Yes, everyone is talking about her.
But watching her the other night, something clicked. I’m convinced the woman is a clinical sociopath.
My friend Shane thinks I should write an article about it....maybe. But in the meantime...
Just a few characteristics that define a sociopath:
Glibness and Superficial Charm (I’d give examples, but I just ate.)
Manipulative and Conning (firings, hiring of friends, billing for nights spent at home, concealing pregnancy, “Sarah Barracuda” nickname. Some Alaskans are “afraid” of her.)
Grandiose sense of self (Most obviously: Why else hasn’t her unqualified and inexperienced ass stepped down? & Proximity to Russia = foreign policy competence.)
Shallow Emotions
Pathological Lying (Daily Kos post with examples entitled “Okay now she’s OFFICIALLY a pathological liar”: DAILYKOS)
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties (5 colleges in 6 years)
Shit! I just googled this and someone else has independently posited the same thoery: EONS.COM
Yes, everyone is talking about her.
But watching her the other night, something clicked. I’m convinced the woman is a clinical sociopath.
My friend Shane thinks I should write an article about it....maybe. But in the meantime...
Just a few characteristics that define a sociopath:
Glibness and Superficial Charm (I’d give examples, but I just ate.)
Manipulative and Conning (firings, hiring of friends, billing for nights spent at home, concealing pregnancy, “Sarah Barracuda” nickname. Some Alaskans are “afraid” of her.)
Grandiose sense of self (Most obviously: Why else hasn’t her unqualified and inexperienced ass stepped down? & Proximity to Russia = foreign policy competence.)
Shallow Emotions
Pathological Lying (Daily Kos post with examples entitled “Okay now she’s OFFICIALLY a pathological liar”: DAILYKOS)
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties (5 colleges in 6 years)
Shit! I just googled this and someone else has independently posited the same thoery: EONS.COM
I would love to see a story on that. It would be fascinating.
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