Even Fifty Cent admired Dave Chapelle's creativity for inventing the skit, which aired last night on Comedy Central's Best of Chapelle Show, in which Dave played a blind, black Ku Klux Klan leader who had never been told he was black. Hilarity ensued after Chapelle's hood was removed at a Klan meeting and the confused white trash present heard their leader railing against niggers. After realizing his true race, Chapelle's character divorced his white wife for being "a nigger-lover". Pretty genius!
Now this:
By Deborah Bulkeley
Deseret Morning News
About 25 years ago, Ron Stallworth was asked to lead the Ku Klux Klan chapter in Colorado Springs.
Problem was, the outgoing Klan leader didn't know that Stallworth is black.
"He asked me to take over the lead because I was a good, loyal Klansman," said Stallworth, who had been in constant phone contact with the Klan leader while leading a yearlong Colorado Springs police investigation into the Klan.
Stallworth later moved to Utah, where he recently retired after nearly 20 years as an investigator for the Utah Department of Public Safety. He says he's amazed that no one ever caught on to the investigation he led starting in 1979. After he was offered Klan leadership, he quietly disappeared
As a memento Stallworth still carries his Klan membership card — signed by David Duke. "It was one of the most fun" investigations, he said. "Everybody said it couldn't be done." Stallworth communicated with Klan leaders using the telephone. A white officer posing as Stallworth went to the meetings.
Now this:
By Deborah Bulkeley
Deseret Morning News
About 25 years ago, Ron Stallworth was asked to lead the Ku Klux Klan chapter in Colorado Springs.
Problem was, the outgoing Klan leader didn't know that Stallworth is black.
"He asked me to take over the lead because I was a good, loyal Klansman," said Stallworth, who had been in constant phone contact with the Klan leader while leading a yearlong Colorado Springs police investigation into the Klan.
Stallworth later moved to Utah, where he recently retired after nearly 20 years as an investigator for the Utah Department of Public Safety. He says he's amazed that no one ever caught on to the investigation he led starting in 1979. After he was offered Klan leadership, he quietly disappeared
As a memento Stallworth still carries his Klan membership card — signed by David Duke. "It was one of the most fun" investigations, he said. "Everybody said it couldn't be done." Stallworth communicated with Klan leaders using the telephone. A white officer posing as Stallworth went to the meetings.
Thanks for article!
Thanks for interesting article.
Glad to read articles like this. Thanks to author!
Great Article! Thank You!
Thanks to author! I like articles like this, very interesting.
nice blog!Nice information
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