July 27, 2006


...that creepy Ann Coulter was way off-base, just watch this clip in which she diagnoses Bill Clinton with latent homosexuality due to...just watch it!



Blogger Aaron said...

Well...we DIDN'T need any more proof, Bun-Bun. :-) But thanks for this, anyway. Ironically, Ann Coulter is the REAL cause of homosexuality among men. (Please! Given a choice between those ostrich legs and, say, Dom DeLuise, most men STILL wouldn't touch her.)

3:07 PM  
Blogger e.v.jose said...

I think that we all need to stop lending our attention to this woman. She obviously feeds off the publicity and book sales that her baseless bull-ca-ca spur everytime she uses up the airwaves.

If I was a Republican, I'd be embarrased that this idiot would be representing my views. But maybe they like having moppets like her and Michelle Malkin around to harangue the left and deflect attention from real solutions and all the ways that Republicans politicians are butchering the structure of our country.

They're like these little demon cheerleaders that whet news producers appetites for any ratings that some pretty young---ish crazy woman will bring to their programs.

Let's all make America a better place and cut this bitch off from getting any more fame and attention than what she's already managed to siphon off from the viewing/reading public.

Let everyone who walks into a Barnes&Noble be safe from having to stare at this woman's fried tresses! Let every second-rate cable news channel shave Ms. Coulter from their programming grid! We can do it!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

Apparently she has been dropped from several papers as a columnist because of her absurd pronouncements. And I don't mean to add to her fame, only discredit her. --B

9:50 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

It's quite all right, Bunny...she's discrediting herself, but you're giving us endless minutes of entertainment watching her self-implosion. And bless you for it! :-)

Soon, even rabid right-wingers will tired of her and her book deals will dry up. Even Fox News won't hire her and Sean Hannity will kick her out of bed.

Then she may be forced to turn to "performance art" and pretend that she MEANT to be ironic. Hey, Bun, maybe she'll get hired to hack out some stage act for an event you're headlining! Then you can "accidentally" push her off the stage...

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.
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The best of luck Best wishes Best regards .by bjseek

7:13 PM  

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