January 30, 2006



Republican lawmakers urged President George W. Bush on Sunday to release records of White House contacts with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, the center of a mushrooming probe into influence peddling.

But the White House stood firm that the records, including photographs of Bush with Abramoff, are irrelevant, and that federal prosecutors have not even asked for them.

In making the case for disclosure, Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican, said, "Get it out."

"Why give -- if you want to talk about it in strict political terms -- why give the Democrats an opportunity, or the press to keep this story going?" Hagel told ABC's television show "This Week."


"In strict political terms--why give the Democrats an opportunity, or the press to keep the story going?"

The press should keep the story going because it's important. Whether I agree with them or not, a lot of people trusted Bush and felt safe because of him. They're developing a sneaky feeling now that they were wrong. And it's not "strict political terms" or any other kind of sanity-based terms which cause you to respond to "Release the photos to clear your name" from your own party with gibberish like "the photos aren't "relevant"? They are THE MOST RELAVENT evidence in the case! The clearest proof of whether you do or do not know Abramoff. Why not clear your name by producing the photos! Unless those pix would have the opposite effect......I guess we'll see if and when the federal prosecutors get around to asking for them.


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