May 14, 2005


Ok, so it was a form letter from the Natural Resources Defense Council. An excerpt:

Dear Lady. I've visited your website and noted that you are very, very beautiful. Do you have a Marilyn Monroe wig that you could put on and blow me? I'll bring the pills and booze. You can write it off as a tax-deductible contribution of whatever amount you charge for a bj these days. Actually, his letter said...

The Bush White House is quietly putting into effect radical new policies in place that will let it's corporate cronies poison our air, foul our water and devastate our wildlands for decades to come.

BUNNY NOTE: You know why they can do it quietly? Because the same corporate cronies also own the news channels and their contributions help put Bush in office. So they certainly don't want to rile up the country by giving these serious issues much airtime. I can't beleive that anyone can learn of Bush's callous attitude towards the environment and not be outraged. Surely, concern for the earth and air cuts across party politics. How can you disagree with a healthier planet, for chrissakes? There's no argument except greed! Sorry to interrupt you, Robert. Or may I call you Bobby?

This sweeping onslaught will cripple many of the safeguards that protect us from the very worst excesses of the oil, coal, logging, mining and chemical industries. It took 30 years to put these vital protections in place. But by the end of this year, this administration will be close to wiping them out.

That's not an exaggeration. That's not hyperbole. It's a fact.

BUNNY NOTE: Even if Bush cares only about his corporate cronies, how does his religion allow him to desecrate "god's earth"? How can any christian not concern themselves with this? I guess Bush just worships $ more than god. Or perhaps, as some have claimed, Bush's particular brand of born again christian thinks the world has gone so far astray that the only real solution is to ignore environmental warnings of distant damage BECAUSE IT'S HIS JOB TO HURRY THE COMING OF ARMAGEDDON. WELL, ARMAGEDDON SICK OF IT! Honey, I may look pregnant, but in truth, I'll never have kids. Yet I care more about the future of the earth's health than the fucking heterosexual president? Of course, with those spoiled rotten drunken daughters as his off-spring, I suppose his lack of concern for the future is somewhat explainable.

All it took was a stamp and 2 signatures which my Bobby-kins will forward to your President and Senator. Only a loser could not care about the environment. Unfortunately, a loser is what we've got in the White House and your signatures are needed to halt his greedy, irresponsible agenda.

See if these words from Kennedy don't get you going:

Hitting even closer to home, he described the terrible asthma attacks suffered by three of his sons that have resulted in numerous visits to hospital emergency rooms. The cause of their malady and similar afflictions suffered by thousands of other children in the region is polluted air, most of which, he said, has traveled from a handful of coal-burning, Ohio Valley power plants.

"They were supposed to retool their plants by now under the Clean Air Act, but recently President Bush finalized a new policy that says those plants can pollute forever," he said. "They've been able to literally rob the breath from our children's lungs."

Kennedy said those power plants also are responsible for 45 percent of the mercury emissions in the country.

"Half of the lakes in the Adirondacks are now sterilized from acid rain and the forest cover up the Appalachian chain to Canada is deteriorating because of acid rain," he said. "In 28 states, no freshwater fish is safe to eat." Except for Lady Bunny, who is quite delicious!

Similar devastation is occurring in West Virginia where mountaintops literally are being cut off in the search for coal and hundreds of thousands of acres of "incomparable forests with incomparable bio-diversity" are being destroyed by destructive strip-mining that makes moonscapes of once pristine land, he said. Also, runoff from these excavations is polluting the state's streams and rivers. Not to mention that the area's appalling dentistry rivals that of England!

Kennedy said the coal and utilities industries contributed $48 million in the 2000 national election and, as a result, the Bush Administration has waived environmental performance standards that are resulting in billions of dollars in ill-gotten profits. "We the American people are going to be paying that debt for generations," he added. Kennedy chastised the Bush Administration as morally if not legally corrupt: "This is the most anti-environment administration we've ever had in American history and I include the Harding Administration with the Teapot Dome Scandal-we've never seen anything like this." Kennedy said the White House is pushing for more than 200 major environmental fallbacks. During the past three years, the nation's water pollution levels have risen for the first time since passage of the Clean Water Act in 1970. Also, he said The White House has proposed new air pollution limits that allow twice as much sulfur dioxide and three times more mercury emissions than if the Clean Air Act were fully implemented.

"Already they've done tremendous permanent damage to our country," he said. "If even a fraction of those rollbacks are passed, by this time next year, we'll have no significant federal environmental law left in this country.

GET ON IT, PEOPLE! There's even a hideous tote bag for donations of over $10.


Blogger jason said...

It is the opinion of myself and my colleagues that Mr. Kennedy go and promptly sodomize himself. With something sharp. Immediately.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw him give a speech just days ago and most of it sounded like a huge stretch. A red light went off when he actually blamed the the President for CAUSING Hurricane Katrina...not for dropping the ball on response..but for actually CAUSING IT..Whaaaat the? When did Bush become God....or Mother Nature?
Is there a possiblity that Mr. Kennedy is full of crap and all of his allegations are exaggerated or just plain false? What are the facts?
Will somebody ask Bobby JR why he was against building windmills for clean engergy within view of the Kennedy compound?
The problem is there is too much political spin and not enough fact finding.

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! ^@^

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8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^

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8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:55 PM  

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