September 21, 2006



Just as interesting as Felicity Huffman's TRANSAMERICA, this video short explores trannies in the muslim country. Because the Qu'oran denounces homosexuality but doesn't specifically denounce transsexuality--probably because they didn't know what it was or how to perform that or any other operation when the book was written--transsexuals are legal. In other words, it's ok to be a fag if you chop your dick off. Or dykes can't eat pussy unless they transform themselves into men. What a choice! You must fit into society's two boxes of either straight man or straight woman or your homosexuality is punishable by death. I'd say get the fuck out of that hellhole. But the good news? It's really easy to pass when you are covered head to toe in flowing robes (no binding girdle or cumbersome hip pads!) and headwraps (no pesky, expensive, hot wigs!) And the one m-f trans in this piece works a trick which is favored by transsexuals worldwide: oversized glasses to mask the more pronounced male brow ridge!



Iran now the sex change capitol of the world? Caroline Mangex from The Independent thinks so:

An unlikely religious ruling has made Tehran the sex-change capital of the world. Caroline Mangez went to meet the brave souls who have swapped gender in this rigidly conservative city, where women wear the chador and homosexuality is punishable by death...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe if we hustle all the dykes, prisses, and people with off-key, off-color sexual prowess out of the country over night... when the government wakes up in the morning to find their country empty, they'll write some laws to PROTECT and SERVE the people (not just the 10% over-zealous dipshits of the population) they are SUPPOSED to govern. ... dumbasses....

5:07 PM  
Blogger Violatrix said...

Is that Julia Stiles...?

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can sympathise with these people, though they should try living where I do in a village in East Yorkshire. I live next door to a foul minded, moralising old hag ready to wag the finger and spread juicy gossip, she has a tongue like a viper's. She lurks behind her net curtains and as soon as she hears my heels clacking on the pavement usually at 3am when I return home, she appears on her doorstep to call me a "Whore of Babylon" which is grossly unfair, as I've never been to Babylon. She is called Irene Dingsdale and is evil personified 666 is burned into her forehead and I have regular run-ins with the old bitch.

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Paris, and I would like to make contact with a Trans from Iran. How can I do ? is there any web site with email or MSN adress, etc..
my email adress is :

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article! Thanks.

3:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Blog!

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for interesting article.

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank You! Very interesting article. Do you can write anything else about it?

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting site. Blog is very good. I am happy that I think the same!

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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The best of luck Best wishes Best regards .by bjseek

4:34 AM  

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