April 21, 2015


Before we get too far beyond Tax Day, we wanted to make sure that you saw the action our coalition launched last week. 
Some major corporations probably paid less in taxes than you did.
But the Obama Administration can use executive actions to close egregious loopholes and stop corporations from hiding profits in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands.

Will you take a moment to urge them to do so?  Just click here. 
Thanks -- and read on for the email we sent you last week, and more details. 
This week marked Tax Day.  Each and every year, major for-profit corporations avoid paying billions in taxes by exploiting complicated tax loopholes like inversions, valuation discounts and real estate investment trusts.

But the Obama Administration can use executive actions to close egregious loopholes and stop corporations from hiding profits in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands.

Will you take a moment to urge them to do so?  Just click here.

In 1952, the corporate income tax accounted for about 32 percent of all federal tax revenue. Today, despite record-breaking profits, corporate taxes bring in just 11 percent.

But some members of Congress still don’t think that corporations should pay what they rightfully owe.
Yet some of these very same members of Congress are saying we need to enact savage cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs that help the most vulnerable Americans in order to pay down the national debt.

Let’s make sure these profitable corporations pay what they owe.