From today's NY Post's Page 6:
The 50 grandees invited by actress Monique van Vooren to her "country estate" in Bayside, Queens, the other afternoon had to organize a search party when a white dove belonging to a man doing magic tricks flew into the woods. "He was sitting on my shoulder and got frightened by the loud music," said Jacqueline Stone. The towering blond deejay was Lady Bunny. Helping capture the dove and celebrate the birthday of Van Vooren's son, Eric Purcell, were Orin Lehman, Andrea Reynolds and Lord Sean Plunkett. One guest presented van Vooren with a copy of "Night Sanctuary", a novel she wrote in 1981. It had been purchased at a Salvation Army in the The Bronx. The book bore a touching inscription from van Vooren to flamboyant publicist R. Couri Hay, who had apparently donated the volume to charity.

Unfortunately, there was no picture of the utterly charming Monique in the vintage cream-colored Georgio Sant'Angelo sundress with peekaboo lace hemline which the svelte fox can still fit into. Instead, the Post ran yet another photo of Britney, whose pregnant gut now sticks out further than her tits. Britney steals my look again! But you, dear readers, will recall where you saw it first!
The 50 grandees invited by actress Monique van Vooren to her "country estate" in Bayside, Queens, the other afternoon had to organize a search party when a white dove belonging to a man doing magic tricks flew into the woods. "He was sitting on my shoulder and got frightened by the loud music," said Jacqueline Stone. The towering blond deejay was Lady Bunny. Helping capture the dove and celebrate the birthday of Van Vooren's son, Eric Purcell, were Orin Lehman, Andrea Reynolds and Lord Sean Plunkett. One guest presented van Vooren with a copy of "Night Sanctuary", a novel she wrote in 1981. It had been purchased at a Salvation Army in the The Bronx. The book bore a touching inscription from van Vooren to flamboyant publicist R. Couri Hay, who had apparently donated the volume to charity.

Unfortunately, there was no picture of the utterly charming Monique in the vintage cream-colored Georgio Sant'Angelo sundress with peekaboo lace hemline which the svelte fox can still fit into. Instead, the Post ran yet another photo of Britney, whose pregnant gut now sticks out further than her tits. Britney steals my look again! But you, dear readers, will recall where you saw it first!
if you could just close your legs....
Well, I DO try!
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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