Some Madonna-worshipping fag has created some Madonna "art" for sale on ebay.
What is it?
This is a one-of-a-kind, hand-made, FAN-made homage to Madonna's legacy. Each of Madonna's studio albums have been carefully assembled in the form of a crucifix. This is undoubtedly the single most creative piece of blasphemy known to man.
What makes it special?
The cds are purposefully displayed in chronological order. You can follow Madonna's history as naturally as running your finger along the grain of a wood. Start at the head of the cross and down to the center...across the arms from left to right. Bounce back to the center and continue down the body of the cross to the bottom. As if by divine intervention, "The Immaculate Collection" is centered in the middle of the cross, and "Confessions on a Dance Floor" completes the set.

Of course, Madonna would never suffer a cruel execution without style. Knowing this, the artist has painstakingly added several hundred sequins, each individually glued to the cross, giving it that extra, je ne sei quai, sparkle and class.
What would you do with it?
Sure -- like any self-respecting fan - you've got your Madonna altar. Its probably down in your basement somewhere or buried under your winter coats in the hall closet. But now's your chance to show some pride in your devotion/obsession. Hang this proclamation on your front door or living room wall. Let people know who rules your world. Do I really have to say it???? ...... Express yourself!
Who should hang on it?
Funny that you should ask. Also included with the crucifix is a companion piece, officially entitled "Naked B1tch - A Personal Lord & Savior for the 21st Century". You may recognize it by its more common nicknames, adopted by some local art circles. It is often referred to as either "Mesus" or "Jadonna" by those who are more intimately familiar with the work. This is a 2-dimensional, photo-realistic representation of the Queen herself, circa 1992. Its made of a sturdy laminated posterboard and measures a little over 20 inches from head to toe. When attached to the cross, her right arm will be perfectly positioned for a proper hand-piercing nail, while the left hand hangs rebelliously at her side, refusing to let loose the Gucci bag.
A suction cup is attached to her back so that you can crucify and resurrect your Savior as the mood hits you. Just lick-it-and-stick-it, as they would often say on Calvary.
Why should you bid on this?
All money raised from this auction will go towards my volunteer work in Iceland. Right now, I am working to raise necessary funds for my time in Reykjavik. This auction is my last fundraising effort, so please support me if you can! So it isn't Malawi...but I know Madonna would be supportive!!
Did a true fan make this?
Yes, I am a true fan. Have been for many years. I can prove it! Click on one of the links below for my 1990 rendition of Vogue.
What is it?
This is a one-of-a-kind, hand-made, FAN-made homage to Madonna's legacy. Each of Madonna's studio albums have been carefully assembled in the form of a crucifix. This is undoubtedly the single most creative piece of blasphemy known to man.
What makes it special?
The cds are purposefully displayed in chronological order. You can follow Madonna's history as naturally as running your finger along the grain of a wood. Start at the head of the cross and down to the center...across the arms from left to right. Bounce back to the center and continue down the body of the cross to the bottom. As if by divine intervention, "The Immaculate Collection" is centered in the middle of the cross, and "Confessions on a Dance Floor" completes the set.
Of course, Madonna would never suffer a cruel execution without style. Knowing this, the artist has painstakingly added several hundred sequins, each individually glued to the cross, giving it that extra, je ne sei quai, sparkle and class.
What would you do with it?
Sure -- like any self-respecting fan - you've got your Madonna altar. Its probably down in your basement somewhere or buried under your winter coats in the hall closet. But now's your chance to show some pride in your devotion/obsession. Hang this proclamation on your front door or living room wall. Let people know who rules your world. Do I really have to say it???? ...... Express yourself!
Who should hang on it?
Funny that you should ask. Also included with the crucifix is a companion piece, officially entitled "Naked B1tch - A Personal Lord & Savior for the 21st Century". You may recognize it by its more common nicknames, adopted by some local art circles. It is often referred to as either "Mesus" or "Jadonna" by those who are more intimately familiar with the work. This is a 2-dimensional, photo-realistic representation of the Queen herself, circa 1992. Its made of a sturdy laminated posterboard and measures a little over 20 inches from head to toe. When attached to the cross, her right arm will be perfectly positioned for a proper hand-piercing nail, while the left hand hangs rebelliously at her side, refusing to let loose the Gucci bag.
A suction cup is attached to her back so that you can crucify and resurrect your Savior as the mood hits you. Just lick-it-and-stick-it, as they would often say on Calvary.
Why should you bid on this?
All money raised from this auction will go towards my volunteer work in Iceland. Right now, I am working to raise necessary funds for my time in Reykjavik. This auction is my last fundraising effort, so please support me if you can! So it isn't Malawi...but I know Madonna would be supportive!!
Did a true fan make this?
Yes, I am a true fan. Have been for many years. I can prove it! Click on one of the links below for my 1990 rendition of Vogue.
Volunteer work in Iceland? I wonder what that could be, and $41 for that bit of tat, isn't going to go very far in downtown Reykjavik, believe me, a cup of tea and a slice of cake, if he's lucky. Do-gooders, they get on my fucking tits!
Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. bjseek Bjxlzx
Hi Best wishes。bjseek by数据恢复loves xicao xicao lovesby bjseek数据恢复专业从事数据恢复领域的产品开发与技术服务自主研发RAID数据恢复服务器数据恢复分析程序来提供高、中、低压锅炉钢管、合金无缝管无缝钢管钢管化肥专用钢管,流体无缝管、结构无缝管、石油裂化无缝钢管、地质钢管、液压支柱钢管通常说的加密狗的破解大致可以分为三种方法,一种是通过硬件克隆或者复制一种是通过SoftICE等Debug工具调试跟踪解密一种是通过编写拦截程序修改软件和加密锁之间的通讯。娱乐幸福女人娱乐相册导航google排名google排名google排名台州网络公司台州网站建设 google左侧排名google左侧排名google排名论文发表资讯刊物信息,协助客户制定论文发表方案google排名google优化网站优化搜索引擎优化网站优化搜索引擎优化百度优化SEO同声传译同声翻译更衣柜文件柜流水线流水线
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