January 25, 2007


Here's a gadget for the little princess in your life that apparently came out from the stuff that fairy tales are made of - a disco diva phone that shares the shape of a shoe. You would be surprised to discover that this YOUniverse Funk Fone actually functions very much like a real telephone, and it is equipped with a trio of funky ring tones to boot. Kids will also love the flashing lights that complement something so corny, it looks cool. The YOUniverse Funk Fone measures 6.4" x 4" x 9.4" and retails for $20.

For the princess or budding queen! I don't know what "actually functions very much like a real telephone" means--is a phone or not? Can you make it in a cell version, pretty lease? Imagine the delight pulling that out of your purse on the dancefloor? This is almost as good as my corn phone. No, not corn pone, a phone shaped like an ear of corn I got at on 14th Street! To paraphrase my favorite KFC slogan (which advertised it's wretched, too-soft corn), YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EARS!



Blogger archive said...

You won't believe your Bunions!

7:25 PM  

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