Caught Miss Nona's act at Joe's Pub last night, and she reminded the crowd that there were 3 powerful voices in Labelle, Patti's 70's funk-rock trio which spawned the massive LADY MARMALADE. The other member of the trio, Sarah Dash was present, and let's just say that Nona has remained amazingly trim compared to her former bandmates. The exotic beauty could be a cousin of Iman's, and she let the crowd have it with her 3 energetic back-up singers and tight band. Of course, the crowd went nuts to her version of Labelle's WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU?, since I doubt if Patti even performs that in her shows anymore so it's rarely heard live. There wasn't a dry eye in the house during the tunes "we need peace" refrain, and if you like funky music and don't know the song, check it out on itunes--it's from Labelle's NIGHTBIRDS album and it's a funk-rock-rare groove masterpiece with a drumbreak which is known to create pandemonium.

I love "What Can I Do For You?" It's one of my favorite tracks on Patti LaBelle's Greatest Hits, as well as a few other LaBelle gems, "Goin On A Holiday" (written by the None-ster herself!) and their interpretation of "Moonshadow," written by former musician turned Muslim crazy Cat Stevens. I really dig the whole sound they had going, with the funky guitars and organ. Not many girl groups did that back then! They left it to the Isley Bros.
I love Nona's video for "Keep It Confidential"--she does spandex almost as well as Gracie does! She looks great now, too...nobody would guess she's 67!
Sarah joined Nona on stage and they sang "Lady Marmalade" like back in the day. The backup singers joined in and raised the roof.
Nona was on fire last night. Late into her set she took off her platforms, left the stage, walked across some tables and made her towards the back of the club. She got up on that little ledge that separates the two levels and sang "I Sweat" all the while dancing and prancing like she was perched on somebody's runway.
Hey Bunny....
Saw the show on Tuesday at Joe's Pub (arrived late after seeing Kiki & Herb). I was blown away! Nona is a goddess and deserves to be a huge star. How can we live in a world where Madonna is a megastar and can't sing and Nona at 62 (sorry Aaron - your info is not correct.) is better than any of the new Divas.
No wigstock this year???
Nona wrote a lot of the songs they did back then
those albums were the best
Chameleon is my all time fave album
Thanks Anon! I realized I was wrong when I looked it up again...but I'd already posted! Damn my fingers. (I had read somewhere a few yrs back that she was born in 1939, which did seem a little old, since LaBelle were all schoolmates.)
Apparently, the record companies just didn't know what to do with Nona because she had a huge voice and rocked hard, and wasn't easily categorized. She should make another album NOW, I think. She IS her own category!
Wow, carpet-munching really does have 0 calories.
Brandon's NO1 fansite on the NETTE!
There never has been and never will be another group like Labelle. And we can look forward to them working together again! Check out the girls recording together on Patti's show "Livin' It Up With Patti LaBelle" on TVOne!! They still look and sound great.
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