that stretched across the street and served as a banner of sorts to advertise Wigstock later that summer. Made of spandex, it worked like a rubber band. Someone may have put a hit of X in our drinks, because we were racing down the parade route, boinging in and out of larger floats and finishing in record time. I don't think I can remember having a more fun day in NYC.
June 09, 2014
Wisconsin's anti-marriage ban is struck down and the judge said this geniusness!
HUFFPO: In defending their same-sex marriage ban, state officials claimed that "virtually all cultures through time" have recognized marriage "as the union of an opposite-sex couple."
But as U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb wrote in her 88-page ruling on Friday, that's simply not true.
"As an initial matter, defendants and amici have overstated their argument. Throughout history, the most 'traditional' form of marriage has not been between one man and one woman, but between one man and multiple women, which presumably is not a tradition that defendants and amici would like to continue," Crabb wrote in her opinion.
MORE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/06/gay-marriage-wisconsin-history_n_5462356.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
HUFFPO: In defending their same-sex marriage ban, state officials claimed that "virtually all cultures through time" have recognized marriage "as the union of an opposite-sex couple."
But as U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb wrote in her 88-page ruling on Friday, that's simply not true.
"As an initial matter, defendants and amici have overstated their argument. Throughout history, the most 'traditional' form of marriage has not been between one man and one woman, but between one man and multiple women, which presumably is not a tradition that defendants and amici would like to continue," Crabb wrote in her opinion.
MORE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/06/gay-marriage-wisconsin-history_n_5462356.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
June 08, 2014
So, Nora Burns (of the fabulous Unitard) is hosting another night of her New York Stories. (I get nervous even mentioning it as I’m on the list of story tellers this time.) From her announcement:
“Do you remember when New York City was a wonderland of fabulous freaks and misfit toys? When there were hookers instead of the Highline and you couldn’t swing a Fiorucci jumpsuit without hitting a hopped up hustler? It’s still our fabulous home, but behind all the TDBanks and Bugaboo baby strollers are some legendary tales. Everyone has a great New York Story, come hear some of the best. Come to a night of fascinating fables. Fun for all ages, stages and wages.”
Glittering Gotham Gabbers
Paul Alexander
Brenda Bergman
Tom Eubanks
David Ilku
Bob Russell
Anita Sarko
David Schweizer
Lucy Sexton
Linda Simpson
Trey Speegle
Thursday, June 12th, 8PM at the legendary Stonewall Inn, 53 Christopher Street. $10 (Suggested donation. Or whatever you can afford) Stonewall asks that you buy a couple of drinks too.
So, Nora Burns (of the fabulous Unitard) is hosting another night of her New York Stories. (I get nervous even mentioning it as I’m on the list of story tellers this time.) From her announcement:
“Do you remember when New York City was a wonderland of fabulous freaks and misfit toys? When there were hookers instead of the Highline and you couldn’t swing a Fiorucci jumpsuit without hitting a hopped up hustler? It’s still our fabulous home, but behind all the TDBanks and Bugaboo baby strollers are some legendary tales. Everyone has a great New York Story, come hear some of the best. Come to a night of fascinating fables. Fun for all ages, stages and wages.”
Glittering Gotham Gabbers
Paul Alexander
Brenda Bergman
Tom Eubanks
David Ilku
Bob Russell
Anita Sarko
David Schweizer
Lucy Sexton
Linda Simpson
Trey Speegle
Thursday, June 12th, 8PM at the legendary Stonewall Inn, 53 Christopher Street. $10 (Suggested donation. Or whatever you can afford) Stonewall asks that you buy a couple of drinks too.
June 07, 2014
It was a hot June morning in New York when after a long hike up an endless flight of stairs, I met the photographer and filmmaker James Bidgood. Famous for his ethereal photography of beautiful young men in the 1960s, James Bidgood directed, produced and wrote the iconic 1971 film Pink Narcissus, starring Bobby Kendall. Nearly all of the film was shot in Mr. Bidgood’s Hell’s Kitchen apartment between 1963 and 1971 where he lived within the sets he built. Before the film reached completion, it was taken from him by investors and edited without his involvement, creating something Bidgood says he couldn’t even follow himself or stay awake through. Devastated after having spent the past seven years of his life making the film, he refused to sign his name to the project and for years it was credited to ‘Anonymous’, which led many to think that perhaps Andy Warhol was behind it. When I arrived at his apartment, Mr. Bidgood asked the first question.
JAYNE COUNTY: Tranny is not a slur word and I resent anyone trying to make it one. It’s the intent behind the word, rather than the word itself, that can be sometimes offensive. It may be a silly word, but it’s certainly not worthy enough to be banned. That is censorship, pure and simple and no better than right-wing Christian extremists or any other tyrants, who want to force their narrow-minded, conservative opinions on others. I do not want to live in Aftrannastan, and my religion is not The TrannaBan.
I could hurl the word “angel” at you with such wrath and ridicule that it would become offensive and send shudders down your bony back! Who and where, do the Word Police, get their orders from? God? Rush Limbaugh? (I read that he may be on the side of the activists, and if that’s the case then I am more sure than ever that they are absolutely 150 percent wrong.) Did they play with the Ouija board one drunken night, and suffer from the delusion that they spoke to the ghost of Stalin? Or maybe their orders came from the Great And Powerful Oz? Oops, don’t pull back that curtain! There could be a very, scared, bitter human being hiding behind it — one that wants to lord over the rest of us so much that they are willing to destroy the LGBT community in order to do so.
Actually, I wonder if these fringe word fascists even want to be members of the LGBT community. Since they feel no one else in the community has any right to offer their opinions, I must conclude that these extremists really aren’t in the community at all. They are outsiders. They remind me of the Trojan horse sent to our community to destroy it from within. In my mind, all they are doing is alienating a lot of people that could have been on their side. They say they want respect. Well, respect has to be earned, and demanding it, by threatening, and bullying members of the LGBT community will only get you disrespect.
These word fascists have been pressuring the press with threats and bullying to not print any alternative opinion. This tells me what kind of people these conservative censorship bullies are. They are behaving like a pack of ungrateful little brats. They are disrespecting our history and our rights. That’s right. If they are using their rights to abuse my rights then they don’t deserve to have their rights at all. These holier than thou “guardians of language” remind me of a bunch of old fuddy duddies and party poopers. Old church ladies, hiding behind their living room curtains, peering out at the neighbors and becoming upset and indignant because someone’s skirt is too short or one of the neighbors has come home really late. Do they have axes hidden in their over-sized handbags, just in case prohibition is repealed? (You’re supposed to chuckle there.) That’s how ridiculous I see this entire debacle.
JAYNE COUNTY: Tranny is not a slur word and I resent anyone trying to make it one. It’s the intent behind the word, rather than the word itself, that can be sometimes offensive. It may be a silly word, but it’s certainly not worthy enough to be banned. That is censorship, pure and simple and no better than right-wing Christian extremists or any other tyrants, who want to force their narrow-minded, conservative opinions on others. I do not want to live in Aftrannastan, and my religion is not The TrannaBan.
I could hurl the word “angel” at you with such wrath and ridicule that it would become offensive and send shudders down your bony back! Who and where, do the Word Police, get their orders from? God? Rush Limbaugh? (I read that he may be on the side of the activists, and if that’s the case then I am more sure than ever that they are absolutely 150 percent wrong.) Did they play with the Ouija board one drunken night, and suffer from the delusion that they spoke to the ghost of Stalin? Or maybe their orders came from the Great And Powerful Oz? Oops, don’t pull back that curtain! There could be a very, scared, bitter human being hiding behind it — one that wants to lord over the rest of us so much that they are willing to destroy the LGBT community in order to do so.
Actually, I wonder if these fringe word fascists even want to be members of the LGBT community. Since they feel no one else in the community has any right to offer their opinions, I must conclude that these extremists really aren’t in the community at all. They are outsiders. They remind me of the Trojan horse sent to our community to destroy it from within. In my mind, all they are doing is alienating a lot of people that could have been on their side. They say they want respect. Well, respect has to be earned, and demanding it, by threatening, and bullying members of the LGBT community will only get you disrespect.
These word fascists have been pressuring the press with threats and bullying to not print any alternative opinion. This tells me what kind of people these conservative censorship bullies are. They are behaving like a pack of ungrateful little brats. They are disrespecting our history and our rights. That’s right. If they are using their rights to abuse my rights then they don’t deserve to have their rights at all. These holier than thou “guardians of language” remind me of a bunch of old fuddy duddies and party poopers. Old church ladies, hiding behind their living room curtains, peering out at the neighbors and becoming upset and indignant because someone’s skirt is too short or one of the neighbors has come home really late. Do they have axes hidden in their over-sized handbags, just in case prohibition is repealed? (You’re supposed to chuckle there.) That’s how ridiculous I see this entire debacle.
June 06, 2014
June 05, 2014
June 04, 2014
What is really going on with the last soldier freed from Afghanistan? It's very difficult to say. Of course, idiots on the right are trying to make Obama look weak on defense so that Democrats can hopefully lose future elections and the GOP can start more wars. In Syria. In Nigeria. In Iran--wherever--as long as war profiteers who donate to their campaigns get payback with more lucrative battles in the future. I've heard them sneer about how Bowe Bergdahl, Jr. studied ballet as a child. I've heard them question the beard that the soldier's dad wears. (I never heard them question those same beards when turds on Duck Dynasty grow them.) And of course, McCain, Fox and co. are claiming that we shouldn't negotiate with terrorists.
Why shouldn't we negotiate with terrorists? Because we're better than them? Here's the # definition of terrorism from dictionary.reference.com:
ter·ror·ism [ter-uh-riz-uhm] noun
1.the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
The USA is a terrorist nation. You can dress it up with military uniforms, you can wave a flag, but as per this definition, the United States Of America engages in "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for politically purposes." Regularly. One of Obama's drones killed a wedding party in Yemen. Another killed a 16 year old American citizen. Under Obama, our tax $ pay for "signature strikes," which is a type of strike where they bomb a suspected area without researching it if there are actually terrorists there. If random bombings are your signature, you need to hand back that Nobel Peace Prize, Obama.
George W. Bush made the country go broke by sending us into the Iraq war, in which hundreds of thousands of people were murdered by US troops, despite the fact that there were no WMDs and the Iraqi people had no way to attack us and posed no threat. Killed hundreds of thousands of innocents? While even respected media outlets like CNN and the New York Times apologized (after the fact) for not asking harder questions of the Bush administration in the lead up to the Iraq war? Instead, they filled us with propaganda about yellowcake uranium, WMDs and the non-existent connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Are our media's lies any better than the fantastical lies muslim clerics spout to whip up their terrorists to come attack us or US embassies abroad? After we proudly hunted and killed Iraq's leader and tore their country apart for no reason, we actually used the bizarre rhetoric to keep troops in Iraq because the US is so honorable that we don't "cut and run." Then think before you cut the wrong people in the wrong country, a-holes.
Is this whole debate a political ratings game? The Obama administration is well aware of what the right would say, so they picked this fight over this Bowe Bergdahl, Jr. to make a point. They wanted to be able to proudly say that they leave no soldier behind. Why? To make it look like our government cares about the military? The government cares about the military when the rich people in the government decide to send less rich people to fight their dirty battles mostly for rich people's financial gain. Did you not just see over Memorial Day Weekend, when the heartbreaking story came out that the Veteran's Association had repeatedly falsified records to hide how long injured troops had to wait to get treatment? The VA had already been caught doing this before and then they were just caught again after nothing happened the first time. That's how much the government cares about veterans. They don't have time for them after they're injured and often make them wait many months for treatment of mental and physical disorders. Do you think Shinseiki's resignation will change the fact that there is always $ for war, but not for the clean-up? Having a figurehead resign is the oldest trick in the book to make it look like you've actually addressed the issue.
Or is this all a smokescreen for the right and the left to hide another ugly truth? Obama just made an announcement that we'd be leaving Afghanistan, the longest running war in US history, in 2016. Has Obama broken so many of his campaign promises that we've forgotten the one he made about ending it in 2014? Is the mainstream media now conspiring to shift this dialogue towards one soldier whose dad has a nutty beard away from the fact that thanks to Nobel Peace Prize-winner Obama, our longest ever war just got two years longer? Conveniently now ending in 2016, when Obama leaves office and is then absolved of whatever happens in Afghanistan after that? And have those in the press screaming bloody murder over whether Obama should have released 5 Guantanamo prisoners as a trade for one deserter soldier aware that while campaigning, the president repeatedly promised to shut the whole prison down? I think Guantanamo's closure would release more than 5.
Very few of you can even claim to know what the mission in Afghanistan has been lately. You stopped caring about it years ago. You claim to support the troops yet you have no idea what they are even facing. Bowe Bergdahl saw first-hand what we were doing over there and walked away in disgust, condemning our military efforts. Maybe he was crazy or driven crazy by the carnage he saw, but he chose walking away from relative safety into enemy hands than carry on the US mission. He couldn't have known if he was going to die, be imprisoned forever or for 5 years. I'm glad this soldier has been rescued and is out of harm's way. But if rescuing soldiers truly is our goal, let's get the rest of the troops out of Afghanistan now. And if preventing terrorist attacks on the US is truly our goal, let's worry less about 5 terrorists who've been freed and worry more about the many more that the Iraq war and drone strikes are creating generations more of to come.
Why shouldn't we negotiate with terrorists? Because we're better than them? Here's the # definition of terrorism from dictionary.reference.com:
ter·ror·ism [ter-uh-riz-uhm] noun
1.the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
The USA is a terrorist nation. You can dress it up with military uniforms, you can wave a flag, but as per this definition, the United States Of America engages in "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for politically purposes." Regularly. One of Obama's drones killed a wedding party in Yemen. Another killed a 16 year old American citizen. Under Obama, our tax $ pay for "signature strikes," which is a type of strike where they bomb a suspected area without researching it if there are actually terrorists there. If random bombings are your signature, you need to hand back that Nobel Peace Prize, Obama.
George W. Bush made the country go broke by sending us into the Iraq war, in which hundreds of thousands of people were murdered by US troops, despite the fact that there were no WMDs and the Iraqi people had no way to attack us and posed no threat. Killed hundreds of thousands of innocents? While even respected media outlets like CNN and the New York Times apologized (after the fact) for not asking harder questions of the Bush administration in the lead up to the Iraq war? Instead, they filled us with propaganda about yellowcake uranium, WMDs and the non-existent connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Are our media's lies any better than the fantastical lies muslim clerics spout to whip up their terrorists to come attack us or US embassies abroad? After we proudly hunted and killed Iraq's leader and tore their country apart for no reason, we actually used the bizarre rhetoric to keep troops in Iraq because the US is so honorable that we don't "cut and run." Then think before you cut the wrong people in the wrong country, a-holes.
Is this whole debate a political ratings game? The Obama administration is well aware of what the right would say, so they picked this fight over this Bowe Bergdahl, Jr. to make a point. They wanted to be able to proudly say that they leave no soldier behind. Why? To make it look like our government cares about the military? The government cares about the military when the rich people in the government decide to send less rich people to fight their dirty battles mostly for rich people's financial gain. Did you not just see over Memorial Day Weekend, when the heartbreaking story came out that the Veteran's Association had repeatedly falsified records to hide how long injured troops had to wait to get treatment? The VA had already been caught doing this before and then they were just caught again after nothing happened the first time. That's how much the government cares about veterans. They don't have time for them after they're injured and often make them wait many months for treatment of mental and physical disorders. Do you think Shinseiki's resignation will change the fact that there is always $ for war, but not for the clean-up? Having a figurehead resign is the oldest trick in the book to make it look like you've actually addressed the issue.
Or is this all a smokescreen for the right and the left to hide another ugly truth? Obama just made an announcement that we'd be leaving Afghanistan, the longest running war in US history, in 2016. Has Obama broken so many of his campaign promises that we've forgotten the one he made about ending it in 2014? Is the mainstream media now conspiring to shift this dialogue towards one soldier whose dad has a nutty beard away from the fact that thanks to Nobel Peace Prize-winner Obama, our longest ever war just got two years longer? Conveniently now ending in 2016, when Obama leaves office and is then absolved of whatever happens in Afghanistan after that? And have those in the press screaming bloody murder over whether Obama should have released 5 Guantanamo prisoners as a trade for one deserter soldier aware that while campaigning, the president repeatedly promised to shut the whole prison down? I think Guantanamo's closure would release more than 5.
Very few of you can even claim to know what the mission in Afghanistan has been lately. You stopped caring about it years ago. You claim to support the troops yet you have no idea what they are even facing. Bowe Bergdahl saw first-hand what we were doing over there and walked away in disgust, condemning our military efforts. Maybe he was crazy or driven crazy by the carnage he saw, but he chose walking away from relative safety into enemy hands than carry on the US mission. He couldn't have known if he was going to die, be imprisoned forever or for 5 years. I'm glad this soldier has been rescued and is out of harm's way. But if rescuing soldiers truly is our goal, let's get the rest of the troops out of Afghanistan now. And if preventing terrorist attacks on the US is truly our goal, let's worry less about 5 terrorists who've been freed and worry more about the many more that the Iraq war and drone strikes are creating generations more of to come.
June 03, 2014
June 02, 2014
Can't wait to dj with Juanita More and David Glamamore at San Francisco gay pride this year!
This June, San Francisco’s most anticipated queer party of the year celebrates a decade in a long tradition of giving back! Through this annual extravaganza, you have helped to bolster some of the most crucial Bay Area queer-oriented organizations such as the Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, The Harvey Milk City Hall Memorial, The Transgender Law Center, Bay Positives, GSA Network, The SF LGBT Center, outLoud Radio, and now, The AIDS Housing Alliance. Selection of AHA as this year’s charity couldn’t be more prescient. With a staggering new high in evictions and an ever-burgeoning queer homeless population, the services provided by the AIDS Housing Alliance ensure that youth and others adversely affected by homelessness acquire the resources they need to get back on two feet and stand proud.
Someone said "This truly is one of the gayest lineups you've ever had". You’ll be sliding down the walls at 620 Jones to the beats of world-class entertainment by Jake Shears (Scissor Sisters), Lady Bunny, Jason Kendig (Honey Sound System), Kim Ann Foxman, Go Bang!, and performances by Miss Rahni, Glamamore & The Cougar Cadet Drum Corps!
Ticket Sale Information:
No fee cash-only tickets available at:
Sui Generis (Ille), 2231 Market Street, SF 94114
Retro Fit, 910 Valencia Street, SF 94110
Hookers Sweet Treats,442 Hyde Street, SF 94109
This June, San Francisco’s most anticipated queer party of the year celebrates a decade in a long tradition of giving back! Through this annual extravaganza, you have helped to bolster some of the most crucial Bay Area queer-oriented organizations such as the Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, The Harvey Milk City Hall Memorial, The Transgender Law Center, Bay Positives, GSA Network, The SF LGBT Center, outLoud Radio, and now, The AIDS Housing Alliance. Selection of AHA as this year’s charity couldn’t be more prescient. With a staggering new high in evictions and an ever-burgeoning queer homeless population, the services provided by the AIDS Housing Alliance ensure that youth and others adversely affected by homelessness acquire the resources they need to get back on two feet and stand proud.
Someone said "This truly is one of the gayest lineups you've ever had". You’ll be sliding down the walls at 620 Jones to the beats of world-class entertainment by Jake Shears (Scissor Sisters), Lady Bunny, Jason Kendig (Honey Sound System), Kim Ann Foxman, Go Bang!, and performances by Miss Rahni, Glamamore & The Cougar Cadet Drum Corps!
Ticket Sale Information:
No fee cash-only tickets available at:
Sui Generis (Ille), 2231 Market Street, SF 94114
Retro Fit, 910 Valencia Street, SF 94110
Hookers Sweet Treats,442 Hyde Street, SF 94109
Now that she's a trans activist and can get attention as such, the word tranny bothers Carmen Carrera. In this video clip, she uses it freely. Carmen is a sweet and fun girl, but maybe she should can the sanctimonious statements against Drag Race about words she uses herself. I guess you could say that since this video was made, she could have seen the light about what a horrible word tranny is. I'd say that would be a reach.