I'm lightly featured in this party scene from Moby's I LIKE TO MOVE IN HERE. We had a blast filming it at the Slipper Room in the Lower East SIde. The extras were from Craigs List and were absolutely a riot. I did not recognize the featured rapper's name (Grandmaster Caz), but he's the dude whose legendary rhymes were stolen by Sugar Hill Records head Sylvia (PILLOW TALK) Robinson to create rap's first mega-smash, RAPPER'S DELIGHT. You know: "Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn" and such.
I hope the song catches on, not just because I'm in it, but because with it's slower house tempo and hypnotic piano-heavy groove, it could spawn a return to early '90's-inspired dance music. Maybe? Pretty please?
I hope the song catches on, not just because I'm in it, but because with it's slower house tempo and hypnotic piano-heavy groove, it could spawn a return to early '90's-inspired dance music. Maybe? Pretty please?
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