Bun-Bun hit the red carpet to attend Madonna's premiere of W/E at the Ziegfield. I did not enjoy the very confusing film, which Madonna introduced to a very impatient audience cuz it was almost an hour late and she gave a dud of a speech.
And then the film? Make that W/E for whatever? She fancies herself a story-teller? You can't act, A complete head-scratcher whose plot lost me in the second scene. In the very first scene, a woman does two things no one ever does: takes a drag from a cigarette and then gulps some booze before exhaling (!) and then unzips her dress before removing her high heels? Never! Ladies, don't we always kick off the uncomfortable heels first? Unless you have a crap director who doesn't know what she's doing and isn't capable of catching stuff like that. Had to split halfway through. Some pretty shots in it but that's just a big budget.
However, I'm not above popping out to get a little press out of it!
STARCASM: "Madonna’s film W.E. had its New York premiere last night at the Ziegfeld Theater and those in attendance included Madonna herself, Ewan McGregor, Julia Stiles, Lucy Lawless, Gayle King, and Calvin Klein. But none of those red carpet pros could hold a candle to show-stealing drag queen Lady Bunny who wore an eye-popping ummm… I have no idea.
Didn’t I see this same look on a recent episode of Toddlers and Tiaras?"

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