Wal-Mart Bust A Real Drag
Three cross-dressing Kentuckians arrested in stolen check scheme
SEPTEMBER 21--On Saturday morning, Paris, Kentucky police received a call from a local Wal-Mart reporting that three black females were trying to pass stolen checks. When the trio became concerned that store employees might be contacting cops, they fled, only to be apprehended nearby. Officers discovered that the trio possessed numerous stolen checks, hot merchandise, altered drivers licenses, and penises.
"Officers discovered that the trio possessed numerous stolen checks, hot merchandise, altered drivers licenses, and penises"
The penises were altered?? Will that make it harder to return them afterwards? :-)
If I ever get arrested, please make sure I get sent to the Bourbon Detention Center. I'll be PERCHED!!!
Is there a FLotilla tie in here?
Star Queen, I knew that one was coming. --B
And anonymous, I know you mean "fishy" when you say "perched"! --B
Bunny, you're so right. I definitely meant to say "I'll be FISHY!!!"?
Aaron, they accept anything for refund at Wal-Mart, even balls
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