Fabulous video and for some reason it is making the rounds now, even though it was released in 1985. Also, most sites are incorrectly calling it "Bollywood". Bollywood only refers to Hindi-language film. This Thriller rip-off is actually "Tollywood" because it's in Telugu, no Hindi, and was not produced in Mumbai/Bombay.
Fabulous video and for some reason it is making the rounds now, even though it was released in 1985. Also, most sites are incorrectly calling it "Bollywood". Bollywood only refers to Hindi-language film. This Thriller rip-off is actually "Tollywood" because it's in Telugu, no Hindi, and was not produced in Mumbai/Bombay.
I prefer this to the original. Watching it has giving me an appetite for gulab jamom. I do like gulabs! Bud bud bing bing!
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