Davis' My Pussy Is Still in Los Angeles (I Only Live in Berlin) is a Lesbian Separatist tea party that will combine pre-recorded music, spoken-word narratives, and live performance to explore the utopian promise of Los Angeles and the dystopia of the late 1970s through the lens of the Woman's Building, gender issues, and her own career as a performance artist. The event will also feature a high tea reception and the publication of a zine-a special signed artist's book that chronicles and supplements Davis' performance. The tea party will unfold through the reading of letters (fictional and not) and the spinning of records that reflect upon the history of Los Angeles in relation to the counterculture performance scene, especially that of gay and transgender performers and the activities of the Woman's Building. Designed as an homage that seeks to pay tribute to such pioneering culture workers, Davis' piece seeks, in part, to fill the gaps in the performance history of LA by creating narratives for figures that are frequently overlooked or left out of the popular record. The biographical element is strong in the work, as Davis herself was just starting her career as a performer during the 70s in L.A.
Over the last four decades, Vaginal Davis has produced a diverse range of work that absolutely defies categorization. This performance marks a timely homecoming for the artist, who recently relocated to Berlin.
My Pussy Is Still in Los Angeles (I Only Live in Berlin)
Sunday, January 29, 1:00-3:30 PM
Bullocks Wilshire at Southwestern Law School
3050 Wilshire Blvd, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Tickets: $50 (Limited edition, handmade, signed artist book and High Tea Party with finger foods, pink bubbles...)
Purchase tickets at www.westofrome.org/future
Or by calling 626-793-1504
Contact Information: 626-793-1504 or
Limited Capacity, Reserve Your Ticket Now!
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