Did anyone else catch Doris Day and Rock Hudson in LOVER COME BACK on AMC the other night? What a kooky plot to this 1962 advertising comedy caper! I had to snap the white lightning that separates their split screen phone call. OK, so I like to sit around take pictures of my TV when it's this cold out!

Oh Bunny thank you for tipping me off to this movie. One my favorite more recent movies to watch and re-watch is "Down with Love", an homage to the Rock and Doris romantic comedies, but I've never known any of the original films to check out.
I'll add this to my Netflix queue right away.
I just watched "Send Me No Flowers" the other night. Not as good as "Lover Come Back" or "Pillow Talk," but worth watching just for Paul Lynde. If only he was in it more!
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