January 25, 2006


You have 3 choices to hear Madge Weinstein, the bloated, lesbian drag queen with a yeast infection, rip George W a new one on her latest podcast--Rebuttal: DEATH TAX MY WHORE HOLE. A thrilling mix of biting political commentary and senseless, hilarious observations like Laura Bush's "cunt smells like Windex." In this delightful podcast, she picks apart Bush's recent Kansas speech bit by putrid bit. Don't miss this kook!

Tonight at 7PM tonight on Sirius's Stars 103.

Or at 7AM EST. Channel 103 is not available by trial subscription on Sirius. You have to pay for a real subscription to hear myself and Richard Simmons, who is also on Stars 103.

Or of course it is available anytime at YEASTRADIO

I've worshipped it 3 times already this morning!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug, Bunny but I have to clarify: The Laura BUsh's pussy smelling like Windex line was a quote from your buddy Maragret Cho!

7:37 PM  

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