Tom Delay is not hot. He does not spin the latest circuit beats. He does not do drag. He does not appear to work out in a gym. Is he top or bottom? Definitely bottom--of the barrel. Is he well hung? Not sure, but he has a huge asshole and it's in the White House. So why would a fag possibly care about Tom?
Last night I asked my hairdresser if he's heard the scandalous news about Mr. Delay. He hadn't, and asked me if Delay was Madonna's manager. Well, if my hairdresser has to focus on one thing, I'd prefer it to be up-to-the-minute high fashion coiffures. ( I know, I know. I'll pause for a sec while you all scream in unison "I've seen your mangy wigs and you're dreaming, beeyotch!") If Delay is off of my hairdresser's gay party boy radar, so be it. Politics were completely off my radar until 9/11 so I pass no judgement and I'm not talking down to anyone. (Going down on ANYONE is more my style.) Many of you are as involved and informed as I am, if not much more so. But for those of you who don't know who Tom is, here's what's going on and why a wacky drag queen thinks you should put down the gerbil and acquaint yourself with his situation.
WHO IS HE? This from his own website: "Tom DeLay serves as majority leader, the second ranking leader in the United States House of Representatives. He is responsible for developing the issues and policies that form the Republican agenda, in conjunction with committee chairmen and the rest of the leadership."
WHAT HAPPENED? Oddly, there's no mention on his site that he's been indicted, along with two associates, on criminal charges of conspiring to violate Texas election laws. Tom's being forced to step down from his position and if convicted, he faces up to years in jail. Of course, he responds that the accusations are politically motivated and that his accuser is a partisan fanatic.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It exposes the republican party as the crooks that they are. Hopefully, it will knock down their house of cards and usher in an era of republican-bashing which may, if we are lucky, help elect a democrat to the White House in 2008. Tom can call it "partisan" all he wants, but there's nothing partisan about the law and he broke it! BUSTED! Or at least there's enough evidence that he broke it to force him out of his post as the country's #2 republican--please insert "#2" shit joke here. Bill Frist, another "rank" republican, is also under investigation for a Martha Stewart-style insider stock trading job. Even Delay's replacement in the House, Roy Blunt, is linked to unethical fund-raising--so they can't even find an honest, scandal-free republican as a replacement for one who is forced out by improprieties! But then again, what honest person could press the republicans' rotten agenda with a clear conscience?
But the republicans attached that rotten agenda to good old-fasioned family values and down-home religion. During the last election, right-wing preachers were urging their congregations to vote against Kerry and thereby nix "radical" policies like gay marriage and abortion from reaching fruition. (If anything, a skunk like Tom is a terrific argument FOR abortion!) If you don't know too much about politics, then you are very likely to believe someone like your preacher or your president. You want to trust someone and leave it in their hands so you don't have to figure the situation out for yourself, armed only with the lies which FOX news spouts. But if top members of your party are being forced to leave their posts and possibly going to jail, it's going to begin to register with even these conservative church ladies that "Hey, my party's leader is a crook and maybe the president is too!" Well, there's hope anyway.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR GAYS? Tom's indictment is a rare cause for rejoicing. Our enemy has been pummeled by this scandal and we haven't had many victories of late. ANY weakening of republicans is an advancement of gay rights. We've just inched a little closer to the existence of gay marriage. Anti-discrimation laws are in less danger of being overturned. The ridiculous, unsafe notion of teaching abstinence to kids may fall from favor. Simply put, Democrats traditionally care about people, republicans care about people's money. The corporate interests whose ass republicans are constantly kissing may weaken a little, which could eventually translate to AIDS medications getting a little cheaper, more affordable insurance, less outsourcing of jobs to feed corporate greed, less cutting of funding to organizations like GMHC and NYC's gay community center which all but did away with their vd screening in recent years--don't ask me how I know this one!--honey, you name it! It's a VERY good thing.
Darlin', even if you are a depraved slut who isn't concerned with what stuffy, unattractive old men are doing in Congress because you seldom rise before noon and nurse your daily hangover along with your aching behind, tonight you have something to celebrate--as if YOU need an excuse! After Katrina and Iraq have depleted government funds, these prudes still found the wherewithal to announce the renewal of the republican war against porn! You let these republicans gain an inch and they'll be shutting down the gay bars your gay ass is drinking cosmopolitans in. Or that adult bookstore where you have sex or get your dildoes and poppers. And girl, if you quit worrying about the high gas prices these repubs have ushered in then just maybe you can afford that new Prada blouse or that top-shelf cosmo you've been nervously eyeing!
Take heart Tom! Now that you've been canned and may be headed for the can, there's still time to cash in like Anna Nichole and Kirstie Alley did with their weight loss. You could become a spokesmodel for a cosmetic surgeon and have those grim, razor-thin snapping turtle lips injected with collagen before you head off to jail, where those alluring, plumper lips will definitely help get you laid! We'll see if you feel any differently about gay rights after "The Hammer" does a couple years in the slammer!
I love you, Lady Bunny. You rock and your "new found" (since 9/11) interest in politics and the shit-for-brains that run this country are what make you rock the most.
We've got to get the "children" to open their eyes and help to take back the country. Thanks for putting yourself out there via this blog.
mmm hmm girl dont let it go to your head
tom delay is gonna rot
I wish that people would come forward and expose Tom deLay's sexual proclivities and indiscretions. While many know about deLay's visits to various Houston area's strip clubs, he was also known to visit at least two Houston area adult bookstores, one of which is still located on Telephone Road on Houston's seedy South side. The other bookstore was located on I-45 South near Pasadena. He was known to sneak in and out of these places on a casual basis where he would go to the video acrade to find a man to service him by performing fellatio in the seedy arcades both of these places were famous for, mostly by sticking his privates through holes drilled between the viewing booths, often referred to as glory holes. It is widely believed that this practice stopped somewhere in the mid-late 80's (at least in the Houston area) when he started his high profile prominence in Houston. Although there is no proof that he reciprocated, there is strong evidence that he enjoyed letting men perform oral sex on him in the back rooms of at least two Houston bookstores. As astonishing and as outrageous as it sounds, it is nevertheless true.
His happier days...
*** Breaking News *** Get this out ASAP, spread the word! For UNELECTION DAY is coming soon!
"Abramoff planned to purchase term life insurance on Tigua elders and collect the death benefits as they died. It was an imaginative idea by which the deaths of tribal elders would pay lobby services for those left behind. It was also more than the Tigua tribal council could stomach!"
"Abramoff found another niche market to which the evangelical Reed could connect him: dying African American Christians. If Reed could, as he promised Abramoff in an e-mail, deliver 85,000 Christian voters, Abramoff must have ass umed he could deliver enugh dying black Christians to create a new revenue stream. In July 2003, Abramoff e-mailed Reed regarding Black Churches Insurance program. Per our discussion. Let me know how we can move forward to chat with folks who can set this up with African American elders. IT CAN BE HUGE!" Texas Observer August 26, 2005, page 19
Abramoff did NOT come up with the idea he ain't that smart he is like 15 watt light bulb. Republicans thought it up ...check it out!
Look! New Life Insurance Legislation on Foster care children, they put it toward end of this under Option C!
Then they upped limits on New legislation, that makes what was illegal LEGAL! They upped the limits up to 500% higher limits on children!
The Republican Sponsored it and Repbulicans backed it! PL 105-311.
Vote on UNELECTION DAY! Tell the people in District 22! They been duped!
For tape of speech of Tom DeLay with Republican Judges in Family Law call Bill Stephens Productions, Inc. 1-800-322-4422, 320 Stewart Street, Reno, NV 89502. I guess they sell em!
*NOTE- You have to mannually type this in to get it to come up this phenomenon occurred sometime after it was turned in to Congressional Record here! click on hotspots and go to botttom!
Now Read this!
How come it say "22 or 23 for New York NOT "2" like the DHS report says?
How come Texas Says "1", and the Texas State Comptroller Report. To to website and go to search put in "Forgotten Children" go to page 220, CHILD FATALITY REPORTS, it say "21" NOT "1"!
Now look at 2002, how come NY and TX says "0", and NY Daily News says "32" and Comptroller Report says "44"!
Lucy someone has some Splainin' to do!
Then 2001, DHS Report says "1" for New York, and NY Daily News says "52", and Texas Comptroller Report says "38". There is no link for 2001 Reports, I have on hard copy!
Someone has some Splainin to do !
Look at Cronies on Board!
* Do you see anyone from Stafford or Sugarland here, also the Judge who sits on the NONPROFIT, read this and then read this
* OH and who translated on the Russian Trips? We know Lutheran Social Services went to Russia too, and the Lutheran Social Services Head/lawyer Senske went to DC with Tom DeLay to thwarth a Congressional Investigation on June 6, 2004.
Someone has some Splainin' to do Lucy!
Oh, and the Independent Insurance PAC money in 1997, nice contribution, Someone has some Splainin' to do!
Look at CASA Cronies , CASA Testifies against parents, the Judge who sits on NonProfit which is against the Judicial Cannon, signs orders in cases! The Judge is a paid CPS Consultant! The Judges wife goes to court and testifies against parents! The judges wife has Post adoptive Therapy contracts once the children are grabbed for the foster care funding!
And why did the DHS coverup the millions in Fraud exposed! And the Republican Governor showed up in San Antonio, TX to say in Judge John Specia's court room on TV "Don't point fingers" on WOAI TV!
Since the family law lawyers in San Antonio, TX say it is all legal and good might as well let public know about the good deeds instead of hiding it all! Right!
Question: Where are the dead children buried?
Question: Why is Lutheran Social Services the biggest Foster Care provider in the State?
Question: Why are group foster homes with political connections taking life insurance out on foster care State Ward/Children when the state is the fiduciary?
Question: Where is the insurable interest for group foster homes when state pays all bills?
Question: Who is collecting on the life insurance money, cuz it ain't allow going on them sorry funerals they provided!
How come State Audits say
1.) Misappropriation.
2.) Know way of knowing services billed ever provided.
3.) Backdating
Oh, and who has the illegal Therapy contracts, amended 12 times with NO DATES, NO SIGNATURES from an initial contract of $10,000 for Therapy, to over $500,000 for therapy, THEY NEED TO COME CLEAN and pay money back, and how come NO ONE BUSTED YET, it has been two years, Doesn't TDRS approve contracts? I noticed former Judges, current Judges, and former CPS social workers, and former TDPRS and lawyers sit on the crony board of fake independent advocates!
Last Question!
Here is more proof don't take my word for!
Take their WORDS. CAUGHT RED HANDED. Head of TDPRS giving CASA And Judges directive to testify against parents! See I told you they have a whole dirty ole network!
* When you get done shaking head in disbelief, TDPRS approved Judges wife contract for therapy on the children, and Judges wife goes to court and tesifies against the parents, and CASA the one the Judge sits on goes to court and testifies against the parents too!
Isn't Delay's wife on CASA ?
Who translated on the Russian trip?
Here comes the CAUGHT RED HANDED PROOF! Oh, by the way insider says public will never believe it cuz of the propaganda. .....oh, we will see what they believe, follow the TRMPAC money to family courts too. YEP!
Look at this!
Copy all these links they may disappear soon! They don't want public finding out too much.
Oh, by the way that email is TDPRS givng Judges directive.
Your rights been outsourced to Republicans!
Here is Abramoff DeLay connection!
Maybe he will pass prison reform bill to release convicted money launders early before going to pen!
DeLay (Defense Funds), Abramoff (Corruption), Those who backed must get PACKED!
"I don't think we need to line the pockets of our cronies, said Gammage, who's been accusing Perry of bieng part of a corrupt political machine stretching from Texas to Washington". - Associated Press.
"The state also has a standing $15,000 a month lobbying contact with the Federalist Group, wich employed U.S. Rep. Tom DeLays' former chief of staff, Drew Maloney" -Associated Press
DeLay Defense Fund, Abramoff, Corruption - THOSE WHO BACKED MUST GET PACKED!!!
Look more on TOM DELAY !
Thank you!
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Well done!
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Holy Smokes! New Information !
"How on the orders of SOSCF personnel and other public officials. Over the past three years the Gastons have proven in court: How Melissa was sexually molested in more than three of the eighteen foster homes she was in, burnt as punishment in one of the foster homes; How on the orders of SOSCF employee Larry Lawson a movie wass made of Melissa dancing nude, sexually manipulating herself"
"DHS ran a prostitution ring at work" * The so called worker was a manager, and used foster kid too!
Identities kept hidden of child pedophiles involving the child out of Texas who came forward and it hit the major media!
* The kids out of houston foster care adopted and found in Nigeria from Fosster care home. GET THE NAME OF THE ADOPTION AGENCY! They are running these kids to pedophile drop points overseas! WHO HANDLE THIS why was noone charged with child trafficking? Who passed the legislation to move children in foster care acrosss state lines with proof turned in at Congresional Inquirty of thouaands of kids missing in foster care! Who sponsored that legislation ! Probably GOP Grand Ole Pedophiles! Why was a know pervert in charged of Grand Ole Pedophile Missing and Expoited Children. They are putting Pedophiles in charge of children WHY???
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
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