March 14, 2006


According to Pullitzer Prize-winning author Annie Proulx, who wrote the short story upon whuch BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN was based. It's a fun, dishy read:



Blogger fastlad said...

Awarding the Best Picture Oscar to Crash was an insupportable travesty, plain and simple, and I support her decision to say so.

Brokeback Mountain won countless awards in the run up to the Oscars (whilst Crash only won four) which strongly suggests that something other than artistic merit was behind the Academy pick.

I invite anyone to compare any two frames of Brokeback Mountain with any two in Crash; the first film displays a level of artistry and directorial skill that is rarely seen anywhere in film these days; the second looks like any HBO hit me over the head docu-drama currently playing.

Academy voter Tony Curtis told Fox News, without censure, that neither he nor his Academy voting friends would deign to watch Brokeback Mountain, because, among other reasons, "Howard Hughes and John Wayne wouldn't like it."

If "Brokeback Mountain" had been about an interracial affair instead of a homosexual one Curtis would have had his ass handed to him for expressing such views, and rightly so. But no one said a word about his take on Brokeback Mountain. In fact homophobic rhetoric and locker room swipes were the rule throughout the media, not the exception, since the film’s release.

Proulx was robbed. And the reason why is right in front of your face, even if you don't want to see it.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love a good dishy read (esp. the Bunny Blog) but Proulx wasn't robbed. She wasn't even nominated. She was basically a hanger-on when it comes to the Academy Awards -- precisely why she can write a delicious piece like this without worrying about any repercussions to her career. She doesn't have to worry about eating lunch in Hollywood ever again.

While an Oscar for BM would have been nice, it doesn't make the movie more or less valid or our relationships any better or worse. It certainly doesn't change the political climate that made it so hard for the characters to be together. As much as I would have liked BM to win an Oscar, a lot of the whiny reaction reminds me of Spike Lee, who still fumes because he thought he deserved an Oscar and there was a conspiracy against him. Nobody "deserves" an Oscar, darlings.

Don't get me wrong. I love watching the Oscars but I never lose sight of the fact that it's little more than "show business" on parade -- equal parts "show" and "business"

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, hello, CRASH was a better movie
period dot.

2:50 PM  
Blogger fastlad said...

Well if you only speak in periods and dots, then yes, I suppose it was.

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mumble mumble
mumble mumble

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering why people think Brokeback Mountain is a breakthrough movie to begin with. It was about as illuminating and daring as The Children's Hour. Straight relationships ruined. Depression. Guilt. Oppression. Death. What's changed? Shirley MacLaine pounds her chest and says "I feel so damned dirty and ashamed." That's still the message almost half a century later. Someone said that all great love stories are tragic. The difference is, tragic homosexual love stories are ALWAYS tragic because they are, by definition, homosexual. Blah blah fucking blah.

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing useless can be beautiful

12:25 PM  
Blogger JSN KWD said...

you've obviously never met kate moss.

7:51 PM  
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