October 31, 2011


You know, these giant corporations which have bought our government and news--both parties--wouldn't be as giant and powerful if we weren't paying them everyday. Most of them donate heavily to GOP candidates because they know that republicans will preserve their enormous tax breaks and no-bid contracts. But $ talks. I recently switched my cell provider to Credo and my land line service to Vonage from Verizon, which gives a ton to right-wing causes. You do what you want. But there is a way to knock these giants down to size if we act together. Switching from big banks to credit unions. Not staying at Mormon-run Marriott hotels which funded Prop 8 in CA. I'd love to get a page together which says who donates to who. It's a question of what you're prepared to give up for the greater good. Are you prepared to give up your iPhone because right-wing AT & T is the provider? If I found out that my fav wig, stocking or lash manufacturer backed Rick Perry, what would I do. But we can start...