June 28, 2005


Here is some completely baseless gossip from a supposed "industry insider"--but hey, good gossip is good gossip! PS: I guess Fudge=Tom Snooze.

Dateline, yesterday: I got a nice shank of good gossip at
> my lunch with a TV executive at the Beverly Hills Hotel,
> plus one star sighting.
> a) saw lindsay lohan up close, emaciated and blonde,
> getting into an escalade with a lookalike and two security
> type dudes. have been told she has a brand new mean cocaine
> habit and that's why she's skinny.
> three FUDGE-SORES stories to follow!!!!!!!!!!
> b) Katie's longtime manager tried to arrange a lunch with
> her last week, just to check in and see what the heck is up.
> Katie said fine, but she spends 12 hours a day at the
> Scientology HQ, The Celebrity Center-- so he would have to
> meet her there. He made up a story about having to be in
> Santa Monica before and after so she agreed to meet him
> there. When he got there the rez had been changed from 2 to
> 4 peeps. He waited and Katie strolled in with two handlers.
> Katie said something to the effect of: I love what's
> happening to my life right now. I am happier than I have
> ever been in my life. Her mgr said, as your business
> advisor it is my responsibility to tell you that you need
> to take another movie. Now is the time to capitalize on all
> of this heat. Katie said: I don't want to work for at least
> a year. For the next year I will be immersing myself in all
> there is know about Scientology. Mgr said: I don't really
> know how I can help you then. Katie: That's what I mean to
> say, meaning-- you're fired.
> c) the offical list has grown longer of women fudge
> interviewed for this position. As I have heard it, in order:
> Jennifer Garner, Scarlett Johansson, Lindsay Lohan, Naomi
> Watts, Jessica Alba, Katie Holmes.
> d) when Fudge went to "meet" Garner he flew in a private
> jet with a giant entourage and two white baby bengal tigers.
> Just so she could play with the tiger kittens during the
> meeting.
> e) not FudgeSores-related: Paula Abdul shoots her own self
> up with needle-fulls of morphine all day, every day.


Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

You rock Bunny.
Any Miami dates on the horizon?


9:43 PM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

Maybe Charm Scool is coming to Miami around the time of some music awards show in late August--VMA's maybe?

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! ^@^

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8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^

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8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:53 PM  

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