(copy from EBAY)
Here for auction is a RARE PHOTOGRAPH of the singer DIANA ROSS sitting on the bar at the famous STUDIO 54. This is a never before seen photo of Diana ross sitting on a bar with DJ THEODE next to her. The song that was playing at that time was "MONEY" by FLYING LIZARDS. RARE!!!!!! You will never see another like it. From "souvenirs...of Studio 54", a collection of photographes by the busboy Miestorm. Not For Reproduction!! Private collector must secrifice due to terminal illness. Disclaimer: The sign at the entrance read "Entry into the premises constitutes permission to be photographed" Studio 54 Studio 54 was a Manhattan based nightclub that is possibly the most famous nightclub of all time. Studio was owned and operated by Ian Schrager and Steve Rubell, and was famous for its wild theme parties and famous clientele. The key to Studio was the music, the enormous amount of coke, and the door policy. The door policy was that Rubell always wanted, ?the perfect salad.? Just because you were a celebrity did not mean that you would make it through the door. There were nights where eyewitnesses say Cher was waiting outside the door just like the seven hundred other people who were trying to get in. What made the club so popular was that it broke all the rules. If you can dream it, it was happening at Studio 54. dancing all night on drugs and natural high, and rubbing elbows with celebrities. The philosophy was that mechanics could mix with movies stars and everyone would be on the same page. There would be people walking around naked except for a critically placed feather they had glued on. There was birthday party for Bianca Jagger where she rode in on a white horse, at one theme party the had cars imported from an automobile museum in New Jersey that were parked all over the dance floor. Thing fell from the ceiling and people had the time of their lives. There is much mystery and myth sounding the club, and we can now only relive the experience through stories and photographs. Rare find!!
this is Miestorm and this photopgraph is my property, I would like to know who is responsable for trying to sell this image without my permission, please contact me at once
thank you
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