Am I the only nut who loves watching financial whiz Suze once in a blue moon? I certainly don't follow any of her advice, but she's just such a lovable kook! A friend shares her guru and had mentioned that se was lesbian, but I guess now it's more open. Suze fans will enjoy this article via HUFFPO.

'NYT' SUNDAY PREVIEW: Suze Orman Reveals She is the '55-year-old Virgin'

'NYT' SUNDAY PREVIEW: Suze Orman Reveals She is the '55-year-old Virgin'
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Oh well Mitzi!
I think she's great.
I was almost on her show but got canned at the last min., my question about the incestious nature of having a close family friend handle my ROTH IRA turned out to be too strange of a live taping. I like to listen to her.
when i was little my small-town freindly neighbourhood "old maid-who-lives-with-another-woman-for-companionship" librain was allways very good to me. She can lick out anything she wants. AND she can do it in a restaurant bathroom. Leave her alone, and vomit quietly into your handbag. You fuck with her, you're fucking with me.
I apologise for the disgusting and insensitive remarks I made earlier about les brians. It was only meant to be in jest! It wasn't a personal attack on Suze Orman either! I've never heard of the woman before, and to prove my sincerity of my apology I'm going to have fish pie for supper!
Jodi and Ellen are so cute!
I can't stop watching...THE WIZ.
55 year old poonana tastes best
Bodega Veneta, I can't stop taking a wiz
Ugly old trout
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