March 06, 2009


HERE IS INDEPENDENT AND QUITE TWISTED DRAGSTER RECORDING ARTIST JER BER JONES' NEW VIDEO BY PHOTOGRAPHER AUSTIN YOUNG. I love the notion that runway madness has become so huge that even sheltered moron mormon girls from Utah (I guess that explanis the shapeless light blue dress and sensible shoes!) are now craving the catwalk. An LA photographer named Peter Palladino shot me while playing this cute tune a couple of years ago and I admit it was nutty if a trifle unsettling to hear the lyrics "Model harder! On your birthday when you're turning 53/You'll remember how hot you looked for me".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jer ber jones - one of my favorite artists ever!!!! everything robbie d does is fab. so happy this great tune is getting a video after being out for so, let's hope jer ber and austin team up to do a vid for my FAVORITE JBJ song: BOOBS (Dirty Pillows)!!!!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Star Queen said...

my favorite part was in the beginning in the car when she was talking about her good bone structure and sucked her cheeks in

11:07 AM  
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1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you pls put the lyrics from this song?

7:32 PM  

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