But don't worry, it's a non-sexual role as a glamorous extra in Michael Lucas's sexed-up take on DANGEROUS LIAISONS. Michael Musto, Amanda Lepore, Boy George and Rupaul were also typecast as glamorous stars ariving at a club scene. Ru cracked me up referring to his favorite porn titles A FIST NAMED WANDA and ANNIE GETS YOUR CUM. (How about a casting me in a remake of TRANNIE GETS YOUR CUM?) I am not so into porn, but I did purchase EDWARD PENIS-HANDS as a joke cuz I couldn't resist the cover, an EDWARD SCISSORHANDS take-off with two dildos grafted onto each of the star's hands and that ghoulish make-up. A real turn-on, right?
Musto wrote it up in the Voice: http://www.villagevoice.com/nyclife/0508,musto3,61328,15.html
More photos (Amanda LeWhore looked SENSATIONAL in a glittering, nude-colored get-up) at http://ambrel.net/shoot2005/0213-michaellucas/
Bitch, you not only can slap a wig on top of your head and look uber-flawless, but you're blog is (in the words of Amy Sedaris) "Hilarious"!
I've linked you and will be back. Take that as a compliment or a warning.
I had michael musto once
love to see orgasme
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