Festive Party At Nice Restaurant $400.00
Caterer????? $800.00
Beer, Wine &Liquor $500.00
Nude Male Stripper $75.00 Per Hour
Caterer????? $800.00
Beer, Wine &Liquor $500.00
Nude Male Stripper $75.00 Per Hour

That is one priceless picture.
I know! It makes me want to retire again! --B
Beyond gross. I hope she was smart enough to suck him off with a condom
That's the only reaction I can furnish.
Do you really think it's gross? Why? Because she's old? I often get the impression that real women don't like to suck cock--well, definitely not as much as fags do. It's a funny photo, but I also think it forces you to realize that old people still wanna "get some" and I applaud the ol' gal for going for it. Plus she's obviously delighting everyone at the party.
I agree with you about the condom part, but most fags don't even use condoms for oral, so I doubt if old ladies are. --B
i would've liked to take a turn after grandma.
All I know is that at that age I hope I would be pushing her ass off of that hog and giving him a ride in my Hummer.
This is typical Lech Poznań (football team from central Europe, somewhere near Grodzisk Wlkp) supporter and his mother and their family
No wonder red America hates sex. This is what 99% of red American sex looks like.
That is some cool shit. If anybody had that chance who wouldn't
you go girl !that's allright with me.
Well done!
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Good design!
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Awesome pic.
You go girl!
I bet she's seen a lot of dick in her day - and not a dayum thing wrong with that. :)
You girls actually make guys put on condoms before giving them a blow job? That's un-American. I've had a lot of wonderful blowjobs from several gals and I'm glad putting a condom on for a blowjob never came up in the conversation, lol. I can't feel a thing with a condom on - I'd rather go home and jack off.
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
It does happen, went to one of these parties and watched a married mate of mine lick cream off a strippers wang. Lets just say she's praying her husband doesnt find out. If you're single it fine, if you're taken leave it alone luv!
actually a video clip to this picture
go and study .NET instead and learn ASP.NET, SQL and Oracle
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Tell y'all what else sucks a fat cock world of warcraft
Lady Bunny, you are a homophobic bitch. Your comments about gay people make me sick. You shouldn't use the word "fag" and it makes me cringe that you think all gay people don't use condoms. Well fuck you, stupid cunt. Go have a heart attack you piece of shit.
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^
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