August 15, 2006


Interesting article from the UK Guardian about skepticism surrounding the recent "alleged" London terror attack.

"It was not in horror or panic that thousands of ordinary people contacted the BBC or posted points on the Guardian's Comment is Free website in the hours after last week's terror plot. The mood of many seemed to be one of profound caution, even scepticism, over the allegations of a murderous scheme in which 50 people would try to bring down up to 20 planes between Britain and America."...

..."In my opinion it is a cover-up because of what's going on in Lebanon," says Munir Khan. "When you turn on the TV you see innocent people getting killed. This [plot] distracts from that."

A moderate Muslim who has been a member of the Labour party for nearly 20 years, Khan quit about eight months ago to join the Lib Dems. He does not trust the evidence coming out of Pakistan in relation to this latest alleged terror plot. "The Pakistan government will say anything for money," he says. "If the UK government gives them money to say something, they will say it."



Blogger Aaron said...

Looks like Mr. Blair's taking a page out of the Bush Bible (no, not the fake one with the whiskey bottle hidden it it!) and started creating "terror plots" whenever he wants a much the same way that there's suddenly, magically a "new tape from Osama Bin Laden" every time Bush's poll numbers drop.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please please please see the Alex Jones documentary TerrorStorm. It's frightening - all about US sponsored "terrorism". You can watch it free online. and TELL A FRIEND.

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wether it's a plot or not, whatever. We better think of solutions instead of trying to find where the government / whatever screws us up.

Believe it or not, there is terror. A lot of it. Wether Bush / Blair do the right thing or not, there should be a solution to this thing. US / UK prolly does'nt feel it but the anti democratic powers and religious extremites are growing amazingly in Iran, Iraq and other countries and we're not very far from the collective war.

Just think about it...

7:21 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

And on that cryptic, mysterious note...

Look, we have to see things like this so we CAN hold our leaders accountable, let them know that they're not fooling us, so that we can demand the truth. It's the only way we CAN find a solution.

And you think the US "doesn't feel the power of anti-democratic religious extremism" itself? Hello! Who the hell do you think runs this country? They've been stripping us of our rights and dignities for the last five years!

And the "collective war" has already started.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.
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The best of luck Best wishes Best regards .by bjseek

5:50 AM  

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