Flotilla_Star_NY%20Post.pdf (click for photo)
Flotilla Debarge, the Empress of Large, has joined PETA to bitch-slap Star Jones, whose recent wedding (where even the bridesmaids wore fur) irked the animal rights group. Dan Matthews, their campaigns director, is wise to target Star, cuz everyone seems to hate her so much after her shameless plugging of her wedding freebies and (apparently) boring 'em on the red carpet at the Oscars. This campaign is gonna be huge! Star's lawyers were already sending warnings to PETA about the legal restrictions of the parody laws, but their wording seemed to indicate that they weren't sure that people couldn't tell the difference between the two big gals. And like Star, Flotilla wears Payless shoes--they are the only chain which stocks pumps up to size 13! But was Flo merely channeling Star when being diva-ish on the set of the shoot? Hmmm....
Flotilla Debarge, the Empress of Large, has joined PETA to bitch-slap Star Jones, whose recent wedding (where even the bridesmaids wore fur) irked the animal rights group. Dan Matthews, their campaigns director, is wise to target Star, cuz everyone seems to hate her so much after her shameless plugging of her wedding freebies and (apparently) boring 'em on the red carpet at the Oscars. This campaign is gonna be huge! Star's lawyers were already sending warnings to PETA about the legal restrictions of the parody laws, but their wording seemed to indicate that they weren't sure that people couldn't tell the difference between the two big gals. And like Star, Flotilla wears Payless shoes--they are the only chain which stocks pumps up to size 13! But was Flo merely channeling Star when being diva-ish on the set of the shoot? Hmmm....
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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