Wow, I never realized until I saw this just what a good mimic Jennifer Saunders really is. Their spoofs are always cleverly written, but the humor always came from the make-up and costumes...this time, it actually came from how close her voice sounded!
Aaron thanks for bringing it to my attention. Vera Drake the backstreet abortionist. I had to go and change my knickers after watching that. Milk first? - I would if I was you nobody wants ginger nippers! LOL
Dawn French looks like a Down's syndrome version of Sunny Bono.
Wow, I never realized until I saw this just what a good mimic Jennifer Saunders really is. Their spoofs are always cleverly written, but the humor always came from the make-up and costumes...this time, it actually came from how close her voice sounded!
And Mitzi, what did you think of their "Vera Drake" parody...?
Aaron thanks for bringing it to my attention. Vera Drake the backstreet abortionist. I had to go and change my knickers after watching that. Milk first? - I would if I was you nobody wants ginger nippers! LOL
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