Just when I thought I couldn't hate Nicki Minaj any more: check out these lyrics from Stupid Hoe. I despised Super Bass but Turn Me On was listenable and at least not hateful and stupid.
Cause I pull up in that Porsche but I aint a Rossi
Pretty bitches can only get in my posse
My name is Roman, last name is Zolanski
But no relation to Roman Polanski
Hey yo, baby bop, f-ck you and your EP
Who’s gassin’ this hoe? BP?
Hmm thinks, 1,2,3, do the Nicki Minaj blink
Cause these hoes so busted
Hoes is so crusty, these bitches is my sons
And I don’t want custody
Nicki Minaj's "Stupid Hoe" takes aim at Gaga and other fellow pop stars
MORE: http://blogs.westword.com/backbeat/2012/01/poptimystic_nicki_minajs_stupid_hoe.phpWESTWORD
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