At truck stops, no less! Or who knows, maybe he got sucked instead.
Michael Musto's latest column brands former disgraced NJ governor Jim McGreevey as "the schmuck of the year." Apparently, he claims in his new book to always have used condoms at his visits to truck stops and Michael doesn't believe him. Well, I've used condoms in public sex venues, so I don't find THAT so hard to believe. However, I did pick up the NEW YORK magazine issue with an excerpt of Jim's new book in it. I find this quote very tough to swallow--as hard to swallow as the semen trapped in a condom on a truckdriver's cock at a truck-stop tryst. At this point in his book, the shit has hit the fan and Jim's lover has gone to tattle to the press after falling from favor with his gay lover/employer. Jimmy's in the governor's mansion fessing up to his inner circle. His words? "I'm coming out...I'm a gay American."
Hogwash! If these words ring true to you, then you're a gay Polak.
Michael Musto's latest column brands former disgraced NJ governor Jim McGreevey as "the schmuck of the year." Apparently, he claims in his new book to always have used condoms at his visits to truck stops and Michael doesn't believe him. Well, I've used condoms in public sex venues, so I don't find THAT so hard to believe. However, I did pick up the NEW YORK magazine issue with an excerpt of Jim's new book in it. I find this quote very tough to swallow--as hard to swallow as the semen trapped in a condom on a truckdriver's cock at a truck-stop tryst. At this point in his book, the shit has hit the fan and Jim's lover has gone to tattle to the press after falling from favor with his gay lover/employer. Jimmy's in the governor's mansion fessing up to his inner circle. His words? "I'm coming out...I'm a gay American."
Hogwash! If these words ring true to you, then you're a gay Polak.
Miss bunny I love you dearly, but don't you think your being a little harsh?...we could use her influence, no?
Use whose influence?
I just don't think anyone would come out of the closet with those words. Maybe i a speech, but not to one's inner circle. This leads me to doubt everything ellse McGreevey has to say. I was shocked when the attendees at an OUT 100 party cheered the former governor as if he were a rockstar. Why? He was blackmailed out of the closet--he didn't come out due to any desire to tell the truth or champion gay rights. Actually, other parts of the NEW YORK article made me sympathetic towards the guy's situation, especially when he described how charismatic and politically motivated Golan was. I had assumed from news reports which surfaced around the time of the scandal that Golan was merely an unqualified, hunky ex-soldier boy toy with no political qualifications for the job McGreevey gave him. I was wrong in that.
But really. Think of major announcements that people make in their lives. Can you imagine a woman ever telling her spouse "Honey, I'm a pregnant American?" I can't. --B
Use whose influence?
I just don't think anyone would come out of the closet with those words. Maybe i a speech, but not to one's inner circle. This leads me to doubt everything ellse McGreevey has to say. I was shocked when the attendees at an OUT 100 party cheered the former governor as if he were a rockstar. Why? He was blackmailed out of the closet--he didn't come out due to any desire to tell the truth or champion gay rights. Actually, other parts of the NEW YORK article made me sympathetic towards the guy's situation, especially when he described how charismatic and politically motivated Golan was. I had assumed from news reports which surfaced around the time of the scandal that Golan was merely an unqualified, hunky ex-soldier boy toy with no political qualifications for the job McGreevey gave him. I was wrong in that.
But really. Think of major announcements that people make in their lives. Can you imagine a woman ever telling her spouse "Honey, I'm a pregnant American?" I can't. --B
I watched the gay American on Oprah last week and I still can't decide what made me sicker (I'm a sick American).
Perhaps it was the way he carried on about the grace of God, as if making repeated references to his spirituality was going to excuse what he did.
Maybe it was the way he talked about his new-found gay monogamy.
Or was it the whole idea that asking for forgiveness on Oprah's show is a valid way of making amends while selling a book?
Many of us have had our own struggles with coming out, and I realize it's rarely easy, but I resent his elevation by the gays to some kind of hero or role model. For what? He ran an incredily corrupt administration (granted it was Jersey, where government corruption is hardly exceptional) and as it was crumbling around him he reached for his rainbow parachute before being pushed out of the closet. A lovely model for all men struggling to come out. I prefer to regard as heroes those among us who work every day to make the lives better for all of us rather than the ones who are just looking out for themselves.
I haven't read his book, but I hope he will also admit he's a sleazy American.
Impulse would have me call him an opportunistic politician pig, like most of them. I hate what he did to his wife, and US (voting against marriage, etc). But my partner was married for many years, and hearing his story makes me think a little differently.
But I can't help but wonder: if the man wasnt FORCED out of the closet and HIS JOB.....would he still be living a (convenient) lie today??
get into Andy Humm's column in the new issue of Gay City News
Not sure if the link will work but if not, go to gaycitynews.com. It's on the home page.
The link does work and this article is far harsher than mine. Of course, the author read Mcgreevey's book and I didn't so he has lots more ammunition. But like Raci and Eddi, he makes the point that it's a shame that McGreevey feels he can't govern as an out fag. That does make gays look shameful. Or was his shame primarily stemming from the boyfriend's appointment? I hate to imagine how the wife is feeling with this new onslaught of publicity.
I didn't see Oprah. Was the wife mentoned? How was he received by the audience? --B
To me, McGreevey's stories smell fishier than Bunny's "lady parts". And let's not forget that while he was sucking truckstop dick,he was married TWICE to 2 different women and fathered a child by each. Of course as governor, he didn't support gay marriage.
For me, there will be no book purchase, no clapping at gay events, and no future vote for him. No matter how much he kneels & begs.
musto and public sex venues?!?! hmmm.....
On Oprah they talked about the wife quite a bit, certainly more than McGreevey probably wanted. At times, Oprah seemed much more concerned about her and what he did to her rather than in letting McGreevey tell the story from his point of view. She knows who her audience is.
Speaking of audience, the ladies in the studio seemed to applaud most whenever Oprah put him through his paces for betraying the wife. Of course, this is a recurring topic on these shows ("do you know what your husband is really doing?") but still I don't think he was getting the sympathy he probably thought he deserved, given his sense of entitlement. Remember that the press accounts that leaked prior to the airing had the women leaving the taping unimpressed with him and his story.
One thing that seemed clear from his appearance on the show was that even though the wife stood by him at that legendary press conference, she's not standing by him now. Seems she wants nothing to do with him and his book. I don't blame her. She probably wishes this whole thing would go away.
Lucky for him, he has a new husband who seems more than willing to stand by him and cry and play that part.
Great article! Thanks.
Nice Blog!
Thanks for interesting article.
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