Janice Dickinson gives a dishy interview to HX in the current issue to promote her new TV show. I tried to watch it's premiere last night but it looked very typical. But she herself, as this interview proves, is a highly entertaining nut! Here she disses Tyra:
The pressure! Well, I want to know why you still made appearances on America’s Next Top Model after getting fired as a judge?
Why should I care? I’m model for Vogue, not Sports Illustrated, honey. Get it? No helicopters land on my forehead. Get it? I’m still modeling and I’m a perfect size 24 jeans. Get it? Rrrowr!
I get it. Tyra had Naomi Campbell on her daytime talk show to sort out their differences. Would you consider that?
Please, Tyra wishes she were the man that Naomi is. Why would I want to sort out her mother smother? Let her figure it out herself.
Hopefully, she can still be an entertaining crank when she's older, her metabolism slows down, the world stops kissing her ass and she's not Miss Thang anymore.
Did you stay tuned long enough to see her getting her forehead botoxed? The bitch still looked fierce, even with what looked like a severe case of genital warts sprouting out of her head. Long live The Janice!
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