January 18, 2006


The White House is refusing to cooperate with the investigation of someone who has pleaded guilty, and who attended Hanukah celebrations and raised $100,000 for Bush in '04. Is it just me, or is this impossibly shady? Maybe there is another reason for impeachment lurking about? If we aren't able to DEMAND cooperation fromm the White House in an investigation of a crook who by all accounts had far-reaching ties to top-level republicans, two of which have already stepped down, then our checks and balances system is already busted. Someone needs to hold this rogue accountable. But did you hear about this on the news yesterday? Nope, but you got all day coverage of Hillary and New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin's "mis-quotes."

WASHINGTON - The White House is refusing to reveal details of tainted lobbyist Jack Abramoff's visits with President Bush's staff.

Abramoff had "a few staff-level meetings" at the Bush White House, presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said Tuesday. But he would not say with whom Abramoff met, which interests he was representing or how he got access to the White House.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you, but do you honestly think at this point you are objective about that nut.

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does she have to be objective? I believe the web addres reads: LADYBUNNY.NET.

what's yours ms objective?

3:43 PM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

You're right! I probably never can be objective about Bush. But even if I could be, I think I'd still reach the same conclusions about him that I have now. --B

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said bunny, I'm the first comment, We as a country are way beyond objectivity with this man, I vote impeachment - the lives, the money (ours) lost. Now we have to make it happen.

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if he's impeached and removed from office...then doesn't cheney get it? OH GOD NO

7:40 PM  
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8:48 PM  
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10:23 PM  
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5:50 PM  
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5:16 AM  
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5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:43 AM  
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5:50 AM  
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4:34 PM  

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