While in the Twin Cities, I got together with the delightful Wanda Wisdom for an interview which can be found here:
We touched on a variety of topics from Lady Kier of Deelite to some very whiny family problems. But be Warned! I had a cold so I'm sounding like a southern Brenda Vaccaro! We were also chatting about the necessity of airbrushing in drag photography and how I wished I could just pose for the photogs barefaced and let them paint my mug on digitally. Wanda suggested the invention of a drag filter which would do just that and lo and behold--I like using that sort of lingo prior to Xmas--one of her loyal listeners has created a prototype for a version of photoshop just for faux femmes! It has buttons for foundation and concealer, but I might also suggest eye-brow shaping, nose-hair plucking, beard-blurring, chin removal, jaw-shaving and soured poppers rash removal from the nostril area.
We touched on a variety of topics from Lady Kier of Deelite to some very whiny family problems. But be Warned! I had a cold so I'm sounding like a southern Brenda Vaccaro! We were also chatting about the necessity of airbrushing in drag photography and how I wished I could just pose for the photogs barefaced and let them paint my mug on digitally. Wanda suggested the invention of a drag filter which would do just that and lo and behold--I like using that sort of lingo prior to Xmas--one of her loyal listeners has created a prototype for a version of photoshop just for faux femmes! It has buttons for foundation and concealer, but I might also suggest eye-brow shaping, nose-hair plucking, beard-blurring, chin removal, jaw-shaving and soured poppers rash removal from the nostril area.

ROFLMFAO... actually in the early 90's there was a guy in Dallas who did just that. He would take a picture of the queen to be "painted" with them out of face... or maybe foundation only if they were scruffy in the beard. He then would add all the makeup and such. I know one of his victims was the notorious Norma Kristi...
SUCH a good interview! and thank you, Bunny, for telling us about the amazing podcasters out there, like Wanda and Ragan Fox and Eat Bird, etc. they are truly sistas doin it fo themselves--and we appreciate that. you turned me on to them, and now I can't get enough. for others out there, do yourselves a favor and check them out--they're stellar. fo real.
HAHA! "Southern Brenda Vacarro!" I wish I had the technology to hear this!
Thank you so much for taking a few moments between blowing greasy street urchins to grace my show with your wicked wit and bitch-tastic sass! I'm now a bigger fan than ever (insert fat joke here)!
I loved the interview and I'm excited about the upcoming dvd. I like my wigstock vhs tape and there are a lot of good performances on it (R.I.P. the now late performers), but Lady Bunny lite. Well, that and the tape suffers from time and repeat viewing.
I'm surprised you're not selling a music cd (which could be sold separately or offered as part of a special companion set with the dvd), but these things are easier said than done.
And then, finally, the book you hinted at will be a fine addition for every fan's personal Lady Bunny Library.
But I'm so glad I didn't request you as a friend on Friendster; you would have wrote to me "I'll Kill You!" and then I'd have been crushed and hit "block user".
This comment should have been over by now, but I'm modelling Sharon Stone's video acceptance speech at 'Out 100'. You like? (LOL)
Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.
Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. bjseek Hi Best wishes。bjseek by数据恢复loves xicao xicao lovesby bjseek数据恢复专业从事数据恢复领域的产品开发与技术服务自主研发RAID数据恢复服务器数据恢复分析程序来提供高、中、低压锅炉钢管、合金无缝管无缝钢管钢管化肥专用钢管,流体无缝管、结构无缝管、石油裂化无缝钢管、地质钢管、液压支柱钢管通常说的加密狗的破解大致可以分为三种方法,一种是通过硬件克隆或者复制一种是通过SoftICE等Debug工具调试跟踪解密一种是通过编写拦截程序修改软件和加密锁之间的通讯。娱乐幸福女人娱乐博客相册导航google排名google排名google排名台州网站建设优化推广台州网站建设优化推广台州网站建设|网站推广|网站优化|网络公司台州网站建设|网站推广|网站优化|网络公司 google左侧排名google左侧排名google排名论文发表资讯刊物信息,协助客户制定论文发表方案google排名google优化网站优化搜索引擎优化搜索引擎排名网站优化搜索引擎优化百度优化SEOgoogle排名SEO同声传译同声翻译我们致力于提供一流的同声传译设备租赁服务,在同声传译领域,同声翻译设备租赁具备一流的新一代博世会议设备租赁服务。更衣柜文件柜流水线SEO流水线百度搜索夕草SEO台州鞋帽服装|台州食品饮料|台州礼品|台州阀门水泵|台州服装机械|台州家电及制冷配件|台州模具塑料|台州医药化工|台州汽摩及配件北京google左侧排名广州google左侧排名上海google左侧排名杭州google左侧排名
The best of luck Best wishes Best regards .by bjseek
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