December 02, 2005


The sweet guys over at www.WORLDOFWONDER.NET have not only written the following kind mention of my dvd, they've also posted a clip here: RATEDXCLIPS


"The Lady Bunny is for sale. So what else is new, you ask? What's new is that you can buy her this time and not have to worry about picking up an STD. Now it's only her DVD you'll pick up, if you're smart. And it's highly contagious. That's right, her hilarious comedy package (and, oh boy, she has one!) is called Rated X (for Xtra-Retarded!), and is not available in stores, such is its filth factor, but only on her website, But we've edited and clipped some of it for you right here, so you can get a taste of Bunny before you bring her home."

And my sistagirl Amnesia Sparkles had a thing or 2 to say about her copy:

"I'll probably do a full review of Lady Bunny's DVD “Rated X (For X-TRA Retarded) when the burning in my insides subsides. If you do end up buying this awful, disgusting, anti-BUSH, crab infested, trannie-wreck of a DVD I strongly suggest you wear surgical gloves when opening the envelope in which it arrives in the mail, for I hear Lady Bunny herself does the mailing with her very own sticky hands. There aren't many DVDs out there you can buy that come scented with the sweet aroma of balls, ass and pantie "hoes" and also VD rubbed all over it. Bunny, you must be proud honey!"

Stop by and check Amnesia's site: AMNESIASPARKLES
Warning: She's a slut! But you should see her gay prom date from high school at the top of her blog!


Blogger Caress said...

hey Lady Bunny

Whereabouts on your site can I buy the DVD?

I'm looking for the 'Buy now' part and can't find it
Love to find out more

4:01 PM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

It'll be up Monday! --B

9:46 AM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

Oh, I can hardly understand anything the really elderly ones say, but hey, I've always liked younger men! --B

4:39 PM  

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