There's a new documentary about Dolly Parton fans of which I shore am one.
SYNOPSIS: Tai Uhlmann’s documentary vividly illuminates the Dolly Parton fan phenomenon by focusing on the human stories of five of the entertainer’s most devoted followers. Interviews mixed with scenes from everyday life show how Dolly’s simple message of self-acceptance transforms their lives and inspires them to quasi-religious acts of devotion.
(I'm not sure that someone with as much plastic surgery as Dolly is sending a message of self-acceptance, but I'm definitely down with expressing quasi-religious acts of devotion to big-tittied, blonde wig-wearing, rhinestone afficionados.)
Sunday 06/11 6PM
AMC Theater 6
*All screenings take place at the AMC Loews 34th St Theater (at 8th Ave)
Provincetown International Film Festival
June 14-18 (don't have screening date yet)
Sat. June 17 5:30 p.m.
Victoria Theatre
July 6-17 (don't have screening date yet)
That reminds me of that fine piece of journalism I featured on my Star Jones toilet bowl reView about how Lady Bunny licks toilet paper used by Flotilla Debarge.
The film is moving and hilarious at the same time! Highly recommended! Wrote the first review of it on Dollymania.
great documentary, saw the 1st screening ever at the miami film festival. plastic surgery? those boobs are real!
her face isn't real, she's blonde, now she's asian, she's a Harajuku girl with 44gg jugs
Isn't it peculiar that Dolly always wears long sleeves? Hmmmm. Wonder what's going on under there?
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Nice Blog!
Thank You! Very interesting article. Do you can write anything else about it?
Very interesting site. Blog is very good. I am happy that I think the same!
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
Did anybody see For The Love of Dolly on Logo?
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