Turns out that George W. Bush was the largest recipient of contributions from the mining industry in the last election. Why? Well, maybe it has something to do that he payed them back by easing restrictions on the industry which made it easier to operate unsafe mines like the one which collapsed in Sago, killing 12. As a result of this "easing", which compromises the safety of miners in exchange for making it more profitable for their bosses, there hasn't been a congressional hearing on mine safety in 4 years, according to CNN. And, Bush passed measures which made it more difficult to access the safety inspection records of the mines. Now why would anyone possibly want to do that unless they were hiding something?
Look, I know that George W. Bush isn't personally responsible for summoning the hurricane and he wasn't stamping on top of the mine to collapse it. But the basic message is, the saftey of the little people isn't important. And warnings like the many ignored reports about the levees of New Orleans or the hundreds of safety citations given to this particular mine--273 in the last 2 years--clearly indicate that this administration puts $ above people's lives. Kanye, Bush doesn't care about white people either if they're poor. If you think of the unheeded warnings and botched intelligence which led to 9/11, he doesn't care too much about ANYONE.
So what the fuck is he doing in the White House?
West Virginians who voted for him please discuss.
Look, I know that George W. Bush isn't personally responsible for summoning the hurricane and he wasn't stamping on top of the mine to collapse it. But the basic message is, the saftey of the little people isn't important. And warnings like the many ignored reports about the levees of New Orleans or the hundreds of safety citations given to this particular mine--273 in the last 2 years--clearly indicate that this administration puts $ above people's lives. Kanye, Bush doesn't care about white people either if they're poor. If you think of the unheeded warnings and botched intelligence which led to 9/11, he doesn't care too much about ANYONE.
So what the fuck is he doing in the White House?
West Virginians who voted for him please discuss.
Wow....That's a really biggoted blot title.
What's a blot? Or a biggot (sic) for that matter? --B
Bun, cum on, what do you care about mines ?? or miners, unless you're gonna GO DOWN there and service every single one of them that are still alive and maybe those that are not. The Mine Shaft is closed.
Amen Sister! Georgie Porgie only cares about the obscenely wealthy. The destruction of the middle class is the main goal of the Repugnacan party. Ignorant, poor people struggeling to obtain the neccessities of life are easier to control.
It's [sic] not (sic)
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