September 28, 2006


Gay City News has confirmed that Flotilla is being held by police for "allegedly assauting" a couple at APT on Sunday. According to an anonymous witness, the couple seemed drunk. Flotilla does not drink a drop or take any drugs--other than those prescribed by Dr. Scholls. I certainly hope the mysterious witness is right in that Flotilla did not start the fracas. And though they were hurt, I'm glad that the girl's eye wasn't hanging out of it's socket as some folks were rumoring. Though I suppose one might describe the couple after the incident as being rather "well-heeled." As far as Flo's shoe being vouchered as a "deadly weapon", she doesn't usually wear spikes, but she does take a rather large ladies' size. And of course, there is the shoes' smell to consider, which might up their "deadly" quotient. Seriously, Flo is a beloved NYC performer who I've enjoyed working with for over a decade and I hope that she's proven innocent. And I'm glad the bond isn't the $30,000 which was being batted about, but a mere $1,500, which Flo could easily rustle up by performing a quick 30 bookings.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'd like to buy a Free Flotilla shirt with proceeds to go towards her bail. Holla.

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will there be a fundraiser? I, for one, will be there--ca$h in hand!

11:57 PM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

I will keep you posted. There was talk of a benefit but nothing firm yet. The weird thing is, if both of the couple were hitting Flo at the same time, why weren't they detained as well? Or were they and the Gay City News omitted that? It's too early to jump and say that the police may have prejudiced against Flo because she's black or in drag, though it wouldn't be the first time that this sort of prejudice has been seen. It's really too early to jump to any conclusions without more facts but it just seems kinda fishy, and not in a good way. Also, I must admit, Flo can have quite a temper. --B

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep me informed, Bunny, about what is going on with her proceedings. I will try to help her as much as I can.

I can completely understand Flotilla's rage at the bottle service crackberry bitches. They all act as if the city is theirs and theirs alone. They forget that us freaks were down at Jackie 60 before their parents bought them their clone condos. I miss the great years of NYC nightlife!

8:40 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Gary's comment reminds me a lot of the Lincoln Park area of Chicago--a place where spoiled incomers in turn spoil the neighborhood. Sorry to see it happens in NYC too.

Let me guess how it goes: the newly-gentrifying, daddy's boy/girl scions of the upscale supervise the move-in to their shiny new lofts, wave as their parents drive away into the distance, then immediately summon their friends over for the condo-warming party where eveyone proceeds to get drunk and throw up/piss off the balcony, and harass the existing members of the neighborhood.

Same old story all over the country. And the police incarcerate FLO?

(Sorry...I'm incoherently angry at most of the world today...:-) I hope all goes well for her.)

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.
Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. bjseek Hi Best wishes。bjseek by数据恢复loves xicao xicao lovesby bjseek数据恢复专业从事数据恢复领域的产品开发与技术服务自主研发RAID数据恢复服务器数据恢复分析程序来提供高、中、低压锅炉钢管、合金无缝管无缝钢管钢管化肥专用钢管,流体无缝管、结构无缝管、石油裂化无缝钢管、地质钢管、液压支柱钢管通常说的加密狗的破解大致可以分为三种方法,一种是通过硬件克隆或者复制一种是通过SoftICE等Debug工具调试跟踪解密一种是通过编写拦截程序修改软件和加密锁之间的通讯。娱乐幸福女人娱乐相册导航google排名google排名google排名台州网站建设优化推广台州网站建设优化推广台州网站建设|网站推广|网站优化|网络公司台州网站建设|网站推广|网站优化|网络公司 google左侧排名google左侧排名google排名论文发表资讯刊物信息,协助客户制定论文发表方案google排名google优化网站优化搜索引擎优化搜索引擎排名网站优化搜索引擎优化百度优化SEOgoogle排名SEO同声传译同声翻译我们致力于提供一流的同声传译设备租赁服务,在同声传译领域,同声翻译设备租赁具备一流的新一代博世会议设备租赁服务。更衣柜文件柜流水线SEO流水线台州鞋帽服装|台州食品饮料|台州工艺礼品|台州阀门水泵|台州服装机械|台州家电及制冷配件|台州模具塑料|台州医药化工|台州汽摩及配件北京google左侧排名广州google左侧排名上海google左侧排名杭州google左侧排名
The best of luck Best wishes Best regards .by bjseek

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:59 AM  
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1:34 AM  

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