"You need to know this. President Obama pledged to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan in the middle of this year – however the Wall Street Journal is reporting today that an additional 1,400 troops are quietly being deployed later this month to boost combat forces in Southern Afghanistan. There are now nearly 100,000 US troops in Afghanistan. And this new surge makes you wonder if things are as rosy as the President suggested in the war strategy review last month. Or – if things are actually deteriorating like other onlookers such as the Red Cross and a slew of NGO’s and security analysts have claimed. Either way – since the American media refuses to devote more than 4% of its news coverage to this ongoing conflict – now the longest war in American history – the truth about Afghanistan will still be unknown to the American people."
Thom Hartmann: "Obama can't stop the wars because if he did, unemployment would jump to 15% because of out of work soldiers."
And he can't be re-elected unless unemployment goes down. Be honest and explain to soldiers that his re-election is what soldiers are dying for and see if they still want to enlist. His presidency and the war profiteers are all they are laying their lives down for. They aren't keeping us safe.
Thom's fantastic radio show can be heard on Mon-Fri noon-3PM ET.
Thom Hartmann: "Obama can't stop the wars because if he did, unemployment would jump to 15% because of out of work soldiers."
And he can't be re-elected unless unemployment goes down. Be honest and explain to soldiers that his re-election is what soldiers are dying for and see if they still want to enlist. His presidency and the war profiteers are all they are laying their lives down for. They aren't keeping us safe.
Thom's fantastic radio show can be heard on Mon-Fri noon-3PM ET.
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