What title best describes what happened when I sat down in Provincetown to talk with legendary drag performer Lady Bunny about her new movie career: “Clash of the Titans,” “When World’s Collide,” “Mean Girls”? All of these seem appropriate but to capture the essence of the face-to-face drag-on-drag interview, enjoy what I call “The Antique’s Road Show”...
JACKIE BEAT: First, let us get the shameless promotion out of the way... Tell me about your role in Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild?
LADY BUNNY: I play Sandi Cove, a bawdy drag emcee with a loud wardrobe and big blonde wigs. It was extremely difficult to play someone so different than myself!
JB: Clearly. You’re very involved with PETA, can you tell us more about that?
LB: For years I've performed in PETA's FUR IS A DRAG events, in which drag queens model bloodstained, donated furs while I explain how each type of fur is obtained. Beavers, for example, are killed by anal electrocution. Gays: Don't get turned on—this shit kills you!
JB: How do you reconcile your work for PETA with the fact that you're infamous for chowing down on so much dark meat?
LB: Well, I don't actually digest those black and latino donkey dicks! Besides, my tricks don't die from our trysts. Well, not immediately anyway.
JB: Speaking of dark meat, you're alone in a luxury hotel suite with Barack Obama. What happens?
LB: Obama brings me my food, I tip him two quarters, and he leaves. Well, he says he wants change! [Actually] what I'd most like to do is get to know him, thank him for inspiring thousands... and urge him to keep on the right track. [Support] Obama or let McCain win and throw away your hope of marriage and many other rights.
JB: Now that the last fag reading has given up on this interview thanks to your political rant, let’s talk about you! How would you describe your fashion style?
LB: Corrective? I'm told I have nice legs so I often wear mini's to highlight them. And I find that bold prints can distract the eye from what's going on underneath!
JB: Huh? Oh sorry, I must’ve dozed off! You're sentenced to death for your crimes against good taste. What would you have as your last meal?
LB: Well, I'm performing here in Provincetown so I am craving fried clams and lemonade!
JB: Funny that when I ask about a death sentence you mention your performance! What projects are you currently working on?
LB: In addition to my many upcoming performances, I've also written a song for Another Gay Sequel which will be my first composition available on iTunes. It’s called “Gays Gone Wild” and I even managed to work a fart joke in there! I also have a nonsexual role in the Michael Lucas porn flick BROTHER'S REUNION...
JB: Sweet Jesus, it’s an interview Bunny, NOT the Biography Channel! Finally, if you could slap any celebrity across their face, who would it be and why?
LB: Well, although I don’t consider you an ACTUAL celebrity Jackie...
[Bunny slaps my gorgeous face and storms out of the room.]

What title best describes what happened when I sat down in Provincetown to talk with legendary drag performer Lady Bunny about her new movie career: “Clash of the Titans,” “When World’s Collide,” “Mean Girls”? All of these seem appropriate but to capture the essence of the face-to-face drag-on-drag interview, enjoy what I call “The Antique’s Road Show”...
JACKIE BEAT: First, let us get the shameless promotion out of the way... Tell me about your role in Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild?
LADY BUNNY: I play Sandi Cove, a bawdy drag emcee with a loud wardrobe and big blonde wigs. It was extremely difficult to play someone so different than myself!
JB: Clearly. You’re very involved with PETA, can you tell us more about that?
LB: For years I've performed in PETA's FUR IS A DRAG events, in which drag queens model bloodstained, donated furs while I explain how each type of fur is obtained. Beavers, for example, are killed by anal electrocution. Gays: Don't get turned on—this shit kills you!
JB: How do you reconcile your work for PETA with the fact that you're infamous for chowing down on so much dark meat?
LB: Well, I don't actually digest those black and latino donkey dicks! Besides, my tricks don't die from our trysts. Well, not immediately anyway.
JB: Speaking of dark meat, you're alone in a luxury hotel suite with Barack Obama. What happens?
LB: Obama brings me my food, I tip him two quarters, and he leaves. Well, he says he wants change! [Actually] what I'd most like to do is get to know him, thank him for inspiring thousands... and urge him to keep on the right track. [Support] Obama or let McCain win and throw away your hope of marriage and many other rights.
JB: Now that the last fag reading has given up on this interview thanks to your political rant, let’s talk about you! How would you describe your fashion style?
LB: Corrective? I'm told I have nice legs so I often wear mini's to highlight them. And I find that bold prints can distract the eye from what's going on underneath!
JB: Huh? Oh sorry, I must’ve dozed off! You're sentenced to death for your crimes against good taste. What would you have as your last meal?
LB: Well, I'm performing here in Provincetown so I am craving fried clams and lemonade!
JB: Funny that when I ask about a death sentence you mention your performance! What projects are you currently working on?
LB: In addition to my many upcoming performances, I've also written a song for Another Gay Sequel which will be my first composition available on iTunes. It’s called “Gays Gone Wild” and I even managed to work a fart joke in there! I also have a nonsexual role in the Michael Lucas porn flick BROTHER'S REUNION...
JB: Sweet Jesus, it’s an interview Bunny, NOT the Biography Channel! Finally, if you could slap any celebrity across their face, who would it be and why?
LB: Well, although I don’t consider you an ACTUAL celebrity Jackie...
[Bunny slaps my gorgeous face and storms out of the room.]
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