July 06, 2006


Got lotsa time to waste?

Well, then the Franklin Coverup Scandal of 1994 will provide endless hours of googling pleasure. The best link is here, but wikipedia and other sites verify the orphan child prositutes who were given "midnight tours" of the White House. The ensuing arrest included a congressman and a lobbyist/pimp. A documentary was made about the coverup and scheduled to air, but it disappeared from the TV stations's schedule to due pressure from bigwigs, who destroyed evey copy. Almost. Scoll own to see a photo of Bush dressed in drag in a college can-can line.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is NOBODY else going to comment on this? Not even on how sleek our Commander-In-Chief's legs look in the cheerleader shot? He must have used those pantyhose that come out of a plastic egg! :-)

To think, he spent his 60th birthday in our fair city with our mayor--er, mare. I wonder if the birthday cake had a file in it...

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The URL could not be found...because the NSA deleted it before anyone could follow it! All hail Queen George the 2nd

2:36 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Frowning Fathers,

Try it again...I was able to get in just a minute ago. Guess the NSA isn't as fast as it thinks it is! :-)

8:42 PM  

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