This email was forwarded to me. I don't know if Middle Easterners are going to listen to voices of mercy from the same country that is declaring war on their neighbors, but seeing this photo makes me have to try.
Dear Friends,
I write this mail in English so I won't have to do it twice.
I send you a link to an online petition. It condemns the excecution last week
of two Iranian boys (Mahmoud Asgari aged 16, and Ayaz Marhoni, 18 years old)
because of their homosexual relationship. Attached is a picture of the boys,
minutes before they were excecuted.
Officially they have been convicted for the rape of a 13 year old boy. But
human rights organisations believe this accusation has been made up, in order
to prevent public sympathy for the boys. The 13-year old 'victim' was never
found, and the rape hasn't been proven.
Human rights groups claim the government of Iran excecuted more than 4000 gays
and lesbians over the past 25 years. That's more than one person every 3 days.
This must be stopped.
Please sign the form, and forward this message to as many people as possible.
It's easy to be sarcastic and and say it isn't going to help. But not doing
anything CERTAINLY isn't going to make a difference.
Here's the link:
Thanks for your help.
i can't even bring myself to look at that photo.
i'm of iranian descent, and i can assure you that most iranians, including my mother who was born and raised in iran, do not hold this 'death to fags' view. it's simply shameful and i'm disgusted that any government would do this sort of thing.
but how much do you want to bet that'll be the santorum family christmas card for '05?
I'm at a loss for words....all i can do is sign the petition and forward it to my friends......Doug
more info and pics here, and details how to mail the Iranian Embassy. over 4000 gays killed there!
I sent this news to all my contact in holland en hoop that they will sing the form.
I have no words!
I wish the famillie of the boys all the love in this horibel time.
I have been following up on this story. I would urge all of you to google "Mahmoud Agari and Ayaz Marhoni". Our gay human rights organizations have chickened out about spreading the news on this tragic event. It seems that after the execution and subsequent public outcry, the Iranian authorities add the fact that the boys were found guilty of raping a 13 year old boy. As if the Iranian authorities are to be trusted. One gay writer even went so far as to reccommend that this not be looked at as a gay rights case. He generalised that the boys were probably typical Middle Eastern males and probably didn't identify as gay. Should we be making this presumption? Bottom line is, they were condemned for HOMOSEXUAL acts. Even if there was a 13 year old involved, is it so hard to fathom 16 year old and 13 year old boys experimenting. The truth is, these boys were too young to discern much of their sexual identity. Sadly, they are denied the life that should have been theirs to enjoy figuring such things out.
I am literally in tears every day about this.
Whitfield Palmer
Correction "Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni"
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.
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