October 19, 2011


I'VE BEEN MEANING TO DITCH VERIZON FOR A WHILE AND THIS IS THE LAST STRAW. It's time to identify the corporations which are engaging in this kind of activity and whose enormous fortunes are corrupting our politicians. Feel helpless against their mega-power. WE have the power of the purse strings. They wouldn't be huge if we weren't all paying them everyday.

Big Brother is here, and his name is Verizon. This company is now selling information about you to other companies -- information including your recent online activity, web browsing history, purchases made, gender, age, interests, and physical location via GPS.

Verizon spends millions on corporate propaganda, but they "forgot" to advertise this policy change. Now it's up to us to spread the word.

SIGN OUR PETITION: Tell Verizon to reverse their spying policy and forward this email far and wide.


Verizon says that you can opt out of having this data shared, but opting out is not an acceptable practice when it comes to privacy. The standard until now has been to require that people opt in before their information is shared. If Verizon succeeds, it seems inevitable that other wireless and Internet companies will follow their path to make a buck off you.

Verizon claims that its policy of selling information about you to other companies will not disclose your identity, but anonymity protections are often breached.

Sign on now to demand this policy be reversed.

We will be sharing this petition with our friends in Occupy movements around the country, many of whom are located near Verizon offices.

Aimee, David, Sarah
and the RootsAction team